import math
#variable declaration
Vm = 112.68; #voltmeter reading in V
Vt = 112.6; #true value of voltage in V
Es = Vm-Vt; #static error in V
Cs = -Es; #static correction in V
print'static error = %3.2f'%Es,'V';
print'static correction = %3.2f'%Cs,'V';
import math
#variable declaration
V = 92.35; #thermometer reading in °C
Cs = -0.07; #static correction in °C
Vt = V+Cs; #true value in °C
print'true value = %3.2f'%Vt,'°C';
import math
#variable declaration
Vm = 2.65; #voltage reading in V
Vt = 2.70; #true voltage value in V
x = 5; #scale range
Es = Vm-Vt; #absolute error in V
Cs = -Es; #absolute correction in V
Er = (Es/float(Vt))*100; #relative error as a function of true value in %
Es1 = (Es/float(x))*100; #relative error as a function of full scale deflection in %
print'absolute error =%3.2f'%Es,'V';
print'relative error = %3.2f'%Cs,'V';
print'relative error = %3.2f'%(Er),'%';
print'relative error = %3.2f'%(Es1),'%';
import math
#variable declaration
Vm = 42; #pressure reading in bar
Vt = 41.4; #true value of pressure in bar
x = 5; #scale range
Es = Vm-Vt; #static error in bar
Vs = -Es; #static correction in bar
Er = (Es/float(Vt))*100; #relative error in %
print'static error = %3.1f'%Es,'bar';
print'static correction = %3.1f'%Vs,'bar';
print'relative error = %3.2f'%Er,'%';
import math
#variable declaration
p1 = 50; #pressure range in bar
e = 0.15; #error in bar(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
p2 = 10; #error in bar
pe1 = (e/float(p1))*100; #percentage error on basis of maximum scale value(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
pe2 = (e/float(p2))*100; #percentage error on basis of maximum scale value of 10 bar(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
print'percentage error = %3.1f'%pe1,'%';
print'percentage error = %3.1f'%pe2,'%';
import math
#variable declaration
e1 = 0.3; #accuracy limits for transmitter(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
e2 = 1.4; #accuracy limits for relay(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
e3 = 0.9; #accuracy limits for receiver(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
em = e1+e2+e3; #maximum possible error(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
x = math.sqrt((e1**2)+(e2**2)+(e3**2)); #least root square accuracy(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
print'error is possibly as large as %3.2f'%em,'%',' but probably not large than %3.2f'%x,'%';
import math
#variable declaration
r1 = 5; #pressure gauge minimum value in bar
r2 = 60; #pressure guage maximum value in bar
a = 0.2; #accuracy in percent(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
r = r2-r1; #span of pressure gauge in bar
es = (a*r)/float(100); #maximum static error in bar(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
print'maximum static error = %3.2f'%es,'bar';
import math
#variable declaration
d = 300; #full scale deflection in degrees
r = 90; #radius of scale in mm
p = 60; #calibration pressure in pascals
f = (d/float(180)); #full scale deflection(multiple of math.pi) in rad.
l = f*r; #length of scale(multiple of math.pi) in mm
s = l/float(p); #sensitivy in mm/pa
print'sensitivity = %3.1f'%s,'*(math.pi) mm/Pa';
import math
#variable declaration
d = 2.4; #change in deflection in mm
R = 6; #change in arm of wheatstone bridge in Ω
s = d/float(R); #sensitivity in mm/Ω
D = R/float(d); #deflection factor in Ω/mm
print'sensitivity = %3.1f'%s,'mm/Ω';
print'deflection factor = %3.1f'%D,'Ω/mm';
import math
#variable declaration
s1 = 6.8; #sensitivity of piezoelectric transducer in pC/bar
s2 = 0.0032; #sensitivity of charge amplifier in V/pC
s3 = 16; #sensitivity of ultraviolet charge recorder in mm/V
i = 20; #pressure change in bar
S = s1*s2*s3; #overall sensitivty of measuring system in mm/bar
O = S*i; #change of output signal in mm
print'deflection on the chart = %3.2f'%O,'mm';
import math
#variable declaration
Rn = 200; #range of force 0-200
r = 0.15; #resolution of full scale in %
s = (r*Rn)/float(100); #smallest change which can be measured in N
print'smallest change = %3.1f'%s,'N';
import math
#variable declaration
V = 50; #full scale reading in V
d = 50; #divisions
y = 10; #reciprocal of scale division
x = 1/float(y); #scale division
s1 = V/float(d); #one scale division
R = x*s1; #resolution in V
print'resolution = %3.1f'%R,'V';
import math
#variable declaration
f = 9.999; #full scale reading in V
R = 9999; #read out range in counts
r = f/float(R); #resolution of a digital voltmeter in V
print'resolution of digital voltmeter = %3.1d'%(r*10**3),'mV';
import math
#variable declaration
t1 = 300; #calibration minimum value in °C
t2 = 800; #calibration minimum value in °C
d = 0.11; #dead zone in percent of span
s = t2-t1; #span of the pyrometr in °C
D = (d*s)/float(100); #dead zone in °C
print'Hence a change of %3.2f°C must occur before it is detected'%D,;
import math
#variable declaration
Rv = 125; #internal resistance of the voltmeter in kΩ
Rappt = 30; #apparent resistance in kΩ
Rappt1 = 50; #apparent resistance in kΩ
v1 = 180; #voltage in V
i1 = 6*10**-3; #current in A
v2 = 60; #voltage in V
i2 = 1.2*10**-3; #current in A
Rt = (v1/float(i1))*10**-3; #total resistance of circuit in kΩ
Ract = (Rt*Rv)/float(Rv-Rt); #actual value of resistance in kΩ
pe = ((Ract-Rappt)/float(Ract))*100; #percentage loading error in %
Rt1 = (v2/float(i2))*10**-3; #total resistance of circuit in kΩ
Ract1 = ((Rt1*Rv)/float(Rv-(Rt1/float(1000)))); #actual value of resistance in kΩ
pe1 = ((Ract1-Rappt1)/float(Ract1))*100; #percentage loading error in %
print'loading error %3.0f'%pe,'%';
print'loading error %3.3f'%pe1,'%';
print'When voltmeter with high internal resistance is connectedd across two points in a high resistance circuit ,'
print'the loading effect is appreciable and, therefore, the voltmeter gives misleading voltage reading\n'
print'The saame voltmeter has a negligible loading error when connected across a low resistance circuit and'
print'it gives more reliable voltage reading'
import math
#variable declaration
Ii = 160; #input in °C
t1 = 1.2; #time constant in s
t2 = 2.2; #time constant in s
Iin = 20; #initial reading in °C
x = t1/float(t2); #ratio of time to time constant
I0 = Ii*(1-(math.exp(-x))); #thermometer's reading
e = math.exp(-x);
I1 = (Ii)+(((Iin)-(Ii))*e); #thermometer's reading if intial temperature was 20°C
print'thermometers reading %3.2f'%I0,'°C';
print'thermometers reading %3.2f'%I1,'°C';
import math
#variable declaration
t1 = 5; #time constant in s
t2 = 10; #time constant in s
Iin = 30; #initial temperature in °C
Ii = 160; #final temperature in °C
x = t2/float(t1); #ratio of time to time constant
I0 = (Ii)+(((Iin)-(Ii))*(math.exp(-x))); #temperature afte 10s in °C
print'temperature after 10s is %3.1f'%I0,'°C';
import math
#variable declaration
T = 9; #three time constant in s
X = 0.5; #temperature difference of I0/I1
T1 = T/float(3); #time constant in s
t = -3*math.log(1-X); #time taken by the transducer in s
print'time taken by the transducer = %3.2f'%t,'s';
import math
#variable declaration
sg = 0.296; #steady stage gain W/°C
dT = 80; #change in temperature in °C
t = 12; #time in s
T = 4.8; #time constant in s
R = 90; #stable resistance before step change in W
r = sg*dT; #step input in terms of resistance in Ω
Rt = r*(1-(math.exp(-t/T)))+(R); #resistance in Ω
print'resistance = %3.2f'%Rt,'Ω';
import math
#variable declaration
Iin = 15; #intial temperature in °C
Ii = 140; #temperature in °C
Io = 75; #temperature in °C
X = 5
x = (Io-Ii)/float(Iin-Ii); #change in output to input
t = -4/float(math.log(x)); #time constant for the thermometer in s
I0 = Ii+(Iin-Ii)*math.exp(-X); #indicated temperature after five minutes constant in °C
print'time constant for the thermometer = %3.2f'%t,'s';
print'indicated temperature after five minutes constant %3.2f'%I0,'°C';
print'After a time interval equivalent to five times constants, the thermometer reaches the equivaence condition'
import math
#variable declaration
Edy = 3.9; #dynamic error °C
phi = 0.2; #slope °C/s
T = Edy/float(phi); #time constant in s
print'time constant = %3.1f'%T,'s';
import math
#variable declaration
T = 8; #time constant in s
rt = 5; #rate of rise of the ballon in m/s
T1 = 30; #temperature indicated at ana altitude of 2500 min °C
Rt = 0.011; #rate of temperature variation with altitude in °C/m
h = 2500; #height in m
y = Rt*rt; #rate of change of temperature with time in °C/s
Edy = y*T; #error in °C
e = Edy/float(Rt); #error in amplitude in m
a = h-e; #actual altitude in m
print'actual altitude %d'%a,'m';
import math
#variable declaration
T = 50; #time constant of thermometer on s
t = 500; #time period in s
w = (2*math.pi)/float(t); #frequency of temperature variaton in rad/s
x = 1/float(math.sqrt(1+((w*T)**2))); #ratio of output to input
phi = math.atan(w*T); #phase shift in rad
tl = (1/float(w))*phi; #time lag in s
print'ratio of output to input %3.4f'%x;
print'Time lag %3.2f'%tl,'s';
import math
#variable declaration
T = 20; #time constant in s
Ii = 25; #sinusoidal variation of input in °C
t = 4; #time in minutes
f = 1/float(t*60); #frequency in Hz
w = 2*math.pi*f; #angular frequency in rad./s
x = 1/float(math.sqrt((1+(w*T)**2))); #temperature indicated to temperature of the medium
I0 = x*Ii; #variation in temperature indictaed in °C(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
phl = math.atan(w*T); #phase lag in rad
l = (1/w)*phl; #lag in seconds
print'variation in indicated temperature %3.2f'%I0,'°C';
print'lag = %3.2f'%l,'s';
import math
#variable declaration
f = 120; #input frequency in s
p = 4; #amplitude accuracy permissible in %
x = 0.96 #temperature indicated to temperature of the medium
w = 2*math.pi*f; #angular fruequency in rad/s
x1 = 1/float(x);
t1 = ((x1)-1);
T = t1/(float(w)); #maximum time constant in s
phi = math.atan(w*T); #for sinusoidal input phi
tl = (1/float(w))*phi; #time lag at 90 cycles per second
print'maximum time constant %3.3e'%T,'s';
print'time lag at 90 cycles per second is %3.3e'%tl,'s';
import math
#variable declaration
R1 = 520; #Range of temperature in °C
R2 = 580; #Range of temperature in °C
t = 50; #periodic time in s
T = 10; #time constant in s
Ii = 30; #initial amplitude in °C
R = (R1+R2)/float(2.0); #temperature oscillating mean value in °C
w = (2*math.pi)/float(t); #angular frequency in rad/s
X = 1/float(math.sqrt((1+(w*T)**2))); #amplitude ratio after transient effect dies away
I0 = X*Ii; #amplitude in °C
Tmax = R+I0; #maximum temperature in °C
Tmin = R-I0; #minimum temperature in °C
phi = math.atan(w*T); #phase shift in rad
Tl = (1/float(w))*phi; #time lag in s
print'maximum temperature = %3.2f'%Tmax,'°C';
print'minimum temperature = %3.2f'%Tmin,'°C';
print'phase shift = %3.3f'%phi,'°';
print'time lag = %3.2f'%Tl,'s';
import math
#variable declaration
Ii = 0.35; #sinusoidal input amplitude from given expression 0.35sin(25t)
T = 0.3; #time constant in s
w = 25; #angular frequency in °,from given expression 0.35sin(25t)
X = 1/float(math.sqrt((1+((w*T)**2)))); #amplitude ratio
I0 = X*Ii; #magnitude of output
phi = math.atan(w*T); #phase shift in radians
print'output expression %3.4f'%I0,'sin(25t-%3.1f'%((phi*180)/float(math.pi)),'°)';
import math
#variable declaration
T1 = 18; #time constant for the bulb in s
T2 = 36; #time constant for the well in s
t = 120; #time in s
Temp = 20; #rate of change in temperature in °C
w = (2*math.pi)/float(t);
X1 = 1/float(math.sqrt((1+(w*T1)**2))); #amplitude ratio of first system
X2 = 1/float(math.sqrt((1+(w*T2)**2))); #amplitude for second system
X = X1*X2; #amplitude for double capacity system
Tmax = Temp*X; #maximum temperature in °C(indicates both in -ve and +ve value)
Al = math.atan(w*T1)+math.atan(w*T2); #angle of lag in rad
Tl = (1/float(w))*Al; #time lag in s
print'maximum value of temperature indicated %3.2f'%Tmax,'°C';
print'Time lag = %3.2f'%Tl,'s';
import math
#variable declaration
T = 0.3; #time constant in s
I1 = 2; #sinusoidal input amplitude from given expression 2sin(2t)+0.5sin(10t)
w1 = 2; #angular frequency in °,from given expression 2sin(2t)+0.5sin(10t)
I2 = 0.5; #sinusoidal input amplitude from given expression 2sin(2t)+0.5sin(10t)
w2 = 10; #angular frequency in °,from given expression 2sin(2t)+0.5sin(10t)
X1 = 1/float(math.sqrt((1+((w1*T)**2)))); #magnitude of output
phi1 = math.atan(w1*T); #phase shift in radians
X2 = 1/float(math.sqrt((1+((w2*T)**2)))); #magnitude of output
phi2 = math.atan(w2*T); #phase shift in radians
print'output expression %3.3f'%X1,'sin(2t-%3.2f' %((phi1*180)/float(math.pi)),'°)','+ %3.3f'%X2,'sin(10t-%3.2f' %((phi2*180)/float(math.pi)),'°)';
import math
#variable declaration
T = 0.15; #time constant in s
I1 = 2; #sinusoidal input amplitude from given expression 2sin(2t)+0.5cos(8t) or 2sin(2t)-0.5sin(180-8t)
w1 = 2; #angular frequency in °,from given expression 2sin(2t)+0.5sin(8t) or 2sin(2t)-0.5sin(180-8t)
I2 = 0.2; #sinusoidal input amplitude from given expression 2sin(2t)+0.5sin(8t) or 2sin(2t)-0.5sin(180-8t)
w2 = 8; #angular frequency in °,from given expression 2sin(2t)+0.5sin(8t) or 2sin(2t)-0.5sin(180-8t)
X1 = 1/float(math.sqrt((1+((w1*T)**2)))); #amplitude ratio
I01 = X1*I1; #magnitude of output
phi1 = math.atan(w1*T); #phase shift in radians
X2 = 1/float(math.sqrt((1+((w2*T)**2)))); #amplitude ratio
I02 = X2*I2; #magnitude of output
phi2 = math.atan(w2*T); #phase shift in radians
print'output expression %3.3f'%I01,'sin(2t-%3.1f' %((phi1*180)/float(math.pi)),'°)','- %3.3f'%I02,'sin(8t+180-%3.2f' %((phi2*180)/float(math.pi)),'°)';
import math
#variable declaration
m1 = 4.5; # mass in g
p = 1.15; #percentage increase requiredd in %
#wn2 = p*wn1
#m2 = m1*(wn2/wn1)
x = (1/float(p))**2;
#m2 = m1*x
#percentage reduction = (m1-m2)/m1
# p = (m1-x*m1)/m1
m3 = ((1-x)/float(1))*100; #percentage reduction in mass(%)
print'percentage reduction in mass %3.1f'%m3,'%'
import math
wn = 5.477; #natural frequency
k1 = 0.1; #ratio of 2*gamma/wn
k = 1; #static sensitivity
gamma = (k1*wn)/float(2); #damping ratio
y = (1-(gamma**2)); #damped natural frequency in rad/s
wd = wn*math.sqrt(y); #static sensitivity
t = 1/float(wn); #time constant in s
print'damping ratio = %3.3f'%gamma;
print'damped natural frequency = %3.3f'%wd,'rad/s';
print'static sensitivity =%3.0f'%k;
print'time constant = %3.4f'%t,'s';
import math
#variable declaration
w = 1.95; #angular frequency in rad/s
em = 8; #maximum permissible error in %
J = 0.14; #moment of inertia of load in kg m**2
q = 1.22; #torsional constant of the shaft in Nm/rad
M = 1.08; #amplitude ratio
wn = math.sqrt(q/float(J)); #natural frequency in rad/s
r = w/float(wn); #normalised frequency ratio
x = 1/float(M**2);
gamma =math.sqrt((x-((1-r**2)**2))/float(2*r)**2); #damping ratio
wd = wn*(math.sqrt(1-(gamma**2))); #damped natural frequency in rad/s
T = 1/float(wn); #time constant in s
print'natural frequency = %3.2f'%wn,'rad/s';
print'damping ratio %3.3f'%gamma;
print'damped natural frequency %3.3f'%wd,'rad/s';
print'time constant %3.3f'%T,'s';
import math
#variable declaration
po =12; #percentage overshoot in %
Tr = 0.22; #rise time in s
x = -math.log(12/float(100));
gamma = x/float(math.sqrt((x**2)+(math.pi**2))); #effective damping ratio
wd = math.pi/float(Tr); #damped natural frequency in rad/s
wn = wd/float(math.sqrt(1-(gamma**2))); #undamped angular frequency in rad/s
fn = wn/float(2*math.pi); #undamped natural frequency in Hz
print'effective damping ratio = %3.2f'%gamma;
print'undamped natural frequency = %3.2f'%fn,'Hz';
import math
#variable declaration
gamma = 0.62; #damping ratio
fn = 5; #natural frequency in Hz
f = 7; #exicitation frequency in Hz
r = f/float(fn); #ratio of excitation frequency tonatural frequency
M = 1/float(math.sqrt(((1-(r**2))**2)+((2*gamma*r)**2))); #amplitude ratio
e = (1-M)*100; #error in %
print'natural frequency %3.1f'%r;
print'amplitude ratio %3.3f'%M;
print'error = %3.1f'%e,'%';
import math
#variable declaration
fn = 800; #natural frequency of the system in cps
gamma = 62; #damping ratio per cent
d = 12; #maximum amount of deviation of amplitude ratio in per cent
M = 1.12;
M1 =0.88;
#M = 1/math.sqrt(((1-r**2)**2)+((2*0.62*r)**2));
x = (1/float(M))**2;
#r**4-((0.462)*(r**2))+0.203 =0
y = (1/float(M1))**2
x = math.sqrt((0.462**2)+(4*0.29));
r1 = (0.462+x)/float(2);
r = math.sqrt(r1);
f = fn*r;
print'the deviation remains within 12 percent of output for the frequency range 0 - %3.2f'%f,'cps';
import math
#variable declaration
f = 0.6; #frequency in rad/s
m = 1; #magnitude of input
a = 3.77; #angle value from sin(3.77t)
w = 2*math.pi*f; #angular frequency
#x = complex(8/float(((j*w)**2)+(4*j*w)+20));
x1 =(-(w**2)+20)/float(8);
y1 = (4*w)/float(8);
x = (complex(x1,y1));
X = abs(x);
phi = ((math.atan(y1/float(x1)))*180)/(math.pi); #phase lag in rad
m = (1/float(2.02))*m;
print'required expresssion for the output is %3.3f'%m,'sin(3.77t-%3.2f°)'%phi;
print'output ampliude %3.3f'%m;
print'output frequency %3.2f'%a;
print'phase lag %3.2f'%phi,'°';
import math
#variable declaration
R = 500; #range of wattemeter in W
e = 1.5; #percentage of full scale deflection rantging -1.5 to +1.5
Qs = 50; #true or specified power in W
me1 = 7.5; #percentage of full scale deflection indicating -7.5 to +7.5
me = (e/float(100))*R; #magnitude of limiting error at full scale in W ranging -me to +me
Rmax = Qs+me; #maximum wattmeter reading may be Rmax in W
Rmin = Qs-me; #minimum wattmeter reading may be Rmin in W
Er = (me1/float(Qs))*100; #relative error in %
Em = ((e*Qs)/float(100));
Mmax = Qs+Em; #maximum wattmeter reading may be Mmax in W
Mmin = Qs-Em; #minimum wattmeter reading may be Mmin in W
print'when the error is specified as a percentage of full scale deflection,the wattmeter reading may be between %3.1f'%Rmin,'to %3.1f'%Rmax,'W';
print'when the error is specified as a percentage of true value,the wattmeter reading may be between %3.2f'%Mmin,'to %3.2f'%Mmax,'W';
import math
#variable declaration
Er = 3; #accuracy of flow meter of full scale reading in % ranging -Er to +Er
Qs = 2.5*10**-6; #full scale reading in m**3/s
Qs1 = 1.25*10**-6; #flow measured by the meter in m**3/s
dQ = (Er/float(100))*Qs; #magnitude of limiting error ranging -dQ to +dQ in m**3/s
Er1 = dQ/float(Qs1); #relative error
Q1 = Qs1*(1); #flow rate in m**3/s
Q2 = Qs1*Er1; #flow rate in m**3/s
Er2 = (Q2/float(Q1))*100; #percentage limiting error ranging -Er2 to +Er1 in %
print'percentage limiting error = %3.2f'%Er2,'%';
import math
#variable declaration
R1 = 25; #resitance in Ω
R2 = 65; #resitance in Ω
R3 = 45; #resitance in Ω
e1 = 4; #limiting error indicating both in -ve and +ve values in %
e2 = 4; #limiting error indicating both in -ve and +ve values in %
e3 = 4; #limiting error indicating both in -ve and +ve values in %
e11 = (e1*R1)/float(100); #error value indicating both in -ve and +ve values
e21 = (e2*R2)/float(100); #error value indicating both in -ve and +ve values
e31 = (e3*R3)/float(100); #error value indicating both in -ve and +ve values
R = R1+R2+R3; #magnitude of resitance in Ω
e = e11+e21+e31; #error indicating both in -ve and +ve values
Rmax = R+e;
Rmin = R-e;
p =((e)/float(R))*100; #percent limiting error of the series combination of resistance in %(indicating both in -ve and +ve values)
print'limting value of resultant reistance is %3.2f'%Rmax,' and %3.2f'%Rmin,' Ω';
print'percent limiting error of the series combination of resistance %3.2f'%p,'%';
import math
#variable declaration
x = 1.2; #limiting error in the measurement of power(dP/p) in %
y = 0.8; #limiting error in the measurement of current(dI/I) in %
z = (x+(2*y)); #limiting error in the measurement of resistance(dR/R) indicating -z to +z in %
print'limiting error in the measurement of resistance %3.2f'%z,'%';
import math
#variable declaration
R1 = 50; #resistance in Ω
R2 = 500; #resistance in Ω
R3 = 440; #resistance in Ω
dR1 = 0.5; #limiting error(dR1/R1) of R1 ranging -dR1 to +dR1 in %
dR2 = 0.5; #limiting error(dR2/R2) of R1 ranging -dR2 to +dR2 in %
dR3 = 0.5; #limiting error(dR3/R3) of R1 ranging -dR3 to +dR3 in %
R4 = (R2*R3)/float(R1); #unknoen resistance in Ω
x = (dR1+dR2+dR3); #relative limiting error of unknown resistance ranging -x to +x in %
e = (x*R4)/float(100); #limiting error(Ω) indcating -ve and +ve values
Rmax = R4+e; #maximum value of resitance in Ω
Rmin = R4-e; #minimum value of resistance in Ω
print'magnitude of unknown resitance= %3.2f'%R4,'Ω';
print'relative limiting error %3.2f'%x,'%;'
print'limiting error %3.2f'%e,'Ω';
print'the guaranteed values of resitance lie between %3.2f'%Rmin,'and %3.2f'%Rmax,'Ω';
import math
#variable declaration
db = 0.01; #accuracy of width ranging -db to +db
b = 4.5; #width in mm
dd = 0.01; #accuracy of depth ranging -dd to +dd
d = 0.9; #depth in mm
dl = 0.01; #accuracy of length ranging -dl to +dl
l = 45; #length in mm
x = 0.2; #modulus of rigidity(dE/E) in %
dy = 0.1; #accuracy of deflection ranging -dy to +dy
y = 1.8; #deflection in mm
f = (x+(db/float(b))+(3*(dd/float(d)))+(3*(dl/float(l)))+(dy/float(y))); #limiting error in force(dF/F) ranging -f to +f in %
print'limiting error in force %3.4f'%f,'%';
import math
#variable declaration
F = 4.26; #force at the end of torque arm in kg
dF = 0.02; #error in force ranging -dF to +dF in kg
L = 382; #length of torque arm in mm
dL = 1.2; #error in length ranging -dL to +dL in mm
R = 1192; #number of revolutions during time t
dR = 1.0; #error in number of revolutions
t = 60; #time for test run in s
dt = 0.5; #error in time in s
P = (2*math.pi*9.81*F*L*R)/float(t*10**6); #magnitude of power in kW
p = ((dF/float(F))+(dL/float(L))+(dR/float(R))+(dt/float(t))); #limiting error(dP/P) computed ranging -p to +p
dp = p*P; #limiting error in kW
Pmax = P+dp; #maximum value of power in kW
Pmin = P-dp; #minimum value of power in kW
print'magnitude of power = %3.3f'%P,'kW';
print'magnitude of limiting error %3.4f'%dp,'kW';
print'magnitude of limiting error can lie between %3.2f'%Pmax,'and %3.2f'%Pmin,'kW';
import math
#variable declaration
I = 26.5; #current in A
Ix = 1.1; #ammeter reading was low by Ix
R = 0.12; #resistance in Ω
Rx = 0.25; #resistance reading was high by Rx
It = I*((1+(Ix/float(100)))); #true value of current in A
Rt = R*((1-(Rx/float(100)))); #true value of resistance in Ω
Pt = (It**2)*Rt; #true value of power in W
Pm = (I**2)*R; #measured value of power in W
P = (Pt/float(Pm))*100; #power percentage of that originally calculated in %
print'power percentage to original power %3.2f'%P,'%';
import math
#varioable declaration
q1 = 1.34; #micrometer reading in mm
q2 = 1.38; #micrometer reading in mm
q3 = 1.56; #micrometer reading in mm
q4 = 1.47; #micrometer reading in mm
q5 = 1.42; #micrometer reading in mm
q6 = 1.44; #micrometer reading in mm
q7 = 1.53; #micrometer reading in mm
q8 = 1.48; #micrometer reading in mm
q9 = 1.40; #micrometer reading in mm
q10 = 1.59; #micrometer reading in mm
n = 10; #number of readings
q = (q1+q2+q3+q4+q5+q6+q7+q8+q9+q10)/float(10); #arthmetic mean in mm
d1 = q1-q; #derivation in mm
d2 = q2-q; #derivation in mm
d3 = q3-q; #derivation in mm
d4 = q4-q; #derivation in mm
d5 = q5-q; #derivation in mm
d6 = q6-q; #derivation in mm
d7 = q7-q; #derivation in mm
d8 = q8-q; #derivation in mm
d9 = q9-q; #derivation in mm
d10 = q10-q; #derivation in mm
d = (abs(d1)+abs(d2)+abs(d3)+abs(d4)+abs(d5)+abs(d6)+abs(d7)+abs(d8)+abs(d9)+abs(d10))/float(n); #average deviation in mm
s = math.sqrt(((d1**2)+(d2**2)+(d3**2)+(d4**2)+(d5**2)+(d6**2)+(d7**2)+(d8**2)+(d9**2)+(d10**2))/float(n-1)); #standard deviation in mm
V = s**2; #variance in mm**2
print'arthimetic mean %3.3f'%q,'mm';
print'average deviation %3.3f'%d;
print'standard deviation %3.5f'%s,'mm';
print'variance %3.5f'%V,'mm**2';
import math
#variable declaration
q1 = 412; #resonant frequency in KHz
q2 = 428; #resonant frequency in KHz
q3 = 423; #resonant frequency in KHz
q4 = 415; #resonant frequency in KHz
q5 = 426; #resonant frequency in KHz
q6 = 411; #resonant frequency in KHz
q7 = 423; #resonant frequency in KHz
q8 = 416; #resonant frequency in KHz
n = 8; #number of readings
q = (q1+q2+q3+q4+q5+q6+q7+q8+q9+q10)/float(n); #arthimetc mean in khz
d1 = q1-q; #deviation in kHz
d2 = q2-q; #deviation in kHz
d3 = q3-q; #deviation in kHz
d4 = q4-q; #deviation in kHz
d5 = q5-q; #deviation in kHz
d6 = q6-q; #deviation in kHz
d7 = q7-q; #deviation in kHz
d8 = q8-q; #deviation in kHz
d = (abs(d1)+abs(d2)+abs(d3)+abs(d4)+abs(d5)+abs(d6)+abs(d7)+abs(d8))/float(n); #average deviation in kHz
s = math.sqrt(((d1**2)+(d2**2)+(d3**2)+(d4**2)+(d5**2)+(d6**2)+(d7**2)+(d8**2))/float(n-1)); #standard deviation in k Hz
V = s**2; #variance in (kHz)**2
print'arthimetic mean %3.2f'%q,'kHz';
print'average deviation %3.2f'%d,'kHz';
print'standard deviation %3.2f'%s,'kHz';
print'variance %3.2f'%V,'kHz**2';
import math
#varioable declaration
q1 = 39.6; #temperature reading °C
q2 = 39.9; #temperature reading °C
q3 = 39.7; #temperature reading °C
q4 = 39.9; #temperature reading °C
q5 = 40.0; #temperature reading °C
q6 = 39.8; #temperature reading °C
q7 = 39.9; #temperature reading °C
q8 = 39.8; #temperature reading °C
q9 = 40.4; #temperature reading °C
q10 = 39.7; #temperature reading °C
n = 10; #number of observations
q = (q1+q2+q3+q4+q5+q6+q7+q8+q9+q10)/float(10); #arthimetic mean in °C
d1 = q1-q; #deviation in °C
d2 = q2-q; #deviation in °C
d3 = q3-q; #deviation in °C
d4 = q4-q; #deviation in °C
d5 = q5-q; #deviation in °C
d6 = q6-q; #deviation in °C
d7 = q7-q; #deviation in °C
d8 = q8-q; #deviation in °C
d9 = q9-q; #deviation in °C
d10 = q10-q; #deviation in °C
R1 = 40.4; #maximum value of temperature in °C
R2 = 39.6; #minimum value of temperature in °C
s = math.sqrt(((d1**2)+(d2**2)+(d3**2)+(d4**2)+(d5**2)+(d6**2)+(d7**2)+(d8**2)+(d9**2)+(d10**2))/float(n-1)); #standard deviation in °C
r1 = 0.6745*s; #probable error of one reading in °C
rm = r1/math.sqrt(float(n-1)); #probable error of mean in °C
R = R1-R2; #range in °C
print'arthimetic mean %3.2f'%q,'°C';
print'standard deviation %3.5f'%s,'°C';
print'probable error = %3.2f'%r1,'°C';
print'probable error of mean %3.2f'%rm,'°C';
print'range %3.2f'%R,'°C';
import math
#variable declaration
T1 = 197; #temperature reading °C
T2 = 198; #temperature reading °C
T3 = 199; #temperature reading °C
T4 = 200; #temperature reading °C
T5 = 201; #temperature reading °C
T6 = 202; #temperature reading °C
T7 = 203; #temperature reading °C
T8 = 204; #temperature reading °C
T9 = 205; #temperature reading °C
f1 = 2; #frequency of occurence
f2 = 4; #frequency of occurence
f3 = 10; #frequency of occurence
f4 = 24; #frequency of occurence
f5 = 36; #frequency of occurence
f6 = 14; #frequency of occurence
f7 = 5; #frequency of occurence
f8 = 3; #frequency of occurence
f9 = 2; #frequency of occurence
t1 = T1*f1;
t2 = T2*f2;
t3 = T3*f3;
t4 = T4*f4;
t5 = T5*f5;
t6 = T6*f6;
t7 = T7*f7;
t8 = T8*f8;
t9 = T9*f9;
n = (f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+f6+f7+f8+f9);
AM = (t1+t2+t3+t4+t5+t6+t7+t8+t9)/float(n); #arthimetic mean in °C
tf = (t1+t2+t3+t4+t5+t6+t7+t8+t9)/float(n);
d1 = T1-tf;
d2 = T2-tf;
d3 = T3-tf;
d4 = T4-tf;
d5 = T5-tf;
d6 = T6-tf;
d7 = T7-tf;
d8 = T8-tf;
d9 = T9-tf;
x1 = d1*f1;
x2 = d2*f2;
x3 = d3*f3;
x4 = d4*f4;
x5 = d5*f5;
x6 = d6*f6;
x7 = d7*f7;
x8 = d8*f8;
x9 = d9*f9;
x = abs(x1)+abs(x2)+abs(x3)+abs(x4)+abs(x5)+abs(x6)+abs(x7)+abs(x8)+abs(x9);
y1 = f1*(d1**2);
y2 = f2*(d2**2);
y3 = f3*(d3**2);
y4 = f4*(d4**2);
y5 = f5*(d5**2);
y6 = f6*(d6**2);
y7 = f7*(d7**2);
y8 = f8*(d8**2);
y9 = f9*(d9**2);
y = y1+y2+y3+y4+y5+y6+y7+y8+y9;
sigma = x/float(n); #average deviation in °C
sd = math.sqrt(y/float(n)); #standard deviation in °C
V = sd**2; #variance in °C**2
r1 = 0.6745*sd; #probable error of one reading in °C
rm = r1/float(math.sqrt(n)); #probable error of mean in °C
sigmam = sd/float(math.sqrt(n)); #standard deviation of the mean in °C
sigmasd = sigmam/float(math.sqrt(2)); #standard deviation of standard deviation in °C
print'arthimetic mean = %3.2f'%AM,'°C';
print'average deviation = %3.3f'%sigma,'°C';
print'standard deviation = %3.3f'%sd,'°C';
print'variance = %3.3f'%V,'°C**2';
print'probable error of one reading = %3.0f'%r1,'°C';
print'probable error of the mean = %3.1f'%rm,'°C';
print'standard deviation of the standard deviation = %3.4f'%sigmasd,'°C';
import math
#variable declaration
I = 80; #current in A
p = 0.2; #p(y) value given
x = 0.8; #probabiltiy of error
y = 0.5248; #y valu from probability tables for sorresponding p(y) value
x1 = 1.2; #probabiltiy of error
sigma = (x/float(y)); #standard eviation
y1 = x1/float(sigma);
#p(y) value corresponding to y1 value from probabitiy table is 0.2842
p1 = 0.2842;
P = (2*p1)*100; #probabity of an error
print'thus about %3.0f'%P,'% of readings are within -1.2A to 1.2A of the true value';
import math
#variable declaration
x1 =25; #deflaction in mm
x2 = 21.9; #deflaction in mm
r = 2.1; #probable error in mm
x = x1-x2; #deviation in mm
sigma = r/float(0.6745); #standard deviation
y = x/float(sigma); #ratio
n = 2*0.341*100;
ne = 100-n; #number of readings exceeding a deviation of 3.1
nx = ne/float(2); #number of readings exceeding maximum deflection of 25mm in mm
print'number of readings exceeding maximum deflection of 25mm is %3.0f'%nx,'mm';
import math
#variable declaration
#in case of me of normal distribution .thereis equal probability of +ve and -ve errors
n1 = 5000; #number of rods having length greater than 20 mm
n2 = 1000; #number of rods having length greater than 20.25 mm
n3 = 5000; #number of rods having length smaller than 20 mm
y = 1.3; #from probability tables ,corresponding to the probability of p(y)
x1 = 20.25; #maximum length of rod ,that should not be exceed in mm
x2 = 20.0; #nominal length in mm
x4 = 19.5; #minimum length of rod ,that should not be smmaler than this value in mm
y2 = 0.4953; #from probability tables ,corresponding to the y value
n4 = n1-n2; #number of rods wehere length lies between 20mm and 20.25
x = x1-x2; #probability that 4000 rods have a value greater than 20mm and less than 20.25mm
sigma = x/float(y); #standard deviation
y1 = (x2-x4)/float(sigma); #y value for with nominal length of 19.5mm and 20mm
n = (n1+n3)*y2; #number of rods that have lengths between 19.5 and 20mm
N = n+n4; #total number of rods whose length between specified limits
print'total number of rods whose length between specified limits is %3.0f'%N;
import math
#variable declaration
q = 1515; #tachometer reading in rpm
q1 = 1500; #tachometer reading in rpm
h = 0.04; #precision index
p = 0.3015; #p(y) value from probability table corresponding to y value
n =20; #number of readings
x = q-q1; #deviation in r.p.m(indicates in both -ve and +ve value)
sigma = 1/float((math.sqrt(2))*h); #standard deviation
y = x/float(sigma);
#p(y) from probability table is 0.3015
p = 2*p; #probability of an error
N = p*n; #number of redings
print'we expect %3.2d'%N,'readings to lie between 1485 to 1515 rpm';
import math
#variable declaration
d = 15; #nominal depth of water in cm
n = 40; #total number of times the measurements taken
n1 = 10; #number of measurement reading found to lie outside a particular range
h = 9; #precision index in cm**-1
y = 1.15; #from probability table corresponding value of p(y)
P = (n-n1)/float(n); #probability of falling within a particular range
p1 = P/float(2); #half of these measiurements have a +ve and half have -ve errors
sigma = 1/float((math.sqrt(2))*h); #standard defviation
x = y*sigma;
Rmax = d+x;
Rmin = d-x;
print'Thus 75 percent of depth measurements lie within th range %3.2f'%Rmax,'and -%3.2f'%Rmin,'cm';
import math
#variable declaration
py1 = 0.45; #py1 is p(y) given data
y = 0.675; #from probavility table corresponding to p(y) value
x = 4.8;
q = 100; #fixed mass flow rate in kg/s
q1 = 88; #flow meter reading in kg/s
n = 30; #number of days in november month
n1 = 4; #number of times flow is checked in a day
x1 = 0.5; #overall probabilty
y2 = 1.96; #y value corresponding to py ,from probability table
sigma = x/float(y); #standard deviation
a = (math.sqrt(2))*sigma;
h = 1/float(a); #precision index
x1 = q-q1;
y1 = x1/float(sigma); #y value for masss flow rate of 88kg/s
#p(y) corresponding to y1 is 0.45
e = 0.5-py1; #amount it fall into false alarms
N = n*n1; #number of measurements in themonth of november
E = e*N; #expected false alarms
E1 = x*E; #reduced number of flase alarms
P = E1/float(N); #probability of false alarms
py = 0.5-P; #probability of datato lie in tolerent band
sigma1 = x1/float(y2); #standard deviation
h1 = 1/float((math.sqrt(2))*sigma1); #precision index
print'precision index %3.3f'%h;
print'number of false alarms %3.2f'%E;
print'precision index %3.4f'%h1;
import math
#varioable declaration
q1 = 5.30; #length in cm
q2 = 5.73; #length in cm
q3 = 6.77; #length in cm
q4 = 5.26; #length in cm
q5 = 4.33; #length in cm
q6 = 5.45; #length in cm
q7 = 6.09; #length in cm
q8 = 5.64; #length in cm
q9 = 5.81; #length in cm
q10 = 5.75; #length in cm
n = 10; #number of copper wires
q = (q1+q2+q3+q4+q5+q6+q7+q8+q9+q10)/float(10); #arthimetic mean in cm
d1 = q1-q; #deviation in cm
d2 = q2-q; #deviation in cm
d3 = q3-q; #deviation in cm
d4 = q4-q; #deviation in cm
d5 = q5-q; #deviation in cm
d6 = q6-q; #deviation in cm
d7 = q7-q; #deviation in cm
d8 = q8-q; #deviation in cm
d9 = q9-q; #deviation in cm
d10 = q10-q; #deviation in cm
s = math.sqrt(((d1**2)+(d2**2)+(d3**2)+(d4**2)+(d5**2)+(d6**2)+(d7**2)+(d8**2)+(d9**2)+(d10**2))/float(n-1)); #standard deviation in cm
x1 = abs(d1)/float(s); #ratio of deviation to standard deviation
x2 = abs(d2)/float(s); #ratio of deviation to standard deviation
x3 = abs(d3)/float(s); #ratio of deviation to standard deviation
x4 = abs(d4)/float(s); #ratio of deviation to standard deviation
x5 = abs(d5)/float(s); #ratio of deviation to standard deviation
x6 = abs(d6)/float(s); #ratio of deviation to standard deviation
x7 = abs(d7)/float(s); #ratio of deviation to standard deviation
x8 = abs(d8)/float(s); #ratio of deviation to standard deviation
x9 = abs(d9)/float(s); #ratio of deviation to standard deviation
x10 = abs(d10)/float(s); #ratio of deviation to standard deviation
print'It is given that for 10 readings the ratio of deviation to standard deviation is not to exceed 1.96';
print'therfore x5 = %3.2f'%x5,'which is greater than 1.96,reading %3.2f should be rejected'%q5;
import math
#variable declaration
u1 = 1.8; #initial velocity
u2 = 4.6; #initial velocity
u3 = 6.6; #initial velocity
u4 = 9.0; #initial velocity
u5 = 11.4; #initial velocity
u6 = 13.4; #initial velocity
n = 6;
v1 = 2.2; #final velocity
v2 = 3.2; #final velocity
v3 = 5.2; #final velocity
v4 = 6.4; #final velocity
v5 = 8.0; #final velocity
v6 = 10.0; #final velocity
w1 = u1*v1;
w2 = u2*v2;
w3 = u3*v3;
w4 = u4*v4;
w5 = u5*v5;
w6 = u6*v6;
x1 = u1**2;
x2 = u2**2;
x3 = u3**2;
x4 = u4**2;
x5 = u5**2;
x6 = u6**2;
u = u1+u2+u3+u4+u5+u6;
v = v1+v2+v3+v4+v5+v6;
w = w1+w2+w3+w4+w5+w6;
x = x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6;
a = ((n*w)-(u*v))/float((n*x)-(u**2));
b = ((v*x)-(w*u))/float((n*x)-(u**2));
y1 = (((a*u1)+b-v1)**2);
y2 = (((a*u2)+b-v2)**2);
y3 = (((a*u3)+b-v3)**2);
y4 = (((a*u4)+b-v4)**2);
y5 = (((a*u5)+b-v5)**2);
y6 = (((a*u6)+b-v6)**2);
y = y1+y2+y3+y4+y5+y6;
Sv = math.sqrt(y/float(n)); #standard deviation indicate sboth -ve and +ve values
Su = Sv/float(a); #standard deviation indicate sboth -ve and +ve values
Sa = (math.sqrt((n)/float(abs((n*x)-(u**2)))))*Sv; #standard deviation indicate sboth -ve and +ve values
Sb = (math.sqrt((x)/float(abs((n*x)-(u**2)))))*Sv; #standard deviation indicate sboth -ve and +ve values
print'linear equation %3.3f'%a,'u +%3.3f'%b;
print'standard deviation = %3.2f'%Sv;
print'standard deviation = %3.2f'%Su;
print'standard deviation = %3.2f'%Sa;
print'standard deviation = %3.2f'%Sb;
import math
#variable declaration
u1 = 550; #initial velocity
u2 = 700; #initial velocity
u3 = 850; #initial velocity
u4 = 1000; #initial velocity
n = 4;
v1 = 0.04182; #final velocity
v2 = 0.04429; #final velocity
v3 = 0.05529; #final velocity
v4 = 0.0610; #final velocity
#P = ((a)*(f**2))+(b*f)
#P/f = (a*f)+b
w1 = u1*v1;
w2 = u2*v2;
w3 = u3*v3;
w4 = u4*v4;
x1 = u1**2;
x2 = u2**2;
x3 = u3**2;
x4 = u4**2;
u = u1+u2+u3+u4;
v = v1+v2+v3+v4;
w = w1+w2+w3+w4;
x = x1+x2+x3+x4;
a = ((n*w)-(u*v))/float((n*x)-(u**2));
b = ((v*x)-(w*u))/float((n*x)-(u**2));
print'Best fit equation %3.3e'%a,'f**2 +%3.3e f'%b,'mW';
import math
#variable declaration
q1 = 50; #measuremnent in series in units
q2 = 100; #measuremnent in series in units
x = 0.02; #error in measurement of q1
y = 0.01; #error in measurement of q2
a = 1; #x % of 50
b = 1; #y % of 100
e1 = (q1*x)/float(q1+q2); #individual limiting errors
e2 = (q2*y)/float(q1+q2); #individual limiting errors
e = (e1+e2)*100; #combined limiting errors in % (indicates both -ve and +ve values)
er = (math.sqrt((a**2)+(b**2))); #resultant error
er1 = (er/float(q1+q2))*100; #standard deviation in %
print'limiting error %3.2f'%e,'%';
print'standard deviations %3.3f'%er1,'%';
import math
#variable declaration
Rm =2.5; #resistance in Ω
Im = 0.1; #current in A
V = 10; #voltage in V
I = 10; #ammeter reading in A
Rs = (V/float(Im))-Rm; #series resistance in Ω
Rsh = (Im*Rm)/float(I-Im); #shunt resistance in Ω
print'series resistance %3.1f'%Rs,'Ω';
print'shunt resistance %3.5f'%Rsh,'Ω';
import math
#variable declaration
Rm = 10; #resistance in Ω
Im = 0.005; #current in A
I = 1; #current in A
V = 5; #voltage in V
Rsh = (Im*Rm)/float(I-Im); #shunt resistance in Ω
Rs = (V-(Im*Rm))/float(Im); #series resistance in Ω
print'shunt resistance %3.5f'%Rsh,'Ω';
print'series resistance %3.0f'%Rs,'Ω';
import math
#variable declaration
N = 100; #number of turns
l = 0.03; #length of each side in m
B = 0.09; #flux density in Wb/m**2
I = 0.01; #current through the coil in A
F = N*B*I*l; #force in N
T = F*l; #deflecting torque in N-m
print'deflecting torque %3.1e'%T,'N-m';
import math
#variable declaration
Rm = 5; #resistance in Ω
Im = 0.015; #current through instrument in A
I = 100; #current to be measured in A
alpham = 0.00015; #manganin in °C
alphac = 0.004; #copper in °C
R1 = 1; #reistance of copper in Ω
R2 = 4; #reistance of manganin in Ω
T = 20; #temperature in °C
Ish = I-Im; #current through shunt in A
v = Im*Rm; #voltage across the shunt in V
Rsh = v/float(Ish); #shunt resistance in Ω
Rshunt = Rsh*(1+(T*alpham)); #shunt resistance after rise of temperature in Ω
Rinst = Rm*(1+(T*alphac)); #instrument resistance in Ω
i = (Rshunt/float(Rinst+Rshunt))*100; #current through instrument in A
R = (i/float(Im))*100; #reading of instrument in A
e = I-R; #percentage error
Rinst1 = R1*(1+(T*alphac))+R2*(1+(T*alpham)); #instrument resistance in Ω
Iinst = (Rshunt/float(Rinst1+Rshunt))*100; #instrument current in A
Iread = (Iinst*100)/float(Im); #instrument reading in A
e1 = I-Iread; #percentage error
print'percentage error when internal resiatance is 5Ω is %3.2f'%e;
print'percentage error after rise of temperature %3.1f'%e1;
import math
#variable declaration
V = 250; #voltage in V
R = 500; #resistance in Ω
L = 1; #inductance in H
I = 0.05; #current in A
f = 100; #frequency in Hz
R1 = V/float(I); #total ohmic resistance in Ω
Z = math.sqrt((R1**2)+((2*math.pi*f*L)**2)); #coil impedance in Ω
Vr = (V*R1)/float(Z); #voltage reading in A.c
e = ((V-Vr)/float(V))*100; #percentage error in %
print'percentage error %3.1f'%e,'%';
import math
#variable declaration
R = 300; #resistance in Ω
L = 0.12; #inductance in H
f = 25; #frequency in Hz
I = 15; #current in A
f1 = 100; #frequency in Hz
Z = math.sqrt((R**2)+((2*math.pi*f*L)**2)); #impedance at 25Hz in Ω
V = I*(R/float(Z)); #voltmeter reading at 25 Hz in V
Z1 = math.sqrt((R**2)+((2*math.pi*f1*L)**2)); #impedance at 100Hz in Ω
V1 = I*(R/float(Z1)); #voltmeter reading at 100Hz in V
print'voltmeter reading at 25Hz frequency %3.2f'%V,'V';
print'voltmeter reading at 100Hz frequency %3.2f'%V1,'V';
print'As frequency is increased ,impedance of the voltmeter increases ,hence current is decreased';
print'therefore voltmeter readings are lower';
import math
#variable declaration
W1 =920; #wattmeter reading in W
W2 =300; #wattmeter reading in W
phi = math.atan(((math.sqrt(3))*(W1-W2))/(float(W1+W2)))*(180/float(math.pi));
pf = math.cos((phi)*(math.pi/float(180))); #power factor
print'power factor of the motor %3.2f'%pf,'(lag)';
import math
#variable declaration
W1 =14.2; #wattmeter reading in W
W2 =-6.1; #wattmeter reading in W
El = 440; #line voltage in V
P = 8.1*1000; #power in W
phi = math.atan(((math.sqrt(3))*(W1-W2))/(float(W1+W2)))*(180/float(math.pi)); #phase lag
pf = math.cos((phi)*(math.pi/float(180))); #power factor
Il = P/float((math.sqrt(3))*(El)*(pf)); #line current in A
print'power factor of the motor %3.2f'%pf,'(lag)';
print'line current %3.2f'%Il,'A';
import math
#variable declaration
P = 25; #input power in kW
El = 440; #line voltage in
pf = 0.6; #power factor
phi = ((math.acos(pf))*180)/float(math.pi);
t = (math.tan((phi)*(math.pi/float(180))));
#we have tan = math.sqrt(3)*(W1-W2)/W1+W2
#W1+W2 =E
y = (P*t)/float(math.sqrt(3));
W1 = (P+y)/float(2);
W2 = (P-y)/float(2);
print'W1 = %3.2f'%W1,'kW';
print'W2 = %3.2f'%W2,'kW';
import math
#variable declaration
V = 230; #voltage in V
i = 5; #current in A
t = 360; #time in s
n = 60; #number of revolutions
n1 = 520; #number of revolutions
cosphi = 1; #power factor
E = (V*i*cosphi*t)/float(1000*3600); #energy consumed in 360 seconds in kWh
Er = n/float(n1); #energy recorded by the meter in kWh
e = ((Er-E)/float(Er))*100; #percentage error in %
print'percentage error %3.2f'%(e),'%(fast)';
import math
#variable declaration
V = 230; #voltage in V
i = 4.5; #current in A
cosphi = 1;
t = 190; #time in s
n = 10; #number of revolutions
n1 = 185; #number of revolutions
E = (V*i*cosphi*t)/float(1000*3600); #energy consumed in 360 seconds in kWh
Er = n/float(n1); #energy recorded by the meter in kWh
e = ((E-Er)/float(Er))*100; #percentage error in %
print'percentage error %3.4f'%(e),'%';
print'Note:Ans printing mistake in textbook'
import math
#variable declaration
x = 150; #number of revolutions
t = 45; #time in s
p = 1*(x/float(15000)); #power metered in kWh
a =t/float(3600); #energy consumed in t seconds in times of P
P = p/float(a); #power in the circuit in W
print'power in the circuit %3.0f'%(P*1000),'W';
import math
#variable declaration
V = 230; #D.C supply in V
r = 225; #number of revolutions
i = 40*225; #meter reading in A-s
t =10; #time in minutes
l = 14; #current in A
L = i/float(10*60); #current in A
E = (V*L*t)/float(1000*60); #energy recorded in kWh
Ea = (V*l*t)/float(1000*60); #actual energy consumed kWh
e = ((E-Ea)/float(E))*100; #percentage error in %
print'energy recorded %3.3f'%E,'kWh';
print'actual energy consumed %3.4f'%Ea,'kWh';
print'percentage error %3.2f'%e,'%'