Example 4.1,Page number 217

In [3]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Vs=1.               #source voltage(V)
C=100*10**-6        #value of capacitance(uF)  
r1=1                #resistance 1(k ohms)
r2=4                #resistance 2(k ohms)
R=5                 #total resistance,R=r1+r2

Imax=Vs/(r1+r2)*10**3        #maximum current(uA)
fc=1/(2*(math.pi)*C*R)        #critical frequency(Hz) 
                             #As w*C*R=1 and w=2*pi*f
f=10*fc                      #lowest frequency(Hz)

print"maximum current",Imax,"uA"
print"critical frequency",round((fc/1E+3),3),"Hz"
print"lowest frequency",round((f/1E+3),2),"Hz"
maximum current 200.0 uA
critical frequency 0.318 Hz
lowest frequency 3.18 Hz

Example 4.2,Page number 218

In [1]:
import math

#Variable declaration
C=100*10**-6     #capacitance(uF)
Rg=1.            #galvanometer resistance(k oms)
Rl=4.            #load resistance(k ohms)

Rth=(Rg*Rl)/(Rg+Rl)      #thevinine's equivalent resistance
fc=1/(2*(math.pi)*C*Rth)  #critical frequency(Hz)
f=fc*C                    #lowest frequency(Hz)

print"lowest frequency at which the point A gets grounded is",round((f/1E-2),1),"Hz"
lowest frequency at which the point A gets grounded is 19.9 Hz

Example 4.3,Page number 220

In [12]:
import math

#Variable declaration
rpi=600               #dynamic junction resistance(ohms)
beta=100              #common emitter current gain
Vs=5.                 #source voltage(V)
Rs=400                #source resistance(ohms)
R=10                  #resistance(k ohms)

Ib=Vs/(Rs+rpi)       #base current(uA)  
Vo=R*beeta*Ib        #output voltage(V)
Rin=rpi              #input resistance(ohms)
Rout=R               #output ewsistance(k ohms)

print"output voltage is",Vo,"V"
print"input resistance",Rin,"ohms"
print"output resistance",Rout,"k ohms"
output voltage is 5.0 V
input resistance 600 ohms
output resistance 10 k ohms

Example 4.4,Page number 220

In [19]:
#Variable declaration
gm=1.                    #transconductance(mS)
rd=40                    #dynamic drain resistance(k ohms)  
Rd1=40                   #JFET 1 drain resistance(k ohms) 
Rd2=10                   #JFET 2 drain resistance(k ohms) 

Avo=(-gm*((rd*Rd1)/(rd+Rd1)))*(-gm*((rd*Rd2)/(rd+Rd2)))             #voltage gain

print"Avo is",Avo
Avo is 160.0

Example 4.5,Page number 222

In [24]:
#Variable declaration
beta=125           #common emitter current gain
rpi=2.5            #dynamic junction resistance(k ohms)
rd=40              #dynamic drain resistance(k ohms)   
gm=2               #transconductance(mS) 
Vs=1               #assume,source voltage(V)
Rs=10              #source resistance(k ohms)
Rc=1               #collector resistance(k ohms)
rb=2               #resistance(k ohms)
Vgs=1              #gate to source voltage(V)

#Part a
R=(rd*Rs)/(rd+Rs)      #equivalent resistance(k ohms)
Ib=gm*Vgs*(R/(rpi+R))  #base current(mA)
Vo=beeta*Ib*Rc         #output voltage(V)   
Avo=Vo                 #voltage gain

#Part b
Ib1=Vs/(rb+rpi)        #base current(mA) after interchanging stages of JFET and BJT  
Vgs1=beeta*Ib1*Rc      #gate to source voltage(V) after interchanging stages of JFET and BJT
Vo1=gm*Vgs1*R          #output voltage(V) after interchanging stages of JFET and BJT
Avo1=Vo1               #voltage gain after interchanging stages of JFET and BJT

print"Avo is",round(Avo,1)
print"Avo1 when BJT and FET stages are reversed is",round(Avo1)
Avo is 190.5
Avo1 when BJT and FET stages are reversed is 444.0

Example 4.6,Page number 226

In [37]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Cc1=1*10**-6                 #coupling capacitor 1(uF)
Cc2=1*10**-6                 #coupling capacitor 2 (uF)  
Rs=10**3                     #source resistance(k ohms)
rpi=2*10**3                  #dynamic junction resistance(k ohms)
Rc=4500                      #collector resistance(ohms)
Rl=9*10**3                   #load resistance(k ohms)
w=100                        #corner frequency(rad/s)

w11=1/(Cc1*(Rs+rpi))                    #corner frequency input circuit (rad/s)
w12=1/(Cc2*(Rc+Rl))                     #corner frequency output circuit(rad/s)
f=w11/(2*(math.pi))                     #lower cutoff frequency(Hz)
Zin=complex((Rs+rpi),-(1/(w*Cc1)))      #input impedance(k ohms)   
Zout=complex(Rc,-(1/(w*Cc2)))           #output impedance(k ohms)   

print"lower cut-off freq is",round(f),"Hz"
lower cut-off freq is 53.0 Hz
Zin (3000-10000j) ohms
Zout (4500-10000j) ohms

Example 4.7,Page number 229

In [3]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Re=Rc=1.5*10**3              #collector resistance(ohms)
Rs=600                       #source resistance(ohms)
Rl=2*10**3                   #load resistance(ohms)  
beeta=100                     #common emitter current gain 
rpi=1*10**3                  #dynamic junction resistance(ohms)
f=50                         #frequency(Hz)

w=2*f*(math.pi)              #corner frequency(rad/s)
CE=1/(w*(Rs+rpi))            #capacitance(uF)
Ce=CE*(beeta+1)              #capacitance(uF)
w11=w/10                     #corner frequency input circuit (rad/s)
w12=w11/20                   #corner frequency output circuit(rad/s)
Cc1=1/(w11*(Rs+rpi))         #coupling capacitor 1(uF)  
Cc2=1/(w12*(Rc+Rl))          #coupling capacitor 2 (uF)  

print"Ce is",round(Ce/1E-6),"uF"
print"Cc1 is",round(Cc1/1e-6,1),"uF"
print"Cc2 is",round((Cc2/1E-5),2),"uF"
Ce is 201.0 uF
Cc1 is 19.9 uF
Cc2 is 18.19 uF

Example 4.8,Page number 235

In [1]:
import math

#Variable declaration
gm=2.5*10**-3            #transconductance(mS) 
Rd=6*10**3               #drain resistance(ohms)
rd=200*10**3             #dynamic drain resistance(ohms)   
Cc1=Cc2=0.12*10**-6      #coupling capacitors(uF)
Rs=1*10**3               #source resistance(ohms)
Rg=0.1*10**6             #R1||R2  
Cgs=12*10**-9            #gate to source capacitor(pF) 
Cgd=2*10**-9             #gate to drain capacitor(pF)    
Co1=10                   # as Co1=Cl+Cw=10

#Part a
Ro=(rd*Rd)/(rd+Rd)                  #equivalent resistance of rd and Rd(ohms)
Vo=-gm*((rd*Rd)/(rd+Rd))            #as Vgs=Vs
Avo=Vo                              #Avo=Vo/Vs=(-gm*Vs*((rd*Rd)/(rd+Rd)))/Vs=Vo  
#Part b

#Part c
Ceq=Cgs+(Cgd*(1+gm*Ro))                    #on application of miller theorem
Co=Co1+Cgd*(1+(1/(gm*Ro)))                 #output capacitance(pF)
f21=1/(2*(math.pi)*Ceq*((Rs*Rg)/(Rs+Rg)))  #input circuit cutoff frequency(MHz)
f22=1/(2*(math.pi)*Co*Ro)*10**3            #output circuit cutoff frequency(MHz)
fH=f22                                     #cutoff frequency of high frequency band(MHz)

print"a)mid freq gain is",round(Avo,1)
print"b)input circuit cut-off is",round(f11,1),"Hz"
print"c)high freq input cutoff is",round((f21/1E+3),2),"and output cutoff is",round((f22/1E-3),2),"MHz"
print"high freq cut-off is",round((fH/1E-3),2),"MHz"
a)mid freq gain is -14.6
b)input circuit cut-off is 13.1 Hz
c)high freq input cutoff is 3.73 and output cutoff is 2.73 MHz
high freq cut-off is 2.73 MHz

Example 4.9,Page number 238

In [4]:
import math

#Variable declaration
beta=50.              #common emitter current gain 
R1=11.5              #resistance(k ohms)
R2=41.4              #resistance(k ohms)  
Vcc=10.               #supply voltage to collector(V)
Rc=5.                 #collector resistance(k ohms)
Re=1.                 #emitter resistance(k ohms)
Rs=1.                 #source resistance(k ohms)
Vbe=0.7              #base emitter voltage(V)
Rl=10.                #load resistance(k ohms)
Cc1=Cc2=20*10**-6.    #coupling capacitors(uF)
Ce=150*10**-6.        #emitter capacitor(uF)  

#Part a
Rb=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2)                 #R1||R2(k ohms)
Vbb=Vcc*(R1/(R1+R2))               #suply voltage to base(V)
Ib=(Vbb-Vbe)/(Rb+(Rs*(1+beta)))   #base current(mA)
Ic=beta*Ib                        #collector current(mA)  
Vce=Vcc-(Ic*Rc)-(Ic+Ib)*Re         #collector to emitter voltage(V) 
rpi=(25*beta)*10**-3/Ic                  #dynamic junction resistance(K ohms) 
#Part b
rpi=1                              #dynamic junction resistance(K ohms)  
R=(rpi*Rb)/(rpi+Rb)                #equivalent resistance(rpi||Rb) 
Vbe=(R*Rs)/(R+Rs)                  #base to emitter voltage(V)
Ib1=Vbe/rpi                        #base current(mA)
Ro=(Rc*Rl)/(Rc+Rl)                 #Rc||Rl(k ohms)   
Vo=-(beta*Ib1*Ro)                 #output voltage(V)
Avo=Vo                             #voltage gain

#Part c
r1=(Rs*Rb)/(Rs+Rb)                #Rs||Rb(k ohms) 
w11=1/(Cc1*(Rs+R))                #low freq cutoff(rad/s)
w12=1/(Cc2*(Rc+Rl))               #high freq cutoff(rad/s) 
w1p=1/((Ce/(beta+1))*(r1+rpi))   #low cutoff freq(rad/s)

#Part d
Co1=5                          #as Co1=Cw+Cl
gm=beta/rpi                    #transconductance(mS)    
Ceq=Cpi+(Cu*(1+(gm*Ro)))   #equivalent capacitance(pF)
Rs1=(Rb*Rs)/(Rb+Rs)            #Rb||Rs(k ohms)
r2=(Rs1*rpi)/(Rs1+rpi)         #Rs1||rpi(k ohms)
w21=10**12/(Ceq*r2*10**3)                 #low freq cutoff(MHz) 

print"a)dc bias values are Vbb:",round(Vbb,2),"V, Ib:",round(Ib,4),"mA, Ic:",round(Ic,2),"mA, Vce:",round(Vce,3),"V, rpi:",rpi,"k ohms"
print"mid freq gain is",round(Avo,2)
print"low freq cut-off is",round(w1p/1E+3),"rad/s"
print"high cut-off freq is",round((w21/1E+6),2),"*10**6 rad/s"
a)dc bias values are Vbb: 2.17 V, Ib: 0.0246 mA, Ic: 1.23 mA, Vce: 2.606 V, rpi: 1 k ohms
mid freq gain is -78.95
low freq cut-off is 179.0 rad/s
high cut-off freq is 2.25 *10**6 rad/s

Example 4.10,Page number 243

In [9]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Qcoil=75.               #coil inductance
f=200.                  #frequency(Hz) 
BW=4.                   #bandwidth(kHz)
C=470*10**-9.           #capacitance(pF) 

#Part a
Qcircuit=f/BW                     #circuit inductance
L=1/(((2*(math.pi)*f)**2)*C)      #inductance(mH)  

#Part b
R=Qcircuit*2*(math.pi)*f*L        #resistance(k ohms)

#Part c
r=(2*(math.pi)*f*L)/Qcoil         #internal resistance(ohms)
req=(Qcoil**2)*r                  #equivalent resistance(k ohms)
ro=(R*req)/(req-R)                #output resistance(k ohms)

#Part d
BW=5                               #bandwidth(kHz)
Qcircuit=f/BW                      #circuit inductance 
Req=Qcircuit*2*(math.pi)*f*L       #equivalent resistance(k ohms) 
Rl=(Req*R)/(R-Req)                 #load resistance(k ohms)

print"a)coil inductance is",round(L,2),"mH"
print"b)circuit output impedance atresonant freq is",round((R/1E+3),2),"K ohms"
print"c)internal resistance ro is",round((ro/1E+3),2),"k ohms"
print"d)value of load resistance is",round((Rl/1E+3),2),"k ohms"
a)coil inductance is 1.35 mH
b)circuit output impedance atresonant freq is 84.66 K ohms
c)internal resistance ro is 253.97 k ohms
d)value of load resistance is 338.63 k ohms

Example 4.11,Page number 246

In [1]:
import math

#Variable declaration
fo=50                           #output frequency(KHz)
L=10**-3                        #inductance(H)  
ro=100                          #output resistance(k ohms)
Q=80                            #coil inductance
Ri=10                           #input resistance(k ohms)
beta=125                        #common emitter current gain 

#Part a
C =1/(((2*(math.pi)*fo)**2)*L)   #tunning capacitance(nF)
r=(2*(math.pi)*fo*L)/Q           #internal resistance(k ohms)
req=(Q**2)*r                     #equivalent resistance(k ohms) 
R=(ro*req)/(ro+req)              #ro||req(k ohms)
Avo=-(beta*R)/Ri                 #voltage gain

#Part b
Qcircuit=R/(2*(math.pi)*fo*L)    #circuit inductance
BW=fo/Qcircuit                   #bandwidth

print"a)value of capacitance is",round(C/1E-3),"nF"
print"  gain is",round(Avo,1)
print"b)bandwidth is",round(BW/1E-3),"Hz","(value used for beta in texbook is wrong in the solution)"
a)value of capacitance is 10.0 nF
  gain is -251.1
b)bandwidth is 782.0 Hz (value used for beta in texbook is wrong in the solution)

Example 4.12,Page number 248

In [15]:
#Variable declaration

f=1*10**6                  #radio frequency(Hz)
beta=50                    #common emitter current gain 
fT=5*10**6                 #short circuit current gain bandwidth product(Hz)

betaf=fT/f                 #measurement of short circuit current gain
fbeta=fT/beta              #frequency at beta(Hz)

print"frequency is",fbeta,"Hz"
if fbeta<1*10**6:
    print"transistor is not suitable for 1Mhz amplifier as fbeta is less than 1Mhz"
    print"transistor is suitable for 1Mhz amplifier"
frequency is 100000 Hz
transistor is not suitable for 1Mhz amplifier as fbeta is less than 1Mhz

Example 4.13,Page number 249

In [2]:
import math

#Variable declaration
rpi=2                     #dynamic junction resistance(K ohms)  
beta=50.                   #common emitter current gain 
f=1                        #frequency(MHz)
beta1=2.5                  #common emitter current gain 
f1=20*10**6                #frequency(Hz)

fT=beta1*f1                  #short circuit current gain bandwidth product(Hz)
fbeta=fT/beta                #frequency at beta(Hz)
Cpi=1/(2*(math.pi)*fbeta*rpi)   #dynamic capacitance(pF)

print"fT is",round(fT/1e+6),"MHz"
print"fB is",round(fbeta/1e+6),"MHz"
print"Cpi is",round(Cpi/1e-9),"pF"   
fT is 50.0 MHz
fB is 1.0 MHz
Cpi is 80.0 pF

Example 4.14,Page number 256

In [11]:
import math

#Variable declaration
R1=60                 #resistance(k ohms)
R2=140                #resistance(k ohms)
Rs=4                  #source resistance(k ohms)
Re=3                  #emitter resistance(k ohms)
Rc=4                  #collector resistance(k ohms)
Vcc=10                #supply voltage to collector(V)
Vbe=0.7               #base to emitter voltage(V)
beta=100              #common emitter current gain 
Avo=-30               #voltage gain 

#Part a
Rb=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2)                  #R1||R2(k ohms)
Vth=(Vcc*R1)/(R1+R2)                #thevinine's voltage(V)
Ib=(Vth-Vbe)/(Rb+(beta+1)*Re)       #base current(uA)
Ic=Ib*beta                          #collector current(mA) 
Vce=Vcc-(Rc*Ic)-((beta+1)*Ib*Re)    #collector to emitter voltage(V)

#Part b
rpi=((25*beta)/Ic)*10**-3         #dynamic junction resistance(k ohms)
r=(Rb*rpi)/(Rb+rpi)               #resistance across Vs
Ib1=r/((Rs+r)*rpi)                #base current(mA)
Rl=(-Rc*Avo)/(Avo+(beta*Ib1*Rc))  #load resistance(k ohms)

print"value of Ic and Vce are",round(Ic,3),"mA and",round(Vce,2),"V"
print"Rl is",round(Rl,2),"k ohms"    
value of Ic and Vce are 0.667 mA and 5.31 V
Rl is 6.21 k ohms

Example 4.15,Page number 257

In [3]:
import math

#Variable declaration
R1=25.                      #resistances(k ohms)
R2=100.                     #resistances(k ohms)
Re=2.                       #emitter resistance(k ohms) 
Vcc=10.                     #supply voltage to collector
Vbe=0.7                    #base to emitter voltage(V)
beta=100.                   #common emitter current gain
Avo=160                    #voltage gain
Rs=1                       #source resistance(k ohms)
Vs=1                       #source voltage(V) 
Rl=12.5                    #load resistance(k ohms)
Rc1=20.                     #collector resistance(k ohms)

#Part a
Rb=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2)              #R1||R2
Vth=(Vcc*R1)/(R1+R2)            #thevinines voltage(V)
Ib=(Vth-Vbe)/(Rb+(beta+1)*Re)   #base current(uA)
Ic=Ib*beta                      #collector current(mA)
rpi=(25*beta)*10**-3/Ic                #dynamic junction resistance(k ohms)

#Part b
Ib1=1/rpi                       #small signal analysis 
Rc=-Avo/(-beta*Ib1)             #collector resistance() 

#Part c
r=(Rc1*rpi)/(Rc1+rpi)              #Rc1||rpi1(k ohms) 
Ib2=(Vs*r)/((1+r)*rpi)               #base curret(mA)
Rc2=6.84                             #collector resistance(k ohms)                                      
Avo=-(beta*Ib2)*((Rl*Rc2)/(Rl+Rc2))  #voltage gain

print"value of Ic",round(Ic,3),"mA and rpi is",round(rpi,2),"k ohms"  
print"Rc is",round(Rc,2),"k ohms"
print"Avo is",round(Avo,1)
value of Ic 0.586 mA and rpi is 4.27 k ohms
Rc is 6.83 k ohms
Avo is -80.6

Example 4.16,Page number 258

In [5]:
#Variable declaration
R1=12.                 #resistance(k ohms)
R2=100.                #resistance(k ohms)
Rc=2                   #collector resistance(k ohms)
Ic=1.2                 #collector current(mA)
beta=60                #common emitter current gain
Ib1=1                  #(say)
Rs=1                   #source resistance(k ohms)
Vs=1                   #source vcoltage(say)

#Part a
rpi=((25*beta)/Ic)*10**-3     #dynamic junction resistance(k ohms)
Rb=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2)            #R1||R2(k ohms)
r=(Rb*rpi)/(Rb+rpi)           #Rb||rpi(k ohms)
Ro1=(Rc*rpi)/(Rc+rpi)         #Rc||rpi(k ohms)
Vo1=Vbe2=-(beta*Ib1*Ro1)      #base to emitter voltage(V)
Ib2=Vo1/rpi                   #base current(mA)
Ai=Ib2/Ib1                    #current gain 

#Part b
Ib11=(Rs*r)/((Rs+r)*rpi)          #base currents(mA)
Ib21=Ib11*Ai                #base current(mA)
Avo1=Vo1=Ib21*rpi           #voltage gain

print"current gain is",round(Ai,2)
print"overall voltage gain is",round(Avo1,2),"(solution in the textbook is incorrect)"
current gain is -36.92
overall voltage gain is -19.5 (solution in the textbook is incorrect)

Example 4.17,Page number 259

In [2]:
#Variable declaration
beeta=50.                 #common emitter current gain
R1=25.                   #resistance(k ohms)
R2=75.                   #resistance(k ohms)
Ic=1.25                  #collector current(mA)
Vcc=10                   #supply voltage to collector(V)
s=10*10**-3              #signal strength(V)
Rs=0.5                  #output impedance(k ohms)
Vo=1                    #output voltage(V)
Vs=1.                    #source voltage(V) 
Vl=12                   #load at output terminal(Vl)
Vbe=0.7                 #base to emitter voltage(V)

rpi=((25*beeta)/Ic)              #dynamic junction resistance(k ohms)
Rb=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2)               #R1||R2(k ohms)
r=(Rb*rpi*10**-3)/(Rb+rpi*10**-3)              #Rb||rpi(k ohms)
Avo=((Vo*rpi)/Vcc)                     #voltage gain
Ib=(r*Vs)/(Rs+r)*Vs                    #base current(mA)
Rc=(Rl*Avo)/(beeta*Ib*Rl-Avo)          #collector resistance(k ohms)
Vth=(Vcc*R1)/(R1+R2)                   #thevinine's voltage(V)
Ib1=Ic/beeta                           #base current(mA)
Re=(Vth-Vbe-(Rb*Ib1))/((beeta+1)*Ib1)    #emitter resistance(k ohms) 

print"value of Rc is",round(Rc,2),"and Re is",round(Re,2),"k ohms (Vth value is wrong substituted in the book)"
value of Rc is 4.1 and Re is 1.04 k ohms (Vth value is wrong substituted in the book)

Example 4.18,Page number 260

In [36]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Cpi=20*10**-9           #opening capacitor(F)
C=50*10**-9             #here C=Cl+Cw
rpi=3.75*10**3          #dynamic drain resistance(ohms)
r1=4*10**3              #resistance(ohms)
r2=42*10**3             #resistance(ohms)
r3=303*10**3            #resistance(ohms)
f=20                    #frequency(Hz)
beeta=100               #common emitter current gain
Rl=10*10**3             #load resistance(ohms)

#Part a
Req=(((r1*r2)/(r1+r2)+rpi)*r3)/(((r1*r2)/(r1+r2)+rpi)+r3)    #equivalent resistance(ohms)
Ce=(beeta+1)/(2*(math.pi)*f*Req)                             #emitter capacitance(uF)

#Part b
gm=beeta/rpi                   #transconductance
Ro=(Rl*r1)/(r1+Rl)             #output resistance(k ohms)
Ceq=Cpi+(Cu*(1+gm*Ro))         #equivalent capacitance(pF)
Co=C+(Cu*(1+(1/(gm*Ro))))      #output capacitance(pF)
r=(rpi*r1)/(rpi+r1)            #rpi||r1
w21=1/(Ceq*r)                  #lower cutoff frequency(MHz)
w22=1/(Co*Ro)                  #higher cutoff frequenct(MHz)

#Part c
Ceqnew=Cpi+(Cu*(1+(0.75*(gm*Ro))))           #as gain is reduced to 75% of original value
wHnew=(10**12)/(Ceqnew*r)                    #corner value of high frequency(Mrad/s)  
fHnew=wHnew/(2*(math.pi))                    #new value of higher frequency cutoff(KHz)

print"a)value of bypass capacitor Ce is",round(Ce/1E-6),"uF"
if w21>w22:
       print"higher frequency is w21"
    print"higher frequency is w22"

print"b)high frequency cut-off is",round((w22/1E+3),2),"Mrad/s"
print"c)high frequency cut-off is",fHnew,"Hz"
a)value of bypass capacitor Ce is 111.0 uF
higher frequency is w22
b)high frequency cut-off is 6.36 Mrad/s
c)high frequency cut-off is 2.64660617737e+14 Hz

Example 4.19,Page number 262

In [33]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Vcc=3.                     #supply voltage to collector(V)
Vee=-3.                    #supply voltage to emitter(V)
r1=40.                     #resistance(ohms) 
r2=25.                     #resistance(ohms)
r3=1.56                    #resistance(ohms)
Vs=3.                      #source voltage(V)
beeta=200                  #common emitter current gain
r4=0.6                     #resistance(ohms)
r5=0.15                    #resistance(ohms)
Vbe=0.7                    #base to emitter voltage
r=0.5                      #resistance(k ohms)
fL=20                      #frequency(Hz)
Req1=24.24                 #solving r||(Rth+rpi+R)||Re
f=2                        #non dominant cutoff freq is fL/10 i.e 20/10

#Part a
Vth=Vs-(((Vcc-Vee)/(r1+r2))*r1)             #thevinine's voltage(V)
Rth=(r1*r2)/(r1+r2)                         #thevinine's voltage(V)
Ib=(Vth-Vbe+Vcc)/(Rth+((r4+r5)*(beeta+1)))  #base current(mA)
Ic=Ib*beeta                                 #Collector current(mA)  
Vo=Vcc-(r3*Ic)                              #output voltage(V)

#Part b
rpi=(25*beeta)/Ic                          #dynamic drain resistance(ohms)
R=r4*(beeta+1)                             #resistance(k ohms)
ro=(rpi*R)/(rpi+R)                         #rpi||R(k ohms)
Req=r+((Rth*ro)/(Rth+ro))                  #equivalent resistance(k ohms) 
Cc1=1/(Req*2*(math.pi)*fL)                 #coupling capacitor(uF)

#Part c
Ce=1/(2*(math.pi)*fL*Req1)                #emitter capacitance(uF)
CE=beeta*Ce                               #emitter capacitance(uF) after current gain

#Part d
Ce1=1/(2*(math.pi)*f*Req1)              #emitter capacitance(uF)
CE1=beeta*Ce1                           #emitter capacitance(uF) after current gain
Csum=Cc1+CE1                            #total capacitance(uF)

print"a)Ic and Vo are",round(Ic,2),"mA and",round(Vo),"V"
print"b)Cc1 is",round((Cc1/1E-3),3),"uF"
print"c)Ce is",round((CE/1E-3),1),"uF"
print"d)Csum is",round((Csum/1E-2),3),"uF"
a)Ic and Vo are 1.94 mA and -0.0 V
b)Cc1 is 0.565 uF
c)Ce is 65.7 uF
d)Csum is 65.715 uF

Example 4.21,Page number 265

In [9]:
import math

#Variable declaration
gm=2                   #transconductance
rd=200*10**3           #dynamic drain resistance(ohms)
Cgs=10                 #gate to source capacitance(pF)
Cgd=0                  #gate to drain capacitance(pF)
Rs=1*10**3             #source resistance(ohms)
Rg=1*10**6             #Rg=R1||R2
Rd=5*10**3             #drain resistance(ohms) 
Rs1=2                  #resistance(k ohms) 
Cc1=Cc2=0.1*10**-6     #coupling capacitors(F)
Co=10*10**-12          #output capacitance(F)
Vgs=1                  #gate to source voltage(V)

#Part a
R=(Rd*rd)/(Rd+rd)     #Rd||rd(k ohms)
Avo=Vo=-Vgs*gm*R      #voltage gain

#Part b
w11=1/(Cc1*(Rs*Rg))           #corner freq(rad/s)
wL=w11                        #input circuit corner freq(rad/s)

#Part c
w22=10**12/((Cgs*R)*10**3)     #output circuit corner frequency(rad/s)

#Part d
G=-Avo*wH                         #gain bandwidth product

#Part e
Rd=4*10**3                      #drain resistance reduced(ohms) 
Rnew=(Rd*rd)/(Rd+rd)            #new resistance(ohms)
Avo1=-Vgs*gm*Rnew               #new voltage gain
BWnew=(10**8/Rnew)/(2*math.pi)                #new bandwidth(Mrad/s)
Gnew=-Avo1*BWnew                 #gain bandwidth product new

print"a)Avo is",round((Avo/1E+3),2)
print"b)wL is",round((wL/1E-3),2),"rad/s"
print"c)wH is",round((wH/1E+3),1),"MHz"
print"d)G is",round((G/1E+6),2),"MHz"
print"e)Gnew is",round((Gnew/1E+6),1),"MHz"
a)Avo is -9.76
b)wL is 10.0 rad/s
c)wH is 3.3 MHz
d)G is 31.83 MHz
e)Gnew is 31.8 MHz

Example 4.23,Page number 268

In [21]:
import math

#Variable declaration
gm=1                    #transconductance
rd=40                   #dynamic drain resistance(k ohms) 
Cgs=5                   #gate to source capacitance(pF)
Cgd=1                   #gate to drain capacitance(pF)
Cds=1                   #drain to source capacitance(pF)
Avo1=20.                #voltage gain of JFET 1
Avo2=8.                 #voltage gain of JFET 2 
R1=5                    #resistance(k ohms)
R2=20                   #resistance(k ohms)
R3=8                    #resistance(k ohms)

#Part a
Avo=Avo1*Avo2               #voltage gain
Ceq1=Cgs+Cgd*(1+Avo1)       #input crcuit for first JFET
Co1=Cds+(Cgd*(1+(1/Avo1)))  #output crcuit for first JFET
Ceq2=Cgs+Cgd*(1+Avo2)       #input crcuit for second JFET
Co2=Cds+(Cgd*(1+(1/Avo2)))  #output crcuit for second JFET

#Part b
w21=1/(R1*Ceq1)             #input circuit frequency
w2=10**12/(R2*10**3*(Co1+Ceq2))        #common circuit frequency
w22=1/(R3*Co2)              #output circuit frequency

print"a)Avo is",Avo
print"b)w21,w2,w22 are",round((w21/1E-3),2),"Mrad/sec,",round((w2/1E+6),2),"Mrad/sec and",round((w22/1E-3),2),"Mrad/sec"
print"nondominant corner freq is",round((w2/1E+6),2),"Mrad/sec"
a)Avo is 160.0
b)w21,w2,w22 are 7.69 Mrad/sec, 3.12 Mrad/sec and 58.82 Mrad/sec
nondominant corner freq is 3.12 Mrad/sec
In [ ]: