Matter and Energy

Example 1.1, Page 17

In [1]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
g=32.2 #ft/s^2
m=500.0 #lb
rate=10.0 #ft/s^2

F1=m/g *rate

print "Force in case 1 in lbf",round(F1,3)
print "Force in case 2 in lbf",round(F2,3)
Force in case 1 in lbf 155.28
Force in case 2 in lbf 155.28

Example 1.2,Page 18

In [2]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
g=32.2 #ft/s^2
g2=32.0 #ft/s^2
rate=10 #ft/s^2
w1=500 #lbf

F=fd1/g2 *rate
print  "Net weight of body in case 1 in lbf",round(F,3)
print "Force in case 2 in lbf",round(F2,3)
Net weight of body in case 1 in lbf 155.28
Force in case 2 in lbf 155.28

Example 1.3, Page 19

In [3]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
g=32.174 #ft/s^2
m=500.0 #lbm
rate=10.0 #ft/s^2

F=1/g *m*rate

print "Force required in lbf",round(F,3)
Force required in lbf 155.405

Example 1.4, Page 21

In [4]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
g1=32.174 #ft/s^2
g2=30 #ft/s^2
m=100 #lbm

w1=g1/gc *m
w2=g2/gc *m

print "Weight in case 1 in lbf",round(w1,3)
print " Weight in case 2 in lbf",round(w2,3)
Weight in case 1 in lbf 100.0
 Weight in case 2 in lbf 93.243

Example 1.5,Page 22

In [5]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
ge=32.174 #ft/s^2
gm=5.47 #ft/s^2
we=50 #lbm


print "In case a, it will weigh the same, weight  in lbm",round(we,2)
print " In case b, weight in lbf",round(wm,2)
In case a, it will weigh the same, weight  in lbm 50.0
 In case b, weight in lbf 8.5

Example 1.6,Page 31

In [6]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
g=32.2 #ft/s^2
p1=100 #psig
p2=29.0 #in of Hg


print "Absolute pressure in psia",round(AP,3)
Absolute pressure in psia 114.239

Example 1.7,Page 32

In [7]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
g=32.2 #ft/s^2
Pb=29.5 #in of Hg
Pv=10 #in of Hg


print "Absoulte pressure in psia",round(AP,3)
Absoulte pressure in psia 9.575

Example 1.8,Page 38

In [8]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
g=32.2 #ft/s^2
v1=1 #cu ft
p1=100 #psia


print "Work done in ft-lb",round(W,3)
Work done in ft-lb 14400.0

Example 1.9,Page 39

In [9]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
g=32.2 #ft/s^2
v1=1 #cu ft
p1= 100.0 #psia
p2=50.0 #psia
v2=3.0 #cu ft


print "Work done in ft-lb",round(W,3)
Work done in ft-lb 21600.0

Example 1.10,Page 40

In [10]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
g=32.2 #ft/s^2
p1=100.0 #psia
p2=25.0 #psia
v2=2.0 #cu ft

W=p1*144*v2 - p2*144*v2

print "Work done in ft-lb",round(W,3)
Work done in ft-lb 21600.0

Example 1.11,Page 41

In [11]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
g=32.2 #ft/s^2
n=100 #rpm
p1=100 #psia
p2=25 #psia
v2=2 #cu ft

W=p1*144*v2 - p2*144*v2

print round(Hp,3),"Horsepower developed in hp"
65.0 Horsepower developed in hp

Example 1.12,Page 46

In [12]:
#initialisation of variable
P=50.0 #hp
m=30.0 #lb
E=19000.0 #Btu/lb

eta= P*2545/(m*E) *100 #efficiency

print "Efficiency in percent",round(eta,3)
Efficiency in percent 22.325