Chapter - 10 : Instrument Calibration and Recorders

Example : 10.1 - Page No : 284

In [3]:
#Given data
FullScale= 25 # in volt

VR= 5 # voltmeter reading in volt
Error= -0.25 # in volt
Error_Reading= Error/VR*100 # % of reading
print "Error percentage of reading    = %0.f %% of reading" %Error_Reading 
Error_FullScale= Error/FullScale*100 # % of full scale
print "Error percentage of full scale = %0.f %% of full-scale" %Error_FullScale

VR= 10 # voltmeter reading in volt
Error= 0.25 # in volt
Error_Reading= Error/VR*100 # % of reading
print "Error percentage of reading    = %0.1f %% of reading" %Error_Reading 
Error_FullScale= Error/FullScale*100 # % of full scale
print "Error percentage of full scale = %0.f %% of full-scale" %Error_FullScale

VR= 20 # voltmeter reading in volt
Error= -0.4 # in volt
Error_Reading= Error/VR*100 # % of reading
print "Error percentage of reading    = %0.f %% of reading" %Error_Reading 
Error_FullScale= Error/FullScale*100 # % of full scale
print "Error percentage of full scale = %0.1f %% of full-scale" %Error_FullScale
Error percentage of reading    = -5 % of reading
Error percentage of full scale = -1 % of full-scale
Error percentage of reading    = 2.5 % of reading
Error percentage of full scale = 1 % of full-scale
Error percentage of reading    = -2 % of reading
Error percentage of full scale = -1.6 % of full-scale

Example : 10.2 - Page No : 286

In [4]:
 #Given data
Pm=1250 # in watt
V=255 # in volt
I=4.8 # in amp
P=V*I #/ in watt
AbsoluteError= Pm-P # in watt
print "Absolute Error = %0.f watt" %AbsoluteError 
PerError= AbsoluteError/Pm*100 # in %
print "Percentage Error = %0.2f %%" %PerError
Absolute Error = 26 watt
Percentage Error = 2.08 %