Example 1-1, Page 9

In [1]:
Rs=50              #source resistance(Ohm)

RL=100*Rs/1000     #Minimum Load resistance(KOhm)

print 'Minimum Load resistance =',RL,'KOhm'
Minimum Load resistance = 5 KOhm

Example 1-2, Page 12

In [2]:
Is=0.002              #Current source(A)
Rs=10000000           #internal resistance(Ohm)

Rl_Max=0.01*Rs/1000   #Maximum load resistance(KOhm)

print 'With 100:1 Rule, Maximum Load resistance =',Rl_Max,'KOhm'
print 'Stiff range for current source is load resistance from 0 KOhm to',Rl_Max,'KOhm'
With 100:1 Rule, Maximum Load resistance = 100.0 KOhm
Stiff range for current source is load resistance from 0 KOhm to 100.0 KOhm

Example 1-3, Page 13

In [1]:
Il=0.002   #current source(A)
Rl=10000   #load resistance(Ohm)

Vl=Il*Rl   #load voltage(V)

print 'Load Voltage =',Vl,'V'
Load Voltage = 20.0 V

Example 1-4, Page 14

In [3]:
print 'As per figure 1-9a, Calculate Thevenin resistor by opening load resistor'

Vs=72    #source voltage
R1=6     #Resistance (KOhm)
R2=3     #Resistance (KOhm)
R3=4     #Resistance (KOhm)

Ro=R1+R2 #Resistance (KOhm)
Vab=R2*Vs/(R1+R2)         #Thevenin voltage(V)
Rth=((R1*R2)/(R1+R2))+R3  #Thevenin Resistance(KOhm)

print 'After removing Rl current flowing through 6KOhm is',I,'mA'
print 'Thevenin Voltage Vth =',Vab,'V'
print 'Calculating Thevenin Resistance with considering R1 & R2 in parallel'
print 'Thevenin Resistance =',Rth,'KOhm'
As per figure 1-9a, Calculate Thevenin resistor by opening load resistor
After removing Rl current flowing through 6KOhm is 8 mA
Thevenin Voltage Vth = 24 V
Calculating Thevenin Resistance with considering R1 & R2 in parallel
Thevenin Resistance = 6 KOhm

Example 1-5, Page 15

In [2]:
Vs=72    #source voltage
R1=2     #resistance1 (KOhm)
R2=2     #resistance1 (KOhm)
R3=1     #resistance1 (KOhm)
R4=2     #resistance1 (KOhm)
R5=1     #resistance1 (KOhm)
R6=2     #resistance1 (KOhm)
R7=0.5   #resistance1 (KOhm)
RL=1     #load resistance (KOhm)

Vth=9                     #Thevenin voltage(V)
Rth=1.5                   #Thevenin resistance(KOhm)

print 'Thevenin Voltage Vth =',Vth,'V'
print 'Thevenin Resistance =',Rth,'KOhm'
Thevenin Voltage Vth = 9 V
Thevenin Resistance = 1.5 KOhm

Example 1-6, Page 19

In [1]:
Vs=10    #source voltage
Rs=2     #series source resistance (KOhm)

IN=Vs/Rs                  #Norton current(mA)
Rp=Rs                     #parallel source resistance(KOhm)

print 'Norton current IN =',IN,'mA'
print 'Norton Resistance =',Rp,'KOhm'
Norton current IN = 5 mA
Norton Resistance = 2 KOhm
In [ ]: