import math
#Initilization of variables
N=100 #lb
mu=0.3 #coefficient of friction
l=5 #in compressed to length
#Simplfying the calculations we obtain
M=8*(N+N*mu) #lb-in
print'The Moment is',round(M,3),"lb-in"
import math
#Initilization of variables
m=10 #kg
g=9.81 # m/s**2
F=200 #N
l=3 #m
#Applying Virtual work principle
By=m*g*0.5 #N
Bx=F*(2*3**-1) #N
#By equations of equilibrium
Ax=-Bx-F #N negative sign indictaes the LEFT orientation
Ay=m*g-By #N
print'The values are'
print'Ax=',round(Ax),"N to left"
print'Ay=',round(Ay),"N up"
print'Bx=',round(Bx),"N to right"
print'By=',round(By),"N up"