import math
# Variable Declaration
m_m=75;# The mass of the man in kg
m_t=750;# The total mass of the elevator in kg
T=8300;# The tension T in the hoisting cable in N
t_ll=0;# Lower limit of integration
t_ul=3;# Upper limit of integration
g=9.81;# The acceleration due to gravity in m/s**2
# Calculation
W=m_t*g;# The total weight of the elevator
# From the free-body diagram of the elevator,SigmaF_y=m*a_y
SigmaF_y=T-W;# N
a_y=SigmaF_y/(m_t);# The acceleration in m/s**2
# From the free-body diagram of the man,SigmaF_y=m*a_y
W_m=m_m*g;# Weight of the man in N
R=(m_m*a_y)+W_m;# The equal and opposite reaction R in N
# The velocity reached at the end of the 3 seconds is delv=integral(a.dt),integrating this equation we get
v=a_y*(t_ul-t_ll);# The velocity in m/s
print"The equal and opposite reaction,R=",R,"N"
print"The velocity reached at the end of the 3 seconds,v=",round(v,2),"m/s"
import math
# Variable Declaration
m=200;# The mass of the car in kg
T=2.4;# The cable tension in kN
g=9.81;# The acceleration due to gravity in m/s**2
# Calculation
W=(m*g)/1000;# The weight of the car in kN
# In y direction,SigmaF_y=0
x=5;# adjacent side
y=12;# opposite side
r=13;# hypotenuse
P=((T*x)/r)+((W*y)/r);# The total force exerted by the supporting cable on the wheels in N
print"The total force exerted by the supporting cable on the wheels,P=",round(P,2),"kN"
# In x direction,SigmaF_x=m*a_x
x=12;# # adjacent side
y=5;# opposite side
r=13;# # hypotenuse
a=((((T*1000*x)/r)-((W*1000*y)/r))/m);# # The acceleration of the car in m/s**2
print"The acceleration of the car,a=",round(a,2),"m/s**2"
import math
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
# Variable declaration
m_A=250;# The mass of concrete block A in lb
m=400;# lb
theta=30;# degree
mu_k=0.5;# The coefficient of kinetic friction between the log and the ramp
x=20;# ft
g=32.2;# The acceleration due to gravity in ft/sec**2
# Calculation
# SigmaF_y=0;
N=m*math.cos(theta*math.pi/180);# lb
# SigmaF_x=ma_x;
def equations(p):
v_A=math.sqrt(2*a_A*x);# ft/sec
print"\nThe velocity of the block as it hits the ground at B,v_A=%2.2f ft/sec"%v_A;
import math
import sympy
# Variable Declaration
m=10;# The mass in kg
v=2;# The speed in m/s
R=8;# N
# Calculation
t = sympy.Symbol('t')
k=R/v**2;# N.s**2/m**2
# SigmaF_x=ma_x;
v_0=v;# m/s
v=v_0/2;# m/s
t_r=5*((1/v)-(0.5));# The time requirwd to reduce the speed in s
print"\nThe time t required for it to reduce its speed to 1 m/s,t=%1.2f s"%t_r
t_0=0;# s
t_1=2.5;# s
print"\nThe corresponding travel distance,x=%1.2f m"%x;
import math
import numpy
# Variable Declaration
m=1500;# The mass of the car in kg
v_A=100;# The velocity in km/h
v_C=50;# The velocity in km/h
rho_A=400;# The radius of curvature in m
rho_C=80;# The radius of curvature in m
delta_s=200;# m
# Calculation
a_t=abs((((v_C/3.6)**2)-((v_A/3.6)**2))/(2*delta_s));# The tangential acceleration in m/s**2
a_na=((v_A/3.6)**2)/rho_A;# The normal components of acceleration at A in m/s**2
a_nb=0;# The normal components of acceleration at B in m/s**2
a_nc=((v_C/3.6)**2)/rho_C;# The normal components of acceleration at C in m/s**2
F_t=m*a_t;# N
F_na=m*a_na;# N
F_nb=m*a_nb;# N
F_nc=m*a_nc;# N
F_a=math.sqrt(F_na**2+F_t**2);# The total horizontal force acting on the tires at A in N
F_b=math.sqrt(F_nb**2+F_t**2);# The total horizontal force acting on the tires at B in N
F_c=math.sqrt(F_nc**2+F_t**2);# The total horizontal force acting on the tires at C in N
print"\nAt A,F=%4.0f N \nAt B,F=%4.0f N \nAt C,F=%4.0f N"%(F_a,F_b,F_c);
import math
# Variable Declaration
h=200;# The altitude in mi
R=3959;# mi
g=32.234;# The acceleration due to gravity in ft/sec**2
# Calculation
# SigmaF_n=ma_n;
v=(R*5280)*math.sqrt(g/((R+h)*5280));# ft/sec
print"\nThe velocity required for the spacecraft,v=%5.0f ft/sec"%v;
import math
# Variable Declaration
m=50;# kg
v_1=4;# m/s
mu_k=0.30;# The coefficient of kinetic friction
g=9.81;# The acceleration due to gravity in m/sec**2
s=10;# m
theta=15;# degree
R=474;# N
# Calculation
U_12=((m*g)*s*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180))-(mu_k*R*(s));# The total work done on the crate during the motion in J
v_2=math.sqrt((((m*v_1**2)/2)+U_12)/((m/2)));# The velocity of the crate in m/s
print"\nThe velocity of the crate,v_2=%1.2f m/s"%v_2;
import math
# Variable Declaration
m=80;# kg
v=72;# km/h
s=75;# m
mu_sa=0.30;# The coefficient of static friction
mu_ka=0.28;# The coefficient of kinetic friction
mu_sb=0.25;# The coefficient of static friction
mu_kb=0.20;# The coefficient of kinetic friction
g=9.81;# The acceleration due to gravity in m/sec**2
# Calculation
a=(v/3.6)**2/(2*s);# m/s**2
# Case(a)
F=m*a;# The friction force on the block in N
U_12=F*s;# The work done in J
print"\n(a)The work done by the friction force acting on the crate,U_12=%5.0f J (or) %2.0f kJ"%(U_12,U_12/1000);
# Case(b)
F=mu_sb*m*g;# N
F=mu_kb*m*g;# N
a_b=F/m;# The acceleration in m/s**2
deltaS=(a_b/a)*s;# The displacement of a crate in m
U_12=F*deltaS;# The work done in J
print"\n(b)The work done by the friction force acting on the crate,U_12=%4.0f J (or) %1.2f kJ"%(U_12,U_12/1000);
import math
# Variable Declaration
m=50;# The mass of the block in kg
F=300;# N
x_1=0.233;# m
k=80;# The spring stifness in N/m
x=1.2;# m
y=0.9;# m
# Calculation
x_2=x_1+x;# m
U_12=(1/2)*k*(x_1**2-x_2**2);# The work done by the spring force acting on the block in J
s=math.sqrt(x**2+y**2)-y;# m
W=F*s;# The work done in J
T_1=0;# J
v=math.sqrt(((U_12+W)*2)/m);# m/s
print"\nThe velocity of the block as it reaches position B,v=%1.2f m/s"%v;
import math
# Variable Declaration
F=800;# lb
theta=30;# degree
v=4;# ft/sec
P=6;# hp
P_i=8;# hp
g=32.2;# The acceleration due to gravity in ft/sec**2
# Calculation
N=(F*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180));# lb
# SigmaF_x=0;
T=(P*550)/v;# The tension in the cable in N
mu_k=(T-(F*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180)))/N;# The coefficient of kinetic friction
T=(P_i*550)/v;# lb
a=(g*(T-(N*mu_k)-(F*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180))))/F;# The acceleration in ft/sec**2
print"\nThe corresponding instantaneous acceleration of the log,a=%2.2f ft/sec**2"%a;
import math
# Variable Declaration
h_1=500;# km
v_1=30000;# km/h
h_2=1200;# km
g=9.81;# The acceleration due to gravity in m/sec**2
R=6371;# km
# Calculation
print"\nThe velocity of the satellite as it reaches point B,v_2=%4.0f m/s (or) v_2=%5.0f km/h"%(v_2,v_2*3.6);
import math
# Variable Declaration
mg=6;# lb
k=2;# lb/in
g=32.2;# The acceleration due to gravity in ft/sec**2
h=24;# in
x_1=24/12;# ft
x_2=(((24*math.sqrt(2))/12)-(24/12));# ft
# Calculation
# The reaction of the rod on the slider is normal to the motion and does no work.
T_1=0;# ft-lb
U_12=0;# ft-lb
# We define the datum to be at the level of position 1, so that the gravitational potential energies are
V_1g=0;# ft-lb
V_2g=-(mg)*(h/12);# ft-lb
V_1e=((k*12)*(x_1)**2)/2;# ft-lb
V_2e=((k*12)*(x_2)**2)/2;# ft-lb
v_2=math.sqrt(((T_1+(V_1g+V_1e)+U_12)-(V_2g+V_2e))*(2*(g/mg)));# ft/sec
print"\nThe velocity of the slider as it passes position 2,v_2=%2.1f ft/sec"%v_2;
import math
# Variable Declaration
m=10;# kg
k=60;# N/m
F=250;# N
theta=30;# degree
ABbar=1.5;# m
BCbar=0.9;# m
g=9.81;# The acceleration due to gravity in m/sec**2
d_AC=1.2;# The distance in m
d_BC=0.9;# The distance in m
# Calculation
s=ABbar-BCbar;# m
U_ac=F*s;# J
V_Ag=0;# The initial gravitational potential energy in J
T_A=(1/2)*m*V_Ag**2;# N.m
V_Cg=m*g*(d_AC*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180));# The final gravitational potential energy in J
x_A=s;# m
x_B=s+d_AC;# m
V_Ae=(k*(x_A)**2)/2;# The initial elastic potential energy in J
V_Ce=(k*(x_B)**2)/2;# The final elastic potential energy in J
# Substitution into the alternative work-energy equation 3/21a gives
v_c=math.sqrt((((T_A+V_Ag+V_Ae+U_ac)-(V_Cg+V_Ce))*2)/m);# m/s
print"\nThe velocity of the slider as it passes point C,v_C=%0.3f m/s"%v_c;
%matplotlib inline
import math
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,suptitle,xlabel,ylabel
# Variable Declaration
m_A=2;# kg
m_B=4;# kg
L=0.5;# m
K_theta=13;# N.m/rad
g=9.81;# The acceleration due to gravity in m/sec**2
# Calculation
# (a)
# T_1+V_1+U_12=T_2+V_2
def eqn(p):
v_A=fsolve(eqn,(1));# m/s
print"\nThe speed of particle A,v_A=%0.3f m/s"%v_A;
# (b)
v_A=[v_A1,v_A2,v_A3,v_A4,v_A5,v_A6,v_A7,v_A8,v_A9,v_A10];# m/s
print"\nThe maximum value of v_A is seen to be (v_A)_max=1.400 m/s at theta=56.4 degree.";
import math
# Variable Declaration
v_1=50;# ft/sec
v_2=70;# ft/sec
theta=15;# degree
dt=0.02;# sec
g=32.2;# The acceleration due to gravity in ft/sec**2
# Calculation
W=2*16**-1;# N
v_1x=v_1;# ft/sec
v_2x=v_2;# ft/sec
v_1y=0;# ft/sec
v_2y=v_2;# ft/sec
R_x=(((W/g)*(v_2x*math.cos(theta*math.pi/180)))+((W/g)*(v_1x)))/dt;# lb
R_y=(((W/g)*(v_2y*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180)))+((W/g)*(v_1y)))/dt;# lb
R=math.sqrt(R_x**2+R_y**2);# lb
beta=math.degrees(math.atan(R_y/R_x));# degree
print"\nThe magnitude of the average force exerted by the racket on the ball,R=%2.1f lb \nThe angle made by R with the horizontal,beta=%1.2f degree"%(R,beta);
import math
# Variable Declaration
# G=(3/2)*(t**2+3)j-((2/3)*(t**3-4))k
z=2;# lb
t=2;# sec
# Calculation
F=[(3*t),(2-(2*t**2))];# lb
F_r=math.sqrt(F[0]**2+F[1]**2);# lb
print"\nF=%1.0fj+(%1.0fk)lb \nF=%1.3f lb"%(F[0],F[1],F_r);
import math
from numpy.linalg import norm
# Variable Declaration
m=0.5;# kg
v_1x=10;# m/s
v_1y=0;# m/s
t_1=1;# s
t_2=2;# s
t_3=3;# s
# Calculation
v_2x=((m*v_1x)-((4*(t_1))+(2*(t_3-t_1))))/(m);# m/s
v_2y=((m*v_1y)+((1*(t_2))+(2*(t_3-t_2))))/(m);# m/s
v_2=[v_2x,v_2y];# m/s
v_2=norm(v_2);# m/s
theta_x=180+math.atan(v_2y/v_2x)*math.pi/180;# degree
print"\nThe velocity of the particle at the end of the 3-s interval,v_2=%2.0f m/s \ntheta_x=%3.1f degree"%(v_2,theta_x);
import math
# Variable Declaration
m=150;# kg
v_1=4;# m/s
t_0=0;# s
t_1=4;# s
P=600;# N
t_2=8;# s
theta=30;# degree
g=9.81;# The acceleration due to gravity in m/sec**2
# Calculation
deltat=(m*0)+((m*v_1)-((v_1*2*P)/2)+(m*g*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180)))/((2*P)+(m*g*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180)));# s
t_a=v_1+deltat;# s
v_2x=((m*-v_1)+((v_1*2*P)/2)+(v_1*2*P)-(m*g*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180)*t_2))/m;# m/s
print"\n(a)The time at which the skip reverses its direction,t_a=%1.2f s \n(b)The velocity of the skip,v_2x=%1.2f m/s"%(t_a,v_2x);
import math
# Variable Declaration
m_1=0.050;# kg
m_2=4;# kg
v_1=600;# m/s
v_2=12;# m/s
theta=30;# degree
# Calculation
v_2=[(m_2*v_2*math.cos(theta*math.pi/180))/(m_1+m_2),((m_1*v_1)+(m_2*v_2*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180)))/(m_1+m_2)];# m/s
v_x=v_2[0];# m/s
v_y=v_2[1];# m/s
V_2=math.sqrt((v_x**2+v_y**2));# m/s
theta=math.atan((v_y/v_x))*math.pi/180;# degree
print"\nThe velocity of the block and embedded bullet immediately after impact,v_2=%2.2fi+%2.2fj m/s \nThe final velocity and its direction are given by v_2=%2.2f m/s and theta=%2.1f degree"%(v_x,v_y,V_2,theta);
import math
from numpy.linalg import det
# Variable Declaration
F=10;# N
m=2;# kg
v=5;# m/s
x=3;# m
y=6;# m
z=4;# m
# Calculation
r=[x,y,z];# m
mv=[0,(m*v),0];# (kg.m/s)
H_o1=det([[r[1],r[2]],[mv[1],mv[2]]]);# N.m/s
H_o2=-det([[r[0],r[2]],[mv[0],mv[2]]])# N.m/s
H_o3=det([[r[0],r[1]],[mv[0],mv[1]]]);# N.m/s
H_O=[H_o1,H_o2,H_o3];# N.m/s
F=[0,0,F];# N.m/s
Hdot_o1=det([[r[1],r[2]],[F[1],F[2]]]);# N.m
Hdot_o2=-det([[r[0],r[2]],[F[0],F[2]]]);# N.m
Hdot_o3=det([[r[0],r[1]],[F[0],F[1]]]);# N.m
Hdot_O=[Hdot_o1,Hdot_o2,Hdot_o3];# N.m
print"\nThe angular momentum H_O about point O,H_O=%2.0fi+(%2.0f)j+%2.0fk N.m/s \nThe time derivative,Hdot=%2.0fi+(%2.0f)j+%2.0fk N.m"%(H_O[0],H_O[1],H_O[2],Hdot_O[0],Hdot_O[1],Hdot_O[2]);
import math
v_A=740;# m/s
r_A=6000*10**6;# km
r_B=75*10**6;# km
# Calculation
v_B=(r_A*v_A)/r_B;# m/s
print"\nThe speed of comet at the point B of closest approach to the sun,v_B=%5.0f m/s"%v_B;
import math
# Variable Declaration
m=800;# kg
g=9.81;# m/s**2
h=2;# m
m_p=2400;# kg
h_1=0.1;# m
# Calculation
v_r=math.sqrt(2*g*h);# m/s
v_ra=math.sqrt(2*g*h_1);# m/s
# (a)
v_pa=(((m*v_r)+0)+(m*v_ra))/m_p;# m/s
# (b)
e=(v_pa+v_ra)/(v_r+0);# The coefficient of restitution
# (c)
T=m*g*h;# J
T_a=((m*v_ra**2)/2)+((m_p*v_pa**2)/2);# J
E_l=((T-T_a)/T)*100;# The percentage loss of energy(%)
print"\n(a)The velocity of the pile immediately after impact,v_p=%1.2f m/s \n(b)The coefficient of restitution,e=%0.3f \n(c)The percentage loss of energy due to the impact is %2.1f percentage."%(v_pa,e,E_l);
import math
# Variable Declaration
v_1=50;# m/s
v_2=0;# m/s
e=0.5;# The effective coefficient of restitution
theta=30;# degree
# Calculation
v_1an=e*v_1*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180);# ft/sec
v_1at=v_1*math.cos(theta*math.pi/180);# ft/sec
# Assume ' as a
v_a=math.sqrt((v_1an)**2+(v_1at)**2);# ft/sec
theta_a=math.atan((v_1an/v_1at))*math.pi/180;# degree
print"\nThe rebound velocity and its angle are then v_a=%2.1f ft/sec and theta_a=%2.1f degree"%(v_a,theta_a);
import math
from numpy.linalg import solve
# Variable Declaration
v_1=6;# m/s
v_2=0;# m/s
e=0.6;# The coefficient-of-restitution
theta=30;# degree
# Calculation
v_1n=v_1*math.cos(theta*math.pi/180);# m/s
v_1t=v_1*math.sin(theta*math.pi/180);# m/s
v_2n=0;# m/s
v_2t=v_2n;# m/s
v_1an=v[0];# m/s
v_2an=v[1];# m/s
v_1at=v_1t;# m/s
v_2at=v_2t;# m/s
v_1a=math.sqrt((v_1an)**2+(v_1at)**2);# m/s
v_2a=math.sqrt((v_2an)**2+(v_2at)**2);# m/s
thetaa=math.atan((v_1an/v_1at)*math.pi/180)*math.pi/180;# m/s
# The kinetic energies just before and just after impact, with m=m1=m2,are
T=18;# m
T_a=13.68;# m
E_l=((T-T_a)/T)*100;# The percentage energy loss(%)
print"\nThe final speeds of the particles v_1a=%1.2f m/s ,v_2a=%1.2f m/s \nThe angle which v_1a makes with the t-direction,theta=%2.2f degree \nThe percentage energy loss is %2.0f percentage."%(v_1a,v_2a,thetaa,E_l);
import math
# Variable Declaration
h_1=2000;# The perigee altitude in km
h_2=4000;# The apogee altitude in km
h_c=2500;# The altitude of the satellite in km
g=9.825;# The acceleration due to gravity in m/sec**2
R=12742/2;# km
# Calculation
# (a)
r_max=R+h_2;# km
r_min=R+h_1;# km
a=(r_min+r_max)/2;# km
v_P=(R*10**3*math.sqrt(g*(a*10**3)**-1)*math.sqrt(r_max/r_min));# m/s
v_A=(R*10**3*math.sqrt(g*(a*10**3)**-1)*math.sqrt(r_min*r_max**-1));# m/s
# (b)
r=R+h_c;# km
v_C=math.sqrt((2*g*(R*10**3)**2)*((1*r**-1)-(1*(2*a)**-1))*(1*(10**3)**-1));# m/s
# (c)
tau=(2*math.pi*((a*10**3)**(3*2**-1)))/((R*10**3)*math.sqrt(g));# km
tau_h=tau*3600**-1;# km
print"\n(a)The necessary perigee velocity,v_P=%4.0f m/s (or) %5.0f km/h \n The necessary apogee velocity,v_A=%4.0f m/s (or) %5.0f km/h \n(b)The velocity at point C,v_C=%4.0f m/s (or) %5.0f km/h \n(c)The period of the orbit,tau=%1.3f h"%(v_P,v_P*3.6,v_A,v_A*3.6,v_C,v_C*3.6,tau_h);