#initialisation of variable
#Part a
w1=1.2;#in Kg
c1=80.0;#cost of making aluminium casting in Rs/Kg
c2=150.0;#ost of machining aluminium casting per unit in Rs
Tc1=c1*w1+c2;#Total cost of jet engine part made of aluminium per unit in Rs
print "Total cost of jet engine part made of aluminium per unit in Rs ",round(Tc1,3)
#Part b
w2=1.35;#in Kg
c1=35.0;#in Rs/Kg
c2=170.0;#in Rs
c3=1300.0;#in Rs/Kg
Tc2=c1*w2+c2+c3*(w2-w1);#in Rs
print "Total cost of jet engine part made of steel per unit in Rs : ",round(Tc2,3);
print "DECISION : The total cost/unit of a jet engine part made of aluminium is less than that for an engine made of steel. Hence, aluminium is suggested for making jet engine part. The economic advantage of aluminium over steel per unit in Rs ",round(Tc2-Tc1,3)
#initialisation of variable
#Part a
wood=0.1;#in m^3
WoodCost=12000.0;#in Rs/m^3
Table=1;#in units
TableTopCost=3000.0;#in Rs/unit
Nails=100.0;#in grams
NailsCost=300.0;#in Rs/Kg
TotalLabour=15.0;#in Hours
TotalLabourCost=50.0;#in Rs/Hours
WoodCostframelegs=WoodCost*wood;#in Rs
WoodTopCost=3000.0;#in Rs
BushesCost=LegBushesCost*LegBushes;#in Rs
NailsCost=Nails*NailsCost/1000;#in Rs
LabourCost=TotalLabourCost*TotalLabour;#in Rs
TotalCost1=WoodCostframelegs+WoodTopCost+BushesCost+NailsCost+LabourCost;#in Rs
print "Cost of Table with wooden top in Rs ",round(TotalCost1,3)
#given data for table with granite top
#Part b
wood=0.15;#in m^3
WoodCost=12000.0;#in Rs/m^3
Granite=1.62;#in m^2
GraniteCost=800.0;#in Rs/m^2
Nails=50.0;#in grams
NailsCost=300.0;#in Rs/Kg
TotalLabour=8.0;#in Hours
TotalLabourCost=50.0;#in Rs/Hours
WoodCostframelegs=WoodCost*wood;#in Rs
GraniteTopCost=Granite*GraniteCost;#in Rs
BushesCost=LegBushesCost*LegBushes;#in Rs
NailsCost=Nails*NailsCost/1000;#in Rs
LabourCost=TotalLabourCost*TotalLabour;#in Rs
TotalCost2=WoodCostframelegs+GraniteTopCost+BushesCost+NailsCost+LabourCost;#in Rs
print "Cost of Table with Granite top in Rs ",round(TotalCost2,3);
print "Economic advantage of table with granite top in Rs ",round(TotalCost1-TotalCost2,3)
#initialisation of variable
#design A
LatheCost=200.0;#in Rs/hour
grinderCost=150.0;#in Rs/hour
HoursOfLathe=16.0;#in hours/1000Unit
HoursOfGrinder=4.5;#in hours/1000Unit
TotalCostA=LatheCost*HoursOfLathe+grinderCost*HoursOfGrinder;#in Rs/1000unit
print "Total cost of design A per 100,000 units ",round(TotalCostA*100000.0/1000,3);
# Design B
HoursOfLathe=7.0;#in hours/1000Unit
HoursOfGrinder=12.0;#in hours/1000Unit
TotalCostB=LatheCost*HoursOfLathe+grinderCost*HoursOfGrinder;#in Rs/1000unit
print "Total cost of design A per 100,000 units",round(TotalCostB*100000.0/1000,3);
print "Economic advantage of design B over design A per 100,000 units in Rs ",round(TotalCostA-TotalCostB,3);
#initialisation of variable
from math import pi
TankDia=5.2;#in meter
TankRad=TankDia/2;#in meters
TankHeight=7;#in meters
VolPerTank=(22/7)*TankRad**2*TankHeight;#in m^3
h=VolPerTank/(pi)*64;#in meters
r=h/8;#in meters
d=2*r;#in meters
CostNewDesign=900000*(100.0/111);#in Rs
print "Expected savings by redesign in Rs ",round(900000-CostNewDesign,3);
#initialisation of variable
#steel frame
distance=2500.0;#in Km
TransCost=1.0;#in Rs/Kg/100Km
SteelFramePrice=1000.0;#in Rs/Unit
SteelFrameWeight=75.0;#in Kg/Unit
TotalCost1=SteelFramePrice+TransCost*SteelFrameWeight*distance/100;#in Rs
print "Total cost of steel window frame per unit in Rs ",round(TotalCost1,3);
# Aluminium window frame
AlumilniumFramePrice=1500.0;#in Rs/Unit
AlumilniumFrameWeight=28.0;#in Kg/Unit
TotalCost2=AlumilniumFramePrice+TransCost*AlumilniumFrameWeight*distance/100;#in Rs
print "Total cost of Alumilnium window frame per unit in Rs ",round(TotalCost2,3);
print "DECISION : The total cost per unit of the aluminium window frame is less than that of steel window frame. Hence, Alumilnium window frame is recommended. The Economic advantage per unit of the Alumilnium window frame over steel window frame in Rs ",round(TotalCost1-TotalCost2,3)
#initialisation of variable
#Cost of component using process sequence 1
print"The process sequence 1 of the component is as follows : Turning - Milling - Shaping - Drilling" ;
print "Calculations are summarized in form of table below : ";
print "Operation Operation Time Machine Hour rate Cost";
print " No. Min Hour Rs. Rs.";
print " 1 Turning 5 0.083 200 16.60";
print " 2 Milling 8 0.133 400 53.20";
print " 3 Shapiing 10 0.167 350 58.45";
print " 4 Drilling 3 0.050 300 15.00";
print " Total 143.25";
#Cost of component using process sequence 2
print "The process sequence 2 of the component is as follows : Turning - Milling - Drilling" ;
print "Calculations are summarized in form of table below : ";
print "Operation Operation Time Machine Hour rate Cost";
print " No. Min Hour Rs. Rs.";
print " 1 Turning 5 0.083 200 16.60";
print " 2 Milling 14 0.233 400 93.20";
print " 4 Drilling 3 0.050 300 15.00";
print " Total 124.80";
#Cost of component using process sequence 3
print "The process sequence 3 of the component is as follows : Only CNC operations" ;
print "Calculations are summarized in form of table below : ";
print "Operation Operation Time Machine Hour rate Cost";
print " No. Min Hour Rs. Rs.";
print " 1 CNC 8 0.133 1000 133";
print "The process sequence 2 has the least cost. Therefore, it should be selected for manufacturing the component."