Chapter9-Building construction


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## Example 9.1
print('Example 9.1\n\n');
print('Page No. 252\n\n');

a = 40.;## in m
b = 25.;## in m
c = 20.;## in m
d = 10.;## in m
e = 5.;## in m
f = 2.;## in m
g = 3.;## in m
h = 6.;## in m

##(1) Production Area
T1 = 21.;## Temperature difference in degree celcius
T2 = -3.;## Temperature difference in degree celcius
U1 = 1.2;## heat transfer coefficent in W/m-K
U2 = 5.6;## heat transfer coefficent in W/m-K
U3 = 2.0;## heat transfer coefficent in W/m-K
U4 = 0.7;## heat transfer coefficent in W/m-K
U5 = 0.9;## heat transfer coefficent in W/m-K
## As Q = U*A*T
Q1 = (b*h)*U1*T1;## Heat loss in W. wall in W
Q2 = (((a-c)*h) + (d*h) + (d*f))*U1*T1;## Heat loss in N. wall in W
Q3 = (c*f)*U2*T1;## Heat loss in N. window in W
Q4 = (b*g)*U3*T2;## Heat loss in N. wall/internal in W
Q5 = (b*g)*U1*T1;## Heat loss in E. wall/external in W
Q6 = (((a-c)*h) + (d*h) + (d*f))*U1*T1;## Heat loss in S. wall in W
Q7 = (c*f)*U2*T1;## Heat loss in S. window in W
Q8 = (b*a)*U4*T1;## Heat loss in roof in W
Q9 = (b*a)*U5*T1;## Heat loss in floor in W
T_Q_P = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5 + Q6 + Q7 + Q8 + Q9;## in W

##For Office surface
T3 = 24;## Temperature difference in degree celcius
T4 = 3;## Temperature difference in degree celcius
## As Q = U*A*T
Q_1 = (b*g)*U3*T4;## Heat loss in W. wall in W
Q_2 = (d*g)*U1*T3;## Heat loss in N. wall in W
Q_3 = (((b-(2*e))*g) +(e*f))*U1*T3;## Heat loss in E. Wall in W
Q_4 = (e*f)*U2*T3;## Heat loss in E. window in W
Q_5 = (e*f)*U2*T3;## Heat loss in E. window in W
Q_6 = (d*g)*U1*T3;## Heat loss in S. wall in W
Q_7 = (b*d)*U4*T3;## Heat loss in S. roof in W
Q_8 = (b*d)*U5*T3;## Heat loss in floor in W
T_Q_O = Q_1 + Q_2 + Q_3 + Q_4 + Q_5 + Q_6 + Q_7 + Q_8; ##in W

T_Q = T_Q_P + T_Q_O;## in W
print'%s %.2f %s'%('Total building fabric loss is ',T_Q,' W')
Example 9.1

Page No. 252

Total building fabric loss is  74358.00  W


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import math
## Example 9.2
print('Example 9.2\n\n');
print('Page No. 255\n\n');

L_Br = 0.105;## Length of brickwork in m
L_Bl = 0.100;## Length of blockwork in m
L_C = 0.05;## Length of cavity in m
K_Br = 0.84;## Thermal conductivity of brickwork in W/m-K
K_Bl = 0.22;## Thermal conductivity of blockwork in W/m-K
K_C_in = 0.033;## Thermal conductivity of insulation in cavity in W/m-K
R_Ex = 0.055;## Resistance of external surface in W/m^2-K

##As R = L/K
R_Br = (L_Br/K_Br);## Resistance of brickwork in W/m^2-K
R_Bl = (L_Bl/K_Bl);## Resistance of blockwork in W/m^2-K
R_C = 0.18;## Resistance of cavity in W/m^2-K

##Without insulation of cavity
R_T = 0.938;## Total Resistance in W/m^2-K
## Thermal transmittance - U = (1/R_T)
U = (1./R_T);## in W/m^2-K
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The U-value of external wall is ',U,' W/sq.m K \n')

##With insulation of cavity
##As R = L/K
R_C_in = (L_C/K_C_in);## Resistance of insulation in cavity in W/m^2-K
In = R_C_in - R_C;## Net increase in W/m^2-K
R_T_New = R_T + In;## New total resistance in W/m^2-K
## Thermal transmittance - U = (1/R_T)
U_New = (1./R_T_New);## in W/m^2-K
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The new  U-value is with foamed insulation ',U_New,' W/sq.m K')
Example 9.2

Page No. 255

The U-value of external wall is  1.07  W/sq.m K 

The new  U-value is with foamed insulation  0.44  W/sq.m K


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## Example 9.3
print('Example 9.3\n\n');
print('Page No. 256\n\n');

N_1 = 1.5;## Ventilation rate in the production area (air changes per hour)
N_2 = 1.0;##  Ventilation rate in the office suite (air changes per hour)

##From example 9.1
V_P = 6000.;## Voulme of production area in m^3
V_O = 750.;## Voulme of office suite in m^3
T1 = 21.;## Temperature difference in degree celcius
T2 = -3.;## Temperature difference in degree celcius
T_P = 18.;## Temperature difference in degree celcius
F_loss = 74.4*10**3;## Total fabric loss in W

## As Q_vent = 0.33 * N * V * (T1 - T2)
Q_vent_P = 0.33 * N_1 * V_P * (T_P - T2);## Ventilation loss in production area in W
Q_vent_O = 0.33 * N_2 * V_O * (T1 - T2);## Ventilation loss in office suite in W
V_loss = Q_vent_P + Q_vent_O;## Total ventilation loss in W
T_loss = F_loss + V_loss;## Total heat loss in W
p = (V_loss/T_loss)*100.;
print'%s %.2f %s'%('percentage of ventilation loss is ',p,' percent',)
Example 9.3

Page No. 256

percentage of ventilation loss is  47.87  percent


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import numpy
## Example 9.4
print('Example 9.4\n\n');
print('Page No. 260\n\n');

##(a) Design loss
T1 = 18.;## Internal teemperature(specified as an Environmental temperature) in degree celcius
##From example 9.1
A = numpy.array([150, 200 ,40 ,75 ,75 ,200 ,40 ,1000, 1000]);## in m^2
U = numpy.array([1.2, 1.2 ,5.6, 2, 1.2 ,1.2 ,5.6 ,0.7 ,0.9]);## in W/m-K
Qf = 58.3*10**3;## Fabric loss in production area in W
T2 = -3.;## in degree celcius
s1 =0.;
s2 = 0.;
for i  in range (0,9):
    s1 = s1+A[i];
    s2 = s2+U[i]*A[i];

A_T = s1;## Total area in m^2
UA_T = s2;## sum of U*A in W/m-K (answer wrongly calculated in the book)

##From example 9.3
N_1 = 1.5;## Ventilation rate in the production area (air changes per hour)
V_P = 6000;## Voulme of production area in m^3

##As Qvent = C * (T1 - T2) & C = 0.33*N*V*(1 + ((UA_T)/(4.8*A_T)))
C = 0.33*N_1*V_P*(1. + ((UA_T)/(4.8*A_T)));
Q_vent = C * (T1 - T2);## in W
T_Q1 = Qf + Q_vent;## in W
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The total design loss is ',T_Q1,' W \n') ## (deviation in answer is due to error in calculation in the book)

##(b) Reduced heat loss
## The heat transfer coeffieint in this problem has been changed as U1
U1 = [0.44, 0.44, 2.8, 2, 0.44,0.44, 2.8, 0.44, 0.9];##in W/m^2-K
T = [21 ,21 ,21 ,-3 ,21 ,21 ,21 ,21 ,21];## Temperature difference in degree celcius
s3 = 0;
s4 = 0;
for i in range (0,9):
	s3 = s3+U1[i]*A[i];
	s4 = s4+U1[i]*A[i]*T[i];
U1A_T = s3;## in W/m-k (answer wrongly calculated in the book)
Q_loss = s4## in W

##As Qvent = C * (T1 - T2) & C = 0.33*N*V*(1 + ((UA_T)/(4.8*A_T)))
C = 0.33*N_1*V_P*(1 + ((U1A_T)/(4.8*A_T)))
Q_vent = C * (T1 - T2)## in W
T_Q2 = Q_loss + Q_vent## in W

Red = T_Q1 - T_Q2;## In W
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The reduction in loss is ',Red,' W') ## (deviation in answer is due to error in calculation in the book)
Example 9.4

Page No. 260

The total design loss is  134448.98  W 

The reduction in loss is  24613.38  W


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## Example 9.5
print('Example 9.5\n\n');
print('Page No. 265\n\n');

T = 21.;## Temperature difference in degree celcius
Deg_d = 2186.;## Total degree-days base(15.5 deg C) September_April
T_D = 18.;## Design Temperature in degree celcius
T_O = 4.;## base offset temperature in degree celcius
T_b = T_D - T_O;## Base temperature in degree celcius

## From Table 9.11 Correction factor for base tempratures other than 15.5 deg C is obtained. So for 14 deg c its 0.82
C = 0.82;## Correction factor
Do = Deg_d * C## Corrected degree-days 

##(a) Original construction
##from example 9.4
Q_d_1 = 133.7*10**3;## Design heat loss in W

H_1 = Q_d_1/T;
##As E = 24 * H * Do - E = Energy consumption in (Wh)
E1 = (24.*H_1 *Do)/10**6;## in 10^6 Wh ( from this step 'Do' is mistakely taken as 1972 inplace of 1792 in the solution of the book, so there is deviation in answer)
E_1 = (E1 * 3600.)*10**6;## in J
print'%s %.2e %s'%('The total energy consumption in original construction is ',E_1,' J \n')## Deviation in the answer is due to some calculation error as mentioned above

##(b) Improved insulation
##from example 9.4
Q_d_2 = 104.4*10**3;## Design heat loss in W

H_2 = Q_d_2/T;
##As E = 24 * H * Do - E = Energy consumption in (Wh)
E2 = (24.*H_2 *Do)/10**6;## in 10^6 Wh ( from this step 'Do' is mistakely taken as 2972 inplace of 2792 in the solution of the book, so there is deviation in answer)
E_2 = (E2 * 3600.)*10**6;## in J
print'%s %.2e%s'%('The total energy consumption in improved insulation is ',E_2,' J \n')## Deviation in the answer is due to some calculation error as mentioned above
Example 9.5

Page No. 265

The total energy consumption in original construction is  9.86e+11  J 

The total energy consumption in improved insulation is  7.70e+11 J 


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## Example 9.6
print('Example 9.6\n\n');
print('Page No. 268\n\n');

U1 = 5.6;## Single glazing heat transfer coefficient in W/m^2_K
U2 = 2.8;## Double glazing heat transfer coefficient in W/m^2_K
Ti = 21.;## Internal Temperature in degree celcius
To = -1.;## External Temperature in degree celcius
R_H = 0.5;## Relative humidity
Rs_i = 0.123;## Surface resistance in (W/m^2-K)^-1

## At 21 Degree celcius and R.H. = 0.5, the dew point is 10.5 degree celcius
Dew_pt = 10.5;## Dew point in degree celcius
##As Ts_i = Ti - (Rs_i * U *(Ti - To))

##(a) Single Glazing
Ts_i_S = Ti - (Rs_i * U1 *(Ti - To));## in degree celcius
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The internal surface temperature for single glazing is ',Ts_i_S,' deg C \n')
if (Dew_pt > Ts_i_S):
	print('Surface condensation will occur since it is less than 10.5 deg C.')
    print('No surface condensation is expected as it is greater than 10.5 deg C.')

##(b) Double Glazing
Ts_i_D = Ti - (Rs_i * U2 *(Ti - To));## in degree celcius
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The internal surface temperature for single glazing is ',Ts_i_D,' deg C \n')
if (Dew_pt > Ts_i_D):
	print('Surface condensation will occur since it is less than 10.5 deg C.')
	print('No surface condensation is expected since it is greater than 10.5 deg C.')
Example 9.6

Page No. 268

The internal surface temperature for single glazing is  5.85  deg C 

Surface condensation will occur since it is less than 10.5 deg C.
The internal surface temperature for single glazing is  13.42  deg C 

No surface condensation is expected since it is greater than 10.5 deg C.


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## Example 9.7
print('Example 9.7\n\n');
print('Page No. 269\n\n');

l_1 = 240.;## existing length of solid brick in mm
l_u = 25.;## upgraded internal lining in mm
l_e = 9.5;## Expanded polystyrenne in mm
T_i = 20.;## Internal temperature in degre celcius
R_H_i = 50.;## Internal Relative humidity in percent
T_e = 0.;## External temperature in degre celcius
R_H_e = 90.;## External Relative humidity in percent

K = ([0.123, 0.059 ,0.714, 0.286, 0.055]);## Thermal resistance in W/m^2-K
V_r = ([0.0, 0.475 ,3.57 ,9.60 ,0.0]);## Vapour Resistance in 10^9 N-s/kg

##Refer Figure 9.3
##From Figure 9.3, the tempeature, dew point, vapour pressure for different interface are obtained
T = ([18.01, 17.06, 5.51 ,0.89]);## Temperature in degree celcius
V_p = ([1170, 1148 ,986 ,550]);##Vapour pressure in N/m^2
D_P = ([9.5, 9.2, 7.1, -1.5]);## Dew point in degree celcius

h = (T_i - T_e)/sum (K);## in W/m^2
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The heat flow is ',h,' W/m^2 \n')
V_p_i = V_p[0];## Internal vapour pressure in N/m^2
V_p_e = V_p[3];## External vapour pressure in N/m^2
m = ((V_p_i - V_p_e)/sum(V_r))*10**-9;## in  kg/s
print'%s %.2e %s'%('The vapour mass flow is ',m,' kg/s')
Example 9.7

Page No. 269

The heat flow is  16.17  W/m^2 

The vapour mass flow is  4.54e-08  kg/s


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import numpy
## Example 9.8
print('Example 9.8\n\n');
print('Page No. 275\n\n');

A = 10.;## in m^2
S = 0.77;
Sa = 0.54;
##for South
print('\t\t\t SOUTH \n')
I1 = ([200 ,185 ,165 ,155 ,165 ,185 ,200]);## in W-m^2
I2 = ([500, 455 ,405 ,385, 405 ,455, 500]);## in W-m^2
A_G_S0 = (A*200*S) + (A*500*Sa)
A_G_S1 = (A*185*S) + (A*455*Sa)
A_G_S2 = (A*165*S) + (A*405*Sa)
A_G_S3 = (A*155*S) + (A*385*Sa)
A_G_S4 = (A*165*S) + (A*405*Sa)
A_G_S5 = (A*185*S) + (A*455*Sa)
A_G_S6 = (A*200*S) + (A*500*Sa)

print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month April is ',A_G_S0,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month May is ',A_G_S1,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month June is ',A_G_S2,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month July is ',A_G_S3,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month Aug. is ',A_G_S4,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month Sept. is ',A_G_S5,' W \n\n')

 ##For east
print('\t\t\t EAST \n')
I3 = ([110, 150, 180 ,190 ,180 ,150 ,110]);## in W-m^2
I4 = ([435 ,510, 515, 505, 515 ,510 ,435]);## in W-m^2
A_G_E0 = (A*110*S) + (A*435*Sa)
A_G_E1 = (A*150*S) + (A*510*Sa)
A_G_E2 = (A*180*S) + (A*515*Sa)
A_G_E3 = (A*190*S) + (A*505*Sa)
A_G_E4 = (A*180*S) + (A*515*Sa)
A_G_E5 = (A*150*S) + (A*510*Sa)
A_G_E6 = (A*110*S) + (A*435*Sa)

print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month March is ',A_G_E0,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month April is ',A_G_E1,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month May is ',A_G_E2,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month June is ',A_G_E3,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month July is ',A_G_E4,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month Aug. is ',A_G_E5,' W \n')
print'%s %.2f %s'%('The monthly peak cooling loads for the month Sept. is ',A_G_E6,' W \n\n')
Example 9.8

Page No. 275


The monthly peak cooling loads for the month April is  4240.00  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month May is  3881.50  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month June is  3457.50  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month July is  3272.50  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month Aug. is  3457.50  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month Sept. is  3881.50  W 


The monthly peak cooling loads for the month March is  3196.00  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month April is  3909.00  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month May is  4167.00  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month June is  4190.00  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month July is  4167.00  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month Aug. is  3909.00  W 

The monthly peak cooling loads for the month Sept. is  3196.00  W 


In [11]:
import math
## Example 9.9
print('Example 9.9\n\n');
print('Page No. 277\n\n');

A = 15.;## glazing area in m^2
l = 10.;## Length of office in m
h = 6.;## height of office in m
w = 3.5;## width of office in m
Y_w = 4.;## Admittance of wall in W/m^2-K
Y_f = 3.;## Admittance of floor in W/m^2-K
Y_c = 3.;## Admittance of ceiling in W/m^2-K
N = 1.5;##Ventilation rate (air changes per hour)
V = l*h*w;## Volume in m^3
U_G = 5.6;## Transmittance in W/m^2-K

##From table 9.18 and table 9.16
To = 16.5;## External temperature of June in degree celcius
T_O = 7.5;## Swing temperature in degre celcius
I = 155.; ##Vertical S in W-m^2
Is = 385.;##Vertical S in W-m^2
S = 0.77;## Solar gain factor
Sa = 0.54;## Solar gain factor

##As  For the mean internal temperature -Ti = To + ((A*I*S)/((0.33*N*V) + (A*U_G))) 
Ti = To + ((A*I*S)/((0.33*N*V) + (A*U_G)));## in degree celcius
print'%s %.2f %s'%('the mean internal temperature is ',Ti,' deg C \n')

A_G = (A*Is*Sa) + ((A*U_G) + (0.33*N*V))*T_O;## Swing in gain in W
Net_A = 2*((w*h) + (l*w)) - A;## Net wall area in m^2
A_f = l*h;## floor area in m^2
A_c = l*h;##ceiling area in m^2
A_Y_w = Net_A * Y_w;## Wall AY in W/K
A_Y_f = A_f * Y_f;## Floor AY in W/K 
A_Y_c = A_c * Y_c;## ceiling AY in W/K 
A_Y_wi = 84.;## Window AY in W/K
Net_AY = A_Y_w + A_Y_f + A_Y_c + A_Y_wi## in W/K
Ti_s = ((A_G)/((0.33*N*V) + (Net_AY)))## Internal Temperature swing in deg C
T_p = Ti + Ti_s;## in deg C
print'%s %.2f %s'%('Peak internal temperature is ',T_p,' deg C') ## Deviation in the answer is due to some calculation approximation in the book
Example 9.9

Page No. 277

the mean internal temperature is  26.03  deg C 

Peak internal temperature is  30.86  deg C