Chapter 5:Digital Instruments

Example 5.1,Page No:338

In [1]:
import math

#variable declaration
N   = 45;      #reading 
t   = 10*10**-3;      #Gated period in ms

f  = N/float(t);

print'frequency of the of the system = %3.2f'%f,'Hz';
frequency of the of the system = 4500.00 Hz

Example 5.2,Page No:339

In [16]:
import math

#variable declaration
n     = 3;      #number of full digits on 3 1/2 digit display 
fs    = 1;      #voltage in V
fs1   = 10;     #voltage in V
r     = 2;      #voltage reading in V
fs3   = 5;

R    = 1/float((10)**n);        #resolution
R1   = R*fs;                    #resolution for full scale range of 1V
R2   = fs1*R;                    #resolution for full scale range of 10V
LSD   =fs3*R;                         #digit in the least siginificant digit in V
e    = (((0.5)/float(100))*(r))+LSD;     #total possible error in V

print'Resolution %3.4f'%R;
print'Resolution for full scale range of 10V = %3.2f'%R2,'V';
print'possible error  = %3.3f'%e,'V';
Resolution 0.0010
Resolution for full scale range of 10V = 0.01 V
possible error  = 0.015 V

Example 5.3,Page No:340

In [17]:
import math

#variable declaration
n   = 4;     #numberof full digits 
fs  = 1;     #full scale range of 1V
fs  = 1;     #full scale range of 10V

R    = 1/float((10)**n);    #resolution
R1    = fs*R;      #resolution on 1V in V
R2    = fs1*R;      #resolution on 10V in V

print'Resolution = %3.4f '%R;
print'There are 5 digit faces in 4 1/2 digt display ,so 16.95 would be displayed as 16.950';
print'Resolution = %3.4f '%R1;
print'Hence 0.6564 will be displayed as 0.6564';
print'Resolution = %3.4f '%R2;
print'Hence 0.6564 will be displayed as 0.656';
Resolution = 0.0001 
There are 5 digit faces in 4 1/2 digt display ,so 16.95 would be displayed as 16.950
Resolution = 0.0001 
Hence 0.6564 will be displayed as 0.6564
Resolution = 0.0010 
Hence 0.6564 will be displayed as 0.656