re=22.7 #Ac resistance as per example 9-5(Ohm)
RC=3.6 #Collector Resistance(KOhm)
RL=10 #Load Resistance(KOhm)
Vin=2 #Input voltage(mV)
rc=RC*RL/(RC+RL) #AC collector resistance(Ohm)
Av=(rc/re)*1000 #Voltage gain
Vout=Av*Vin #Output voltage(mV)
print 'Voltage gain Av = ',round(Av,2)
print 'Output voltage Vout = ',round(Vout,2),'mV'
RC=3.6 #Collector Resistance(KOhm)
RL=2.2 #Load Resistance(KOhm)
Vin=5 #Input voltage(mV)
VEE=9 #collector voltage(V)
RE=10 #Emitter resistance(KOhm)
VBE=0.7 #Base-emitter voltage drop(V)
rc=RC*RL/(RC+RL) #AC collector resistance(Ohm)
IE=(VEE-VBE)/RE #emitter current(mA)
re=25/IE #AC resistance(Ohm)
Av=(rc/re)*1000 #Voltage gain
Vout=Av*Vin #Output voltage(mV)
print 'Emitter current IE = ',IE,'mA'
print 'Voltage gain Av = ',round(Av,2)
print 'Output voltage Vout = ',round(Vout,2),'mV'
re=22.7 #Ac resistance as per example 9-5(Ohm)
B=300 #current gain
R1=10 #Base resistance1 (KOhm)
R2=2.2 #Base resistance2 (KOhm)
Rs=0.6 #internal resistance of source(KOhm)
Av=117 #Voltage gain as per example 10-1
Vs=2 #ac voltage supply(mV)
Zin_base=B*re/1000 #input impedance of base(KOhm)
Zin_stage=((R1**-1)+(Zin_base**-1)+(R2**-1))**-1 #input impedance of stage(KOhm)
Vin=(Zin_stage/(Rs+Zin_stage))*Vs #input voltage(mV)
Vout=Av*Vin #output voltage(mV)
print 'input impedance of stage Zin(stage) = ',round(Zin_stage,2),'KOhm'
print 'Output volatge Vout = ',round(Vout,2),'mV'
re=22.7 #Ac resistance as per example 9-5(Ohm)
B=50 #current gain
R1=10 #Base resistance1 (KOhm)
R2=2.2 #Base resistance2 (KOhm)
Rs=0.6 #internal resistance of source(KOhm)
Av=117 #Voltage gain as per example 10-1
Vs=2 #ac voltage supply(mV)
Zin_base=B*re/1000 #input impedance of base(KOhm)
Zin_stage=((R1**-1)+(Zin_base**-1)+(R2**-1))**-1 #input impedance of stage(KOhm)
Vin=(Zin_stage/(Rs+Zin_stage))*Vs #input voltage(mV)
Vout=Av*Vin #output voltage(mV)
print 'input impedance of stage Zin(stage) = ',round(Zin_stage,2),'KOhm'
print 'Output volatge Vout = ',round(Vout,2),'mV'
re=22.7 #Ac resistance as per example 9-5(Ohm)
B=100 #current gain
R1=10 #Base resistance1 (KOhm)
R2=2.2 #Base resistance2 (KOhm)
Rs=0.6 #internal resistance of source(KOhm)
RC=3.6 #colletcor resistance (KOhm)
Vs=1 #ac voltage supply(mV)
RL=10 #Load resistance(KOhm)
Zin_base=B*re/1000 #input impedance of base(KOhm)
Zin_stage1=((R1**-1)+(Zin_base**-1)+(R2**-1))**-1 #input impedance of stage1(KOhm)
Vin=(Zin_stage1/(Rs+Zin_stage1))*Vs #input voltage(mV)
Zin_stage2=((R1**-1)+(Zin_base**-1)+(R2**-1))**-1 #input impedance of stage2(KOhm)
rc1=(RC*Zin_stage2)/(RC+Zin_stage2) #AC collector resistance of stage1(KOhm)
Av1=rc1/re #Voltage gain of stage 1
vc=Av1*Vin #AC collector voltage of stage 1(V)
rc2=(RC*RL)/(RC+RL) #AC collector resistance of stage2(KOhm)
Av2=rc2/re #Voltage gain of stage 2
Vout=Av2*vc #output voltage(mV)
Av=Av1*Av2 #Overall voltage gain
Voutf=Av*Vin #AC output voltage across RL(V)
print 'AC collector voltage of first stage vc = ',round(vc*1000,2),'mV'
print 'AC output voltage across load resistor Vout = ',round(Voutf*1000,2),'V'
VCC=10 #collector voltage(V)
RC=3.6 #Collector resistance (KOhm)
re=0.18 #Emitter resistance (KOhm)
R1=10 #Base resistance1 (KOhm)
R2=2.2 #Base resistance2 (KOhm)
Rs=0.6 #internal resistance of source(KOhm)
VBE=0.7 #Base-emitter voltage drop(V)
Vs=50 #ac voltage supply(mV)
RL=10 #Load resistance(KOhm)
B=200 #current gain
Zin_base=B*re #input impedance of base(KOhm)
Zin_stage=((R1**-1)+(Zin_base**-1)+(R2**-1))**-1 #input impedance of stage(KOhm)
Vin=(Zin_stage/(Rs+Zin_stage))*Vs #input voltage(mV)
rc=(RC*RL)/(RC+RL) #AC collector resistance of stage(KOhm)
Av=rc/re #Voltage gain of stage
Vout=Av*Vin #output voltage(mV)
print 'input impedance of stage Zin(stage) = ',round(Zin_stage,2),'KOhm'
print 'Output volatge Vout = ',round(Vout,2),'mV'
VCC=10 #collector voltage(V)
RC=3.6 #Collector resistance (KOhm)
re=0.18 #Emitter resistance (KOhm)
re1=0.0227 #Ac resistance as per example 9-5(KOhm)
R1=10 #Base resistance1 (KOhm)
R2=2.2 #Base resistance2 (KOhm)
Rs=0.6 #internal resistance of source(KOhm)
VBE=0.7 #Base-emitter voltage drop(V)
Vs=50 #ac voltage supply(mV)
RL=10 #Load resistance(KOhm)
B=200 #current gain
Zin_base=B*(re+re1) #input impedance of base(KOhm)
Zin_stage=((R1**-1)+(Zin_base**-1)+(R2**-1))**-1 #input impedance of stage(KOhm)
Vin=(Zin_stage/(Rs+Zin_stage))*Vs #input voltage(mV)
rc=(RC*RL)/(RC+RL) #AC collector resistance of stage(KOhm)
Av=rc/(re+re1) #Voltage gain of stage
Vout=Av*Vin #output voltage(mV)
print 'input impedance of stage Zin(stage) = ',round(Zin_stage,2),'KOhm'
print 'Output volatge Vout = ',round(Vout,2),'mV'
re=0.18 #emitter reistance(Ohm)
B=200 #current gain
R1=10 #Base resistance1 (KOhm)
R2=2.2 #Base resistance2 (KOhm)
Rs=0.6 #internal resistance of source(KOhm)
RC=3.6 #colletcor resistance (KOhm)
Vs=1 #ac voltage supply(mV)
RL=10 #Load resistance(KOhm)
Zin_base=B*re #input impedance of base(KOhm)
Zin_stage1=((R1**-1)+(Zin_base**-1)+(R2**-1))**-1 #input impedance of stage1(KOhm)
Vin=(Zin_stage1/(Rs+Zin_stage1))*Vs #input voltage(mV)
Zin_stage2=((R1**-1)+(Zin_base**-1)+(R2**-1))**-1 #input impedance of stage2(KOhm)
rc1=(RC*Zin_stage2)/(RC+Zin_stage2) #AC collector resistance of stage1(KOhm)
Av1=rc1/re #Voltage gain of stage 1
vc=Av1*Vin #AC collector voltage of stage 1(V)
rc2=(RC*RL)/(RC+RL) #AC collector resistance of stage2(KOhm)
Av2=rc2/re #Voltage gain of stage 2
Vout=Av2*vc #output voltage(mV)
Av=Av1*Av2 #Overall voltage gain
Voutf=Av*Vin #AC output voltage across RL(V)
print 'AC collector voltage of first stage vc = ',round(vc,2),'mV'
print 'AC output voltage across load resistor Vout = ',round(Voutf,2),'mV'
RV_min=0 #minimum variable resistance (KOhm)
RV_max=10 #maximum variable resistance (KOhm)
re=0.1 #Emitter resistance (KOhm)
rf_min=RV_min+1 #minimum feedback resistance(KOhm)
rf_max=RV_max+1 #maximum feedback resistance(KOhm)
Av_min=rf_min/re #minimum voltage gain
Av_max=rf_max/re #maximum voltage gain
print 'minimum voltage gain Av(min)= ',Av_min
print 'minimum voltage gain Av(max)= ',Av_max