Chapter 6: Feedback Amplifiers And Oscillators

Example 6.1,Page number 331

In [2]:
#Variable declaration
Vo=12.            #output voltage(V)
f=1.5*10**3       #frequency(Hz)
h=0.25            #second harmonic content(%) 
ho=2.5            #reduced harmonic content of output(%)
A=100             #power amplifier gain

Vd=Vo*h              #second harmonic content in output(V)
Vd1=Vo*ho            #reduced value of second harmonic content(V)
beta=((Vd1/Vd)-1)/A  #feedback gain from formula Vd1=Vd/(1+beta*A) 
Vs=Vo*(1+beta*A)/A   #signal voltage(V) from formula (A/(1+Beta*A))*Vs 
V=Vo/A               #signal input needed without feedback        
s=Vs/V               #additional signal amplification needed before feedback amplifier

print"feedback gain is",beta
print"signal input to the overall system is",s
feedback gain is 0.09
signal input to the overall system is 10.0

Example 6.2,Page number 332

In [4]:
#Variable declaration
w2=10**4.             #corner frequency(rad/s)  
w2new=10**5.          #new corner frequency(rad/s)  
Ao=1000.              #high frquency response        

beta=((w2new/w2)-1)/Ao #feedback factor
Anew=Ao/(1+beta*Ao)   #overall gain of amplifier from formula w2new=w2(1+beta*Ao)
p=w2*Ao               #gain bandwidth product without feedback from formula Anew=Ao/1+beta*Ao
pnew=Anew*w2new       #gain bandwidth product with feedback

print"beta is",beta
print"overall gain is",Anew
print"gain-bandwidth products with and without feedback are",p,"and",pnew,"resp."
beta is 0.009
overall gain is 100.0
gain-bandwidth products with and without feedback are 10000000.0 and 10000000.0 resp.

Example 6.3,Page number 333

In [4]:
#Variable declaration
A=100.                               #high frquency response        
Af=100                               #gain     
A1=A**2                              #forward gain
A1new=50                             #gain reduces to 50%  

beta=((A1/Af)-1)/A1                  #feedback factor
Afnew=A1new**2/(1+beta*A1new**2)     #new value of A
g=Af-Afnew                           #reduction in overall gain

print"% change in gain of feedback unit is",round(g,2)
% change in gain of feedback unit is 2.91

Example 6.4,Page number 337

In [14]:
#Variable declaration
beta=0.008                   #positive gain 

Ao=-(8/beta)**(1/3)          #A=Ao/2,so beta(A^3)=-1

print"% change in gain of feedback unit is",round(Ao/1E-1)
% change in gain of feedback unit is -10.0

Example 6.5Page number 337

In [1]:
import cmath
from math import pi,degrees

#Variable declarations
A = complex(0,60)                  #amplifier
B = complex(0,30)                  #amplifier
AB = A*B
C = (1+A)/AB                       #condition for oscillation
phi = cmath.phase(C)               #phase

print "C =",round(abs(C),4),"with phase =",round(degrees(phi),2)
C = 0.0333 with phase = -90.95

Example 6.7,Page number 347

In [3]:
#Variable declaration
Rbb=8*10**3                  #base resistance(k ohms)
eta=0.7                     #efficiency
R1=0.2                      #R1(k ohms)
Rt=40*10**3                 #Rt(ohms)
Ct=0.12*10**-6              #capacitance(F)
Vv=2                        #capacitor is charged to voltage(V)
Iv=10*10**-3                #current to capacitor(A)
Ip=10*10**-3                 #peak current(A)
Vd=0.7                      #diode voltage(V)
V=12.                        #voltage(V)

#Part a
Rb1=eta*Rbb    #base resistance(ohms) 
Rb2=Rbb-Rb1             #base resistance(ohms)

#Part b
Vp=Vd+((Rb1+R1)*V/(Rbb+R1))    #peak voltage(V)

#Part c
Rtmin=(V-Vv)/Iv          #Rt minimum(k ohms)        
Rtmax=(V-Vp)/Ip          #Rt minimum(k ohms)  

#Part d
Rb11=.12                #resistance during discharge(ohms)
t1=Rt*Ct*1.27           #charging time(mS)
t2=(Rb11+R1)*Ct*1.52    #discharging time(uS)
T=t1+t2                 #cycle time
foscE=1/T               #oscillations frequency(Hz)
foscA=1/(Rt*Ct*1.2)     #oscillations frequency(Hz)

#Part e
vR1=(R1*V)/(R1+Rbb)             #vR1 at discharging period
vR1d=(R1*(Vp-Vd))/(R1+Rb11)      #vR1 at discharging period

print"Rb1 and Rb2 are",round((Rb1/1E+3),1),"k ohms and",round((Rb2/1E+3),1),"k ohms resp."
print"Vp is",round(Vp,1),"V"
print"Rtmin is",round(Rtmin/1E+3),",k ohms and Rtmax is",round(Rtmax/1E+1),"k ohms,hence Rt is in the range"
print"foscE is",round(foscE),"Hz and foscA is",round(foscA),"Hz"
print"vR1 is",round((vR1/1E-3),3),"and vRd1 is",round(vR1d,2),"V (range of Rt is wrong in the book)"
Rb1 and Rb2 are 5.6 k ohms and 2.4 k ohms resp.
Vp is 9.1 V
Rtmin is 1.0 ,k ohms and Rtmax is 29.0 k ohms,hence Rt is in the range
foscE is 164.0 Hz and foscA is 174.0 Hz
vR1 is 0.3 and vRd1 is 5.25 V (range of Rt is wrong in the book)

Example 6.8,Page number 350

In [24]:
#Variable declaration
A=1500                         #voltage gain
beta=1/25.                     #current gain 

#Part a
Af=A/(1+A*beta)                 #voltage gain with feedback

#Part b
g=0.1                        #amplifier gain changes by 10%=0.1
gf=g/(1+A*beta)              #% by which its gain in feedback mode changes dAf/Af

print"Amplifier gain with feedback is",round(Af,1)
print"% by which gain in feedback changes is",round((gf/1E-2),3),"%"
Amplifier gain with feedback is 24.6
% by which gain in feedback changes is 0.164 %

Example 6.9,Page number 351

In [2]:
#Variable declaration
A=500                      #voltage gain
beta=1/20.                 #current gain
Ro=50*10**3                #output resistance(ohms) 
Ri=1.5*10**3               #input resistance(ohms)

#Part a
Af=A/(1+A*beta)            #voltage gain with feedback   

#Part b
Rif=Ri*(1+(A*beta))         #input resistance(k ohms)
Rof=Ro/(1+A*beta)           #output resistance(k ohms)

print"Amplifier gain is",round(Af,2)
print"input resistance is",round(Rif/1E+3),"K ohms and output resistance is",round((Rof/1E+2),2),"Kohms"
Amplifier gain is 19.23
input resistance is 39.0 K ohms and output resistance is 19.23 Kohms

Example 6.10,Page number 351

In [3]:
#Variable declaration
Ro=50*10**3                 #output resistance(ohms)
Rd=10*10**3                 #drain resistance(ohms)
R1=800*10**3                #resistance(ohms)
R2=200*10**3                #resistance(ohms)
gm=5500*10**-6              #transconduuctance(us)

r=(Rd*Ro)/(Rd+Ro)            #Rd||Ro
R=R1+R2                      #combined resistance of R1 and R2
Rl=(R*r)/(R+r)               #load resistance(ohms)
A=-gm*Rl                     #voltage gain without feedback
beta=R2/(R1+R2)              #current gain 
Af=A/(1+A*beta)              #voltage gain with feedback

print"Amplifier gain with feedback is",round((Af/1E+1),1),"and without feedback is",A
Amplifier gain with feedback is -4.5 and without feedback is -45.452

Example 6.11,Page number 352

In [58]:
#Variable declaration
Re=1.25*10**3              #emitter resistance(ohms)
Rc=4.8*10**3                #collector resistance(ohms)
Rb=800*10**3               #base resistance(ohms)     
rpi=900                    #dynamic resistance(ohms)
Vcc=16                     #supply voltage(V)
beta=100.                  #current gain 

A=-(beta/rpi)             #amplifier voltage gain  
V=(A*Rc)/(1+B*A)          #V=Vo/Vs
print"Amplifier voltage gain is",round(V,1)
Amplifier voltage gain is -3.8

Example 6.12,Page number 352

In [8]:
 import math

#Variable declaration
C1=800*10**-9                   #capacitance(F)
C2=2400*10**-9                  #capacitance(F)
L=50*10**-6                     #inductance(H)

Ceq=(C1*C2)/(C1+C2)                #equivalent capacitance(F)
fo=1/(2*math.pi*math.sqrt(L*Ceq))  #output frequency(Hz)

print"the oscillation frequency is",round((fo/1E+3),2),"KHz"
the oscillation frequency is 29.06 KHz

Example 6.13,Page number 353

In [13]:
import math

#Variable declaration
C=200*10**-9               #capacitance(F)
Lrcf=0.5*10**-3            #shunt across L2
L1=800*10**-6              #inductance(H)
L2=800*10**-6              #inductance(H)

L21=(L2*Lrcf)/(L2+Lrcf)                  #effective value of L2(uH)
Leq=L1+L21+2*M                           #equivalent inductance(H)
fo=1/(2*math.pi*math.sqrt(Leq*C))        #output frequency(Hz)

print"the oscillation frequency is",round((fo/1E+3),2),"KHz"
the oscillation frequency is 9.17 KHz