Chapter 5: Equilibrium of Coplanar Force Systems.

Example 5.5-1, Page no 58

In [11]:
import math
import numpy as np

#Initilization of variables
# From eqn's 1&2
B=np.array([0,25]) #lb




print'The tension in  cable AB is',round(X[1],1),"lb"
print'The tension in cable AC is',round(X[0],1),"lb"

# The tensions in the cable AB & AC is off by 0.1 lb
The tension in  cable AB is 33.5 lb
The tension in cable AC is 31.6 lb

Example 5.5-2, Page no 59

In [15]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
F1=100 #lb
R=16 #in

theta=arcsin(14*R**-1)*(180/pi) #degrees
# since theta=61 degrees,
N=F1/sin61 #lb
P=N*cos61 #lb


print'The value of normal reaction offered is',round(N,1),"lb"
print'The push required is',round(P,1),"lb"
The value of normal reaction offered is 114.3 lb
The push required is 55.4 lb

Example 5.5-3,Page no 59

In [45]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
L=20 #m
M=1200 #kg
g=9.81 #m/s**2
H=10 #m


AB=sqrt(L**2-H**2) #Applying Pythagoras Theorem
F1=M*g*H/AB #N
F2=M*g/costheta #N


print'Force F1 is',round(F1),"N"
print'Force F2 is',round(F2),"N"

#Decimal accuracy causes discrepancy in answers compared to the textbook answers
Force F1 is 6797.0 N
Force F2 is 13609.0 N

Example 5.5-4, Page No 60

In [17]:
import math
import numpy as np

#Initilization of variables
Fx=1000 #lb
Fy=1000 #lb

#Matrix solution

print'The force in AB is',round(X[0]),"lb compression"
print'The force in BC is',round(X[1]),"lb compression"
The force in AB is 200.0 lb compression
The force in BC is 1400.0 lb compression

Example 5.5-5, Page no 61

In [24]:
import math
import numpy as np

#Initilization of variables
w=10 #lb/ft
L=12 #ft
# as theta=30 degrees,

#Matrix Calculations

print'The tension in the cable is,T=',round(X[0]),"lb"
print'The reaction at B is,R',round(X[1]),"lb"
The tension in the cable is,T= 120.0 lb
The reaction at B is,R 120.0 lb

Example 5.5-6,Page no 61

In [33]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
W1=40 #lb
W2=30 #lb
# as theta1=30 degrees,

#Summing the forces parallel to 30 degree plane

print'The tension in the cable is',round(T),"lb"
print'The angle is',round(theta,1),"degrees"
The tension in the cable is 20.0 lb
The angle is 41.8 degrees

Example 5.5-8,Page no 62

In [5]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
F1=125 #N
F2=200 #N
F3=340 #N
F4=180 #N
x1=4 #m
x2=3 #m
x3=10 #m
x4=15 #m
x5=17 #m

Rb=(-F1*x1+F2*x2+F3*x3+F4*x4)/x5 #moment about point A
Ra=(F1*(x1+x5)+F3*(x5-x3)+F2*(x5-x2)+F4*(x5-x4))/x5 #moment about point B

print'The reaction at A is',round(Ra),"N"
print'The reaction at B is',round(Rb),"N"

# The ans for B is off by 1 N
The reaction at A is 480.0 N
The reaction at B is 364.0 N

Example 5.5-9, Page no 63

In [6]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
F1=1000 #lb
F2=1200 #lb
F3=2000 #lb
x1=1 #ft
x2=7 #ft
x4=2 #ft
x3=6 #ft

#Equilibrium equations
Rn=(F3*(x1+x2+x3)+F2*(x1+x2)+F1*x1)/(x1+x3+x2+x4) #Moment about point M
Rm=(F1*(x2+x3+x4)+F2*(x3+x4)+F3*x4)/(x1+x2+x3+x4) #Moment about point N

print'The reaction at M is',round(Rm),"lb"
print'The reaction at N is',round(Rn),"lb"

#Decimal Accuracy causes discrepancy in answers between computation and textbook
The reaction at M is 1787.0 lb
The reaction at N is 2412.0 lb

Example 5.5-10, Page no 64

In [34]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
P=10 #kg
g=9.81 #m/s**2

# equilibrium at fig b
T1=P*g/2 #N
# equilibrium at fig c
T2=T1/2 #N
#equilibrium at fig d

print'The force P is',round(P,1),"N"
The force P is 24.5 N

Example 5.5-11, Page no 64

In [7]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
k=20 # lb/in
w=20 # lb/ft
x1=4 #ft
x2=10 # ft
x3=8 #ft
x4=6 #ft
x5=9 #ft
F1=1920 #lb.rad
F2=3360 #lb.rad

theta=(w*x2*x5)*(F1*x3+F2*(x3+x4))**-1 #radians

print'The force in spring B is',round(FB,1),"lb"
print'The force in spring C is',round(FC,1),"lb"
print'The reaction at A is',round(A,1),"lb up"

 # The answer waries slightly due to decimal point discrepancy
The force in spring B is 55.4 lb
The force in spring C is 96.9 lb
The reaction at A is 47.7 lb up

Example 5.5-12, Page no 65

In [35]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
L=3.8 #m
w=10 # kg/m
P=1000 #N
t=0.8 #m
g=9.81 #m/s**2

Gf=L*w*g #N
A=(P*L+Gf*L*0.5)/t #N Taking moment about point B
B=(P*(L-t)+Gf*(0.5*L-t))/t #N Taking moment about point A

print'The reaction at point A is',round(A),"N"
print'The reaction at point B is',round(B),"N"

# The answers in the textbook are incorrect
The reaction at point A is 5635.0 N
The reaction at point B is 4263.0 N

Example 5.5-13, Page no 65

In [37]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
Wa=400 #lb
Wb=200 #lb
# as theta=30 degrees,

Ta=Wa*sin30 #lb
Tb=Wb*sin30 #lb
#Taking moment about point O
P=(Tb*12+Ta*6)/24 #lb

print'The value of Ta is',round(Ta,3),"lb"
print'The value of Tb is',round(Tb,3),"lb"
print'The value of P is',round(P,3),"lb"
The value of Ta is 200.0 lb
The value of Tb is 100.0 lb
The value of P is 100.0 lb

Example 5.5-15, Page no 66

In [4]:
import math
import numpy as np

#Initilization of variables
F=np.array([5,2,3,1.5]) #kN Forces are defined as a cloumn matrix
theta=(pi*np.array([90,60,45,80]))/180 #degrees angles are also defined as a column matrix
d=np.array([2,6,13,17]) #distances from point C of each force
c=np.array([17,15,11,4]) #distance form point D of each force

#Summing horizontal forces
Ch=F[1]*cos(theta[1])-F[2]*cos(theta[2])+F[3]*cos(theta[3]) #kN "which indidcates that Ch acts to the left instead of the assumed"
#Taking moment about point C
D=(F[0]*d[0]+F[1]*sin(theta[1])*d[1]+F[2]*sin(theta[2])*d[2]+F[3]*sin(theta[3])*d[3])/d[3] #kN
#Taking moment about point D

print'The values of Ch,D and Cv are:',round(Ch,2),"kN ,",round(D,1),"kN",'and',round(Cv,2),"kN"

# The ans of Cv is incorrect in textbook
The values of Ch,D and Cv are: -0.86 kN , 4.3 kN and 6.84 kN

Example 5.5-16, Page no 67

In [7]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
w=100 #N/m
F1=200 #N
M=500 #N.m
Lw=2 #m
#Distance from point A
d=np.array([1,2,3,4,5]) #m
#Distance from point B
b=np.array([5,4,3,2,1]) #m

#Taking moment aboout point A
Rb=(w*Lw*d[0]+F1*d[2]-M)/d[3] #N
#Taking moment about point B
Ra=(w*Lw*b[2]+F1*b[4]+M)/b[1] #N

print'The value of reaction at A is',round(Ra),"N"
print'The value of reaction at B is',round(Rb),"N"
The value of reaction at A is 325.0 N
The value of reaction at B is 75.0 N

Example 5.5-18, Page no 68

In [15]:
import math
import numpy as np

#Initilization of variables
# The values of theta are=[60,60,45] degrees, therefore its values are as,
d=np.array([4.46,3.54,2]) #feet defined as a matrix
F=400 #lb

#Taking moment about point A
Re=(F*(8-d[1]))/8 #lb
Ra=400-Re #lb here i have used the summation of forces in the vertical direction
#Taking moment about point B
Dv=(-F*3.644)*5.77**-1 #lb
#Taking moment about point D
Bv=(F*2.126)/5.77 #lb
#Taking summation of forces in the vertical direction
Cv=-223-Dv #lb
#Taking moment about point D
Ch=((223*d[2]*costheta2)-(Cv*5.173*costheta2))*(5.173*sintheta2)**-1 #lb
#Taking summation of forces in the horizontal direction
Dh=-Ch #lb
#Taking sum of forces in horizontal direction
Bh=-Dh #lb

print'The Floor reactions are'
print'Ra=',round(Ra),"lb up"
print'Re=',round(Re),"lb up"

print'Pin reaction at C on CE are'
print'Ch=',round(Ch,1),"lb to right"
print'Cv=',round(Cv,1),"lb up"

print'The pin reactions at B on AC are:'
print'Bh=',round(Bh,1),"lb to right"
print'Bv=',round(Bv,1),"lb down" 
The Floor reactions are
Ra= 177.0 lb up
Re= 223.0 lb up
Pin reaction at C on CE are
Ch= 56.6 lb to right
Cv= 29.6 lb up
The pin reactions at B on AC are:
Bh= 56.6 lb to right
Bv= 147.4 lb down

Example 5.5-19, Page no 70

In [52]:
import math

#Initilization of variables
r=0.5 #m
m=10 #kg
g=9.81 #m/s**2
# since theta=60 degrees,

#Due to symmetry the reaction will be shared by the structure
A=m*g*r #N
B=A #N
#Vertical forces summed
N1=m*g/(2*sin30) #N
#Taking moment about point C
print'The value of N1 is',round(N1),"N"
print'The value of T is',round(T,1),"N"

# The ans for T is off by 0.1 N
The value of N1 is 98.0 N
The value of T is 84.3 N