#Variable declaration
Vbe=0.7; #Volatge between base and emitter in V
Vcc=12; #Volatge source applied at collector in V4
Rl=2*10**3; #load resistance in ohms
Rb=100*10**3; #Resistance at base in ohms
Ib=(12-0.7)/((100*Rl)+Rb); #Base current in micro Ampere
print 'Ib=%.1f uA'%(Ib*10**6)
print 'Ic=%.2f mA'%(Ic*10**3)
Vce=4.47; #Voltage between collector and emitter in V
S=(b+1)/(1+b*Rl/(Rl+Rb)); #stabilty factor 1
print 'S=%.f'%S;
S1=b/(Rb+Rl*(1+b)); #stabilty factor 2 in A/V
print 'S1=%.1e A/V'%S1
S2=(Vcc-Vbe-(Ic*Rl))/(Rb+Rl*(1+b)); #stability factor 3 in A
print 'S2=%.2e A'%S2
#Variable declaration
b=49;#b=dc current gain of the common emitter transistor
Vbe=0.2; #Volatge between base and emitter in V
Vcc=10.; #Volatge source applied at collector in V4
Vce=5; #Collector to emitter voltage in V
Ic=4.9; #collector current in mA
Rl=1.; #load resistance in kilo ohms
S=10; #stability factor
Ib=Ic/b; #base current in mA
Re=((Vcc-Vce-(Ic*Rl))/(Ic+Ib))*1000; #Resistance at emitter in ohms
print 'Re=%.f ohms'%Re;
RT=((S-1)*Re)/(1-(S/(1+b)))#RT=Thevenin resistance =(R1*R2)/(R1+R2)
VT=(Ib*(10**-3)*RT)+Vbe+((Ib+Ic)*(10**-3)*Re)#VT=Thevenin voltage=(R2*Vcc)/(R1+R2)
# R2/(R1+R2)=VT/Vcc
print "R1=%.3f k ohm"%(R1/10**3)
print "R2=%.1f ohm"%R2#incorrect answer in textbook
#Variable declaration
hib=30; #h parameter of CB a transistor
hrb=4*10**-4; #h parameter of CB a transistor
hfb=-0.99; #h parameter of CB a transistor
hob=0.9*10**-6; #h parameter of CB a transistor in S
Rl=6*10**3; #Load resistance in ohms
AI=-hfb/(1+(hob*Rl)); #Current gain
print 'AI=%.3f'%AI;
Ri=hib-((hfb*hrb*Rl)/(1+(hob*Rl))); #Input resistance in ohms
print 'Ri=%.1f ohms'%Ri;
Ro=hib/((hib*hob)-(hfb*hrb)); #Output Resistance in kohms
print 'Ro=%.2f k ohms'%(Ro*10**-3);
AV=AI*Rl/Ri; #Voltage gain
print 'AV=%.1f'%AV;
AP=AI*AV; #Power gain
print 'AP=%.1f'%AP
#Variable declaration
Rg=1.*10**3; #internal resistance in ohms
Rl=20*10**3; #Load resistance in ohms
hie=1*10**3; #h parameter of the transistor in terms of ohms
hre=2.5*10**-4; #h parameter of the transistor
hfe=150.; #h parameter of the transistor
hoe=1./(40*10**3); #h parameter of the transistor in terms of mho
AI=(-hfe)/(1+(hoe*Rl)); #Current gain
print 'AI=%.f'%AI;
Ri=hie+(AI*hre*Rl); #input resistance in ohms
print 'Ri=%.f ohms'%Ri;
Ro=(Rg+hie)/((Rg*hoe)+(hie*hoe)-(hfe*hre)); #output resistance in ohms
print 'Ro=%.f k ohms'%(Ro*10**-3);
#Variable declaration
Rl=5.*10**3; #Load resistance in ohms
hie=1*10**3; #h parameter of the transistor in terms of ohms
hre=5*10**-4; #h parameter of the transistor
hfe=100; #h parameter of the transistor
hoe=25*10**-6; #h parameter of the transistor in terms of mho
Rg=1*10**3; #source reistance in ohms
AI=(-hfe)/(1+(hoe*Rl)); #Current gain
print 'AI=%.2f'%AI;
Ri=hie+(AI*hre*Rl); #input resistance in ohms
print 'Ri=%.1f ohms'%Ri;
AVo=AI*Rl/(Rg+Ri); #Overall voltage gain including source resistance
print 'AVo=%.f'%AVo;
APo=AVo*AI; #Overall voltage gain including source resistance
print 'APo=%.2e'%APo;
#Variable declaration
hoe=25*10**-6; #h parameter in A/V
hie=4000; #h paramater in ohms
hfe=135; #h paramater of transistor
hre=7*10**-4; #h paramater of transistor
Re=100; #emitter resistance in ohms
Rl=3*10**3; #Load resistance in ohms
#Here hoe*Rl is less than 0.1. So we can simplify the circuit and according to it the current gain is AI=Ic/Ib. here Ic=-hfe*Ib.
AI=-hfe; #current gain
print 'AI=%.f'%AI;
Ri=hie+(1+hfe)*Re; #input resistance in ohms
print 'Ri=%.1f k ohms'%(Ri*10**-3);
AV=AI*Rl/Ri; #voltage gain
print 'AV=%.f'%AV;
print "The output resistance of the transistor excluding RL is infinite."
print "The output resistance of the transistor including RL is = %.f k ohms"%(Rl/10**3)
#Variable declaration
hfe=100; #h parameter of transistor
hie=560; #h parameter of transistor in ohms
Rc=2*10**3; #collector resistance in ohms
Re=10**3; #emitter resistance in ohms
Rb=600*10**3; #Base resistance in ohms
#Since hoe is neglected we can use the simplified equivalent circuit hence the Ri is
Ri=hie+(1+hfe)*Re; #Input resistance in ohms
print 'Ri=%.2f K ohms'%(Ri*10**-3);
Rib=(Ri*Rb)/(Ri+Rb); #Input resistance including Rb in ohms
print 'Input resistance (including Rb)=%.2f k ohms'%(Rib*10**-3);
print "The output resistance excluding load is infinita"
print "Output resistance including load = %.f k ohms"%(Ro*10**-3)
AV=-(hfe*Ro)/(hie+((1+hfe)*Re)); #voltage gain
print 'AV=%.2f'%AV;
print "\nSmall signals are used,since otherwise the output waveform will be distorted.Also,the equivalent circuit will not hold."
#Taking DC emitter current and collector current nearly equal
Ib=20./(Rb+Re*101); #base current in mA
print 'Ib=%.4f mA'%(Ib*10**3);
print "\nThe Q-point is defined by"
Ic=hfe*Ib; #collector current in mA
print 'Ic=%.2f mA'%(Ic*10**3);
print 'VCE=%.2f V'%VCE;
import math
#Variable declaration
#For a CE transistor amplifier circuit with self-bias
f=1000#f=frequency in Hz
AV=-200#AV=voltage gain
hfe=100#hfe=current gain
hie=1#hie=input impedance in kilo ohms
Pcmax=75*10**-3#Pcmax=maximum collector dissipation in Watt
#hre and hoe are to be neglected
VCC=12#VCC=collector supply voltage
#AV=-(hfe*RL)/hie where RL is the load resistance
print "The designed values of the components of a CE transistor amplifier are:"
print "The load resistance RL is = %.f K ohms"%RL
#For the amplifier to be linear,the quiescent point is chosen to lie in the middle of the DC load line
VCG=VCC/2 #VCG=DC collector to ground voltage
#VCC=(IC*RL)+VCG where IC=DC collector current
print "Ihe DC collector current is = %.f mA"%IC
Pr=(IC**2)*RL#Pr=power dissipation in RL
#Pc=the collector dissipation is set at 14.5 mW which is below the value of Pcmax
VCE=Pc/IC#VCE=collector-to-emitter voltage drop
VEG=VCG-VCE#VEG=DC voltage drop across resistance Re
IE=IC#IE=emitter current
print "The resistance Re is = %.f ohm"%(Re*1000)#Re is converted in terms of ohms
Pe=(IC**2)*Re#Pe=power dissipation in Re
VBE=0.7#VBE=assumed DC base-to-emitter voltage drop
VBG=VBE+(IE*Re)#VBG=DC voltage across resistance R2
#VT=(VCC*R2)/(R1+R2) where VT=Thevenin equivalent voltage
#RT=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2).............(1) where RT=Thevenin equivalent resistance
#Let (R2/(R1+R2))=x ..............(3)
x=VBG/VCC#neglecting the second term on the right hand side of equation (2)
a=(1-x)/x #a=R1/R2
#S=((1+b)*(1+RT/Re))/(1+b+(RT/Re)) where S=stability factor and b=current gain=hfe
#b>>1 hence S=(hfe*(1+RT/Re))/(1+b+(RT/Re))
#For good stability we choose S=hfe/20
R1=RT/x#from equation (1) and (3)
print "The resistance R1 is=%.1f k ohm"%R1
print "The resistance R2 is = %.f k ohm"%R2
Pr2=(VBG**2)/R2#Pr2=power dissipation in R2
Pr1=((VCC-VBG)**2)/R1 #Pr1=power dissipation in R1
Ce=1./(2*math.pi*f*((Re*1000)/10))#Ce=bypass capacitor
print "The bypass capacitance Ce is %.f uF"%(Ce/10**-6)#Ce is converted in terms of micro farad
C1=2/(2*math.pi*f*100)#C1=coupling capacitor
print "The coupling capacitance C1 is %.1f uF"%(C1/10**-6)#C1 is converted in terms of micro farad
Rin=20*1000#Rin=assumed input impedance in ohms
C2=1/(2*math.pi*f*0.1*Rin)#C2=coupling capacitor
print "The coupling capacitance C2 is %.1f uF"%(C2/10**-6)#C2 is converted in terms of micro farad
import math
#Variable declaration
VCC=12#VCC=collector supply voltage
a=0.98#a=dc current gain of the common base transistor
VBE=0.7#VBE=base emitter voltage
IE=2#IE=emitter current in mA
#Ico is to be neglected
b=a/(1-a)#b=dc current gain of the common emitter transistor
#IC=b*IB where IC=collector current and IB=base current
RE=0.1#RE=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the emitter terminal
R2=20#R2=resistance in kilo ohms
RC=3.3#RC=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the collector terminal
#Let I be the current in the resistance R2
#Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law in the base-emitter circuit
#Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law
print "The resistance R1 is = %.1f k ohm"%R1
#Variable declaration
VBE=0.7#VBE=base emitter voltage
b=90#b=dc current gain of the common emitter transistor
VCC=10#VCC=collector supply voltage
RE=1.2#RE=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the emitter terminal
RC=4.7#RC=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the collector terminal
RB=250.#RB=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the base terminal
#Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law
#VCE=(RB*IB)+VBE where VCE=collector emitter voltage
#Also VCC=((IB+IC)*RC)+VCE+(IE*RE)
#IC=b*IB where IC=collector current and IB=base current
#IE=IC+IB where IE=emitter current
print "The quiescent value of IE is = %.3f mA"%IE
print "The quiescent value of VCE is = %.2f V"%VCE
print "When dc current gain=90,IC= %.3f mA"%IC
#b is increased by 50%
print "When dc current gain is increased by 50%%,IC=%.3f mA"%IC1
x=((IC1-IC)/IC)*100#x=increase in the collector current
print "The increase in the collector current IC is = %.1f %%"%x
print "\nThe percentage increase of IC being less than that of the dc current gain,the circuit provides some stabilization against the changes in the dc current gain."
print "VCE does not depend on dc current gain and hence it is not affected when the dc current gain changes."
#Variable declaration
VBE=0.7#VBE=base emitter voltage
b=99#b=dc current gain of the common emitter transistor
VCC=15#VCC=collector supply voltage
RE=7#RE=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the emitter terminal
RC=4#RC=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the collector terminal
RB=5#RB=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the base terminal
VEE=(-15)#VEE=emitter supply voltage
#Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law in the base emitter loop
#IC=b*IB where IC=collector current and IB=base current
#IE=IC+IB where IE=emitter current
print "The quiescent value of IB is = %.4f mA"%IB
print "The quiescent value of IC is = %.2f mA"%IC
print "The quiescent value of IE is = %.2f mA"%IE
#Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law in the output circuit
print "The quiescent value of VCE is = %.2f V"%VCE
#b is increased by 20%
print "When dc current gain is increased by 20%%,IC=%.2f mA"%IC1
x=((IC1-IC)/IC)*100#x=increase in the collector current
print "The increase in the collector current IC is = %.1f %%"%x
print "\nSince a 20% increase in current gain produces a mere 0.284% enhancement of IC,the circuit provides a good",\
"stabilization against the changes in the current gain"
#In textbook the increase in the collector current is given as 0.5% which is actually coming as 0.284% approximately
#Variable declaration
#For a self-bias circuit
VBE=0.7#VBE=base emitter voltage
b=100#b=dc current gain of the common emitter transistor
VCC=22#VCC=collector supply voltage
R1=82.#R1=resistance in kilo ohms
R2=16#R2=resistance in kilo ohms
RL=2.2#RL=load resistance in kilo ohms
Re=0.750#Re=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the emitter terminal
#ICO is to be neglected
VT=(R2*VCC)/(R1+R2)#VT=Thevenin equivalent voltage
RT=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2)#RT=Thevenin equivalent resistance
#Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the base circuit
IB=(VT-VBE)/(RT+Re+(b*Re))#IB=base current
IC=b*IB#IC=collector current
#Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the collector circuit
VCE=VCC-((IC*(RL+Re))+(IB*Re))#VCE=collector emitter voltage
print "The operating point is specified by"
print "IC=%.2f mA"%IC
print "VCE=%.1f V"%VCE
#Variable declaration
RE=0.680#RE=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the emitter terminal
RC=2.7#RC=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the collector terminal
#RB=resistance connected to the base terminal
VCE=7.3#VCE=collector emitter voltage
VBE=0.7#VBE=base emitter voltage
Vre=2.1#Vre=voltage across RE resistance
IB=0.02#IB=base current in mA
IE=Vre/RE#IE=emitter current in mA
IC=IE-IB#IC=collector current in mA
b=IC/IB#b=current gain
print "The current gain β is = %.1f"%b
VCC=(IC*RC)+VCE+Vre#VCC=collector supply voltage
print "The collector supply voltage VCC is = %.1f V"%VCC
#Voltage across RB (Vrb)resistance is given by
print "The resistance RB is = %.f k ohm"%RB
#To draw the DC load line,we neglect the base current in RE resistance
#Equation for DC load line is:
print "\nFor the DC load line"
print "The intercept of the load line on the VCE-axis(X-axis) is = %.1f V"%VCC
print "The intercept of the load line on the IC axis(Y-axis) is = %.2f mA"%(VCC/(RC+RE))
print "The DC load line is the straight line joining above two intercepts."
print "The co-ordinates of the operating point Q on the load line are (7.3V,3.07mA)"
#Variable declaration
VBE=0.7#VBE=base emitter voltage
b=120#b=dc current gain of the common emitter transistor
VCC=15.#VCC=collector supply voltage
R1=72.#R1=resistance in kilo ohms
R2=8#R2=resistance in kilo ohms
RL=2#RL=load resistance in kilo ohms
Re=0.700#Re=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the emitter terminal
RC=2#RC=resistance in kilo ohms connected to the collector terminal
Rin=1.5#Rin=input resistance in kilo ohms of the amplifier
vi=1#vi=amplitude of the ac input signal in mV
VT=(R2*VCC)/(R1+R2)#VT=Thevenin equivalent voltage
RT=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2)#RT=Thevenin equivalent resistance
#Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the base circuit
IB=(VT-VBE)/(RT+Re+(b*Re))#IB=base current
IC=b*IB#IC=collector current
#Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the collector circuit
VCE=VCC-((IC*(RL+Re)))#VCE=collector emitter voltage(neglecting small term IB*RE)
#Equation for DC load line is:
print "1. For the DC load line"
print "The operating point Q is specified by %.3f mA"%IC
print "VCE=%.1f V"%VCE
print "The intercept of the dc load line on the VCE-axis(X-axis) is = %.f V"%VCC
print "The intercept of the dc load line on the IC axis(Y-axis) is = %.2f mA"%(VCC/(RC+Re))
print "The DC load line is the straight line joining above two intercepts."
Rac=(RL*RC)/(RL+RC)#Rac=ac load resistance
print "\n2. For the AC load line"
print "The intercept of the ac load line on the VCE-axis(X-axis) is = %.1f V"%(VCE+(IC*Rac))
print "The line joining the above intercept and the operating point Q extended to meet the IC axis(Y-axis) gives the AC load line"
AV=-(b*Rac)/Rin#AV=voltage gain of the amplifier
vo=abs(AV)*vi#vo=amplitude of the output voltage signal
print "\n3. The amplitude of the output voltage vo is = %.f mV"%vo