Chapter 12:Kinematics of Linear Motion

Example 12.1,Page No.437

In [1]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

u=2 #m/s #Initial velocity
v=5 #m/s #Final Velocity
t=4 #sec


a=(v-u)*t**-1 #m/s**2

print"Acceleration of the body is",round(a,2),"m/s**2"
Acceleration of the body is 0.75 m/s**2

Example 12.2,Page No.437

In [2]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

u=15 #m/s #Intital velocity
v=0 #m/s #Final velocity
t=5 #sec


a=u*t**-1 #m/s**2


print"Retardation is",round(a,2),"m/s**2"
print"Distance travelled by the car is",round(S,2),"m"
Retardation is 3.0 m/s**2
Distance travelled by the car is 37.5 m

Example 12.3,Page No.437

In [3]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

u=250 #m/s #Initial Velocity
v=0  #m/s #final Velocity
s1=0.40 #m #Distance
s2=0.20 #m #distance moved


a=u**2*(2*s1)**-1 #m/s**2

v=(u**2-2*a*s2)**0.5 #m/s

print"Acceleration is",round(a,2),"m/s**2"
print"Velocity is",round(v,2),"m/s"
Acceleration is 78125.0 m/s**2
Velocity is 176.78 m/s

Example 12.4,Page No.438

In [4]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

L_AB=100 #m #Distance AB
L_BC=100 #m #distance BC
t1=10 #s #Time taken by car from A to B
t2=8 #s #Time taken by car from B to C
s=100 #m #Distance


#From equation of distance we get value of velocity
#s=10*V_A+50*a   ...........................1

#again using equation of distance we get
#L_AC=18*V_A+162*a   .........................2

#After simplifying above equations we get equations like
#900=90*V_A+450*a   ......................3
#1000=90*V_A+810*a   ..............4

#Subtracting equations 3 by 4 we get
a=100*360**-1 #m/s**2

#Velocity of car A
V_A=(100-13.9)*10**-1 #m/s

#Velocity of car B
V_B=(L_BC-(a*t2**2*0.5))*t2**-1 #m/s

#Distance OA
s3=V_A**2*(2*a)**-1 #m/s

print"Acceleration of car is",round(a,2),"m/s**2"
print"Velocity of car A",round(V_A,2),"m/s"
print"Velocity of car B",round(V_B,2),"m/s"
print"distance of mark A from starting point is",round(s3,2),"m"
Acceleration of car is 0.28 m/s**2
Velocity of car A 8.61 m/s
Velocity of car B 11.39 m/s
distance of mark A from starting point is 133.44 m

Example 12.5,Page No.440

In [5]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

u=0 #m/s  #Initial velocity
a=2 #m/s**2 #Acceleration
u2=40 #m/s #Uniform velocity


#after simplifying Distance travelled we get
#t**2+20t+100=0  .................1

#Distance travelled by police party=40*t ..........2

#Equating equations 1 and 2 we get


t=(-b+X**0.5)*(2*a)**-1 #s

print"TIme taken in which police van will overtake the car is",round(t,2),"s"
TIme taken in which police van will overtake the car is 10.01 s

Example 12.6,Page No.440

In [6]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

v=10 #m/s #uniform Velocity
a=1 #m/s**2 #Uniform acceleration
u=10 #m/s #uniform velocity


#From distance equation and further simplifying we get
#S=(t**2+100-20*t)  .................1

#again sub value in distance we get
#S=u*t   ............2

#Equating two equations and further simplifying we get


t1=(-b+X**0.5)*(2*a)**-1 #s
t2=(-b-X**0.5)*(2*a)**-1 #s

#time required to catch smugglers car is

print"Time necesscary for the jeep to catch up with the smuggler's car is",round(t3,2),"s"
Time necesscary for the jeep to catch up with the smuggler's car is 27.32 s

Example 12.6(A),Page No.442

In [7]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

a=4 #m/s**2
t1=7 #s
t2=6 #s


#Distance travelled in 7 seconds
S7=u*t1+0.5*a*t1**2 #m

#DistANCE TRAVELLED in 6 seconds
S6=u*t2+0.5*a*t2**2 #m

#Distance travelled in 7th second

print"Distance travelled in 7th second is",round(S7_2,2),"s"
Distance travelled in 7th second is 26.0 s

Example 12.7,Page No.442

In [8]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

S5=15 #m  #Distance travelled for 5 th seconds
S10=25 #m #Distance travelled for 10 th seconds


#Equation for distance covered for nth seconds

#distance covered in 10 th second
#S10=u+a*2**-1*(2*n1-1)  ...................1

#distance covered in 5 th second
#S5=u+a*2**-1*(2*n2-1)  .........................2

#Subtracting equation 2 by 1 we get


print"Initial Velocity of the body is",round(a,2),"m/s**2"
print"Acceleration of the body is",round(u,2),"m/s**2"
Initial Velocity of the body is 2.0 m/s**2
Acceleration of the body is 6.0 m/s**2

Example 12.8,Page No.443

In [9]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

h=90 #3mm Height of tower
h1=30 #m #Height at which both particles meet
S1=60 #m #Distance travelled by first particle
S2=30 #m 
g2=-9.81 #m/s**2

#For Initial Velocity
g=9.81 #m/s**2


t1=((S1*2)*g**-1)**0.5 #s

#For second particle

print"Velocity with which second particle projected is",round(u2,2),"m/s"
Velocity with which second particle projected is 25.73 m/s

Example 12.9,Page No.443

In [10]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

h=800 #m #Height of aeroplane
U=166.67 #m/s 

#First case
h2=800 #m #Height of bomb when released
g=9.81 #m/s**2


#Time required to reach the ground

#Horizontal distance travelled

print"Time required to reach the ground is",round(t,2),"s"
print"Horizontal distance travelled is",round(S,2),"m"
Time required to reach the ground is 12.77 s
Horizontal distance travelled is 2128.55 m

Example 12.10,Page No.445

In [11]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

u=0 #m/s #Initial velocity
g=9.81 #m/s**2 #acceleration due to gravity


#t1+t2=4   ...........1

#Depth of well after simplifying we get
#h=4.905*t1**2   ........2

#Time taken by sound to reach from bottom of well
#t2=4.905*t1**2*350**-1 #s   ...............3

#Sub value in equation 1 and further simplifying we get


t1=(-b+X**0.5)*(2*a)**-1 #s

#Depth of well 
h=4.905*t1**2 #m 

print"Depth of well is",round(h,2),"m"
Depth of well is 70.75 m

Example 12.11,Page No.446

In [12]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

u=19.6 #m/s #Initial velocity
h=24.5 #m #height of tower
g=9.80 #m/s**2 #acceleration de to gravity


#Max height of stone
h1=(u**2)*(2*g)**-1 #m

#Time for stone to move from A to C

#Time for stone to move from C to D
h2=h+h1 #m #Max height to which stone will rise
t2=((h2*4.9**-1))**0.5 #s

#Total time for stone to reach the ground
t=t1+t2 #s

print"Total time for stone to reach the ground is",round(t,2),"s"
print"Velocity of stone in downward travel is",round(u,2),"m/s"
print"Max height to which the stone will rise is",round(h2,2),"m"
Total time for stone to reach the ground is 5.0 s
Velocity of stone in downward travel is 19.6 m/s
Max height to which the stone will rise is 44.1 m

Example 12.12,Page No.447

In [13]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

u=0 #Initial Velocity
t=5 #s #time taken by stone in striking the glass pane
g=9.81 #m/s**2


v1=u+g*t #m/s

#Velocity lost in breaking stones

#Velocity of the stone after breaking the glass pane
v3=v1-v2 #m/s 

#distance travelled in t2=1 s
t2=1 #s
s=v3*t2+0.5*g*t2**2 #m

print"Distance travelled by the stone in next second is",round(s,2),"m"
Distance travelled by the stone in next second is 51.96 m

Example 12.13,Page No.448

In [14]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

u=0 #m/s
s=53.90 #m #Distance
g=9.80 #m/s**2 #Acceleration due to gravity


#After simplifying equation of distance we get
#h1=4.9*t**2  ..................................1

#Distance travelleed in (t-1) s
#After simplifying equation of distance we get
#h2=4.9(t-1)**2   ..................................2

#Distance travelled by object in last seconds
#After substituting values in above equation we get

#Equating h3 to s we get after simplifying
t=12*2**-1 #m/s

#height from which object falls

print"height from which object falls is",round(t,2),"s"
print"Total time taken by object in falling is",round(h1,2),"m"
height from which object falls is 6.0 s
Total time taken by object in falling is 176.4 m

Example 12.14,Page No.448

In [15]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

g=9.80 #m/s**2
u=0 #m/s


#Distance travelled in time t after simplifiying 

#Distance travelled in (t-1)s

#Substituting value we get equation as


t=(-b+X**0.5)*(2*a)**-1 #s
t2=(-b-X**0.5)*(2*a)**-1 #s

#Height of tower 

print"Height of tower is",round(h,2),"m"
Height of tower is 27.43 m

Example 12.15,Page No.449

In [16]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

u1=30 #m/s #Initial Vlocity of 1st object
u2=40 #m/s #Initial Velocity of2nd object


#For the first object
#After simplifying we get
#h1=30*t-4.905*t**2    ................1

#For second object
##After simplifying we get
#h2=40*(t-4)-4.905(t-4)**2    ...........2

#Equating equations 1 and 2 and further simplify we get
t=238.48*49.24**-1 #s

h=30*t-4.905*t**2 #m

print"Time whrn the two objects will meet each other is",round(t,2),"s"
print"Height from the earth at which the two objects will meet is",round(h,2),"m"
Time whrn the two objects will meet each other is 4.84 s
Height from the earth at which the two objects will meet is 30.24 m

Example 12.16,Page No.450

In [17]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

h=100 #m #Height of tower
u1=0 #Initial velocity of 1st particle
S2=30 #m #Distace travelled by 2nd particle
S1=70 #m #Distance travelled by 1st paerticle
g=9.81 #m/s**2


#time of particle 1 
t=(S1*(g*2**-1)**-1)**0.5 #s

#Initial velocity
u=((S2+(g*2**-1)*t**2)*t**-1) #m/s

print"Velocity with which the second particle is projected upward is",round(u,2),"m/s"
Velocity with which the second particle is projected upward is 26.47 m/s

Example 12.16(A),Page No.451

In [18]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

n=5 #Rate of drops
u=0 #Initial Velocity
v=3 #m/s #Final Velocity
g=9.81 #m/s**2
t=3*9.81**-1 #s


#Vertical Distance 
Sb=u*t+0.5*g*t**2 #m

#time taken by drop A 
t2=3*9.81**-1-0.2 #s

#Vertical Distance travelled from mouth of faucet by drop A
Sa=u*t2+0.5*g*t2**2 #m

#Vertical Separation between drops A and B
S=Sb-Sa #m

print"Vertical separation between two drops is",round(S,3),"m"
Vertical separation between two drops is 0.404 m

Example 12.18,Page No.453

In [19]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

u=0 #m/s**2 #Initial Velocity
#S=(x+20) #m #distance
g=9.81 #m/s**2


#Distance travelled by Body in time t
#x=0.5*g*t**2   .................................1

#Distance travelled by body in time (t+0.4)s
#S2=0.5(t**2+0.**t+0.16)  ........................2

#Subtracting equation 2 from 1 we get

#Distance travelled by Body in time t is given by
x=0.5*g*t**2 #m

print"Distance travelled by Body in time t is",round(x,2),"m"
Distance travelled by Body in time t is 117.77 m

Example 12.19,Page No.454

In [20]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

#Equation of displacement


#After differentiating displacement equation we get velocity at t=0
v=3*t**2+6*t+4 #m/s

#Velocity at t=4 seconds
v2=3*t2**2+6*t2+4 #m/s

#After differentiating t we get equation of acceleration as

#at t=0
a=6*t3+6 #m/s**2

#at t=4
a2=6*t4+6 #m/s**2

print"Velocity at start of 4seconds is",round(v,2),"m/s"
print"Velocity after 4seconds is",round(v2,2),"m/s"
print"Acceleration at start is",round(a,2),"m/s**2"
print"Acceleration after four seconds is",round(a2,2),"m/s**2"
Velocity at start of 4seconds is 4.0 m/s
Velocity after 4seconds is 76.0 m/s
Acceleration at start is 6.0 m/s**2
Acceleration after four seconds is 30.0 m/s**2

Example 12.20,Page No.455

In [21]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

#Equation of particle motion


#After differentiating t to above equation we get


#After differentiating above equation again we get equation of acceleration

#After differentiating equation of velocity we get value of 

vmax=18+6*t2-6*t2**2 #m/s

print"Velocity at start is",round(v,2),"m/s"
print"Acceleration at start is",round(a,2),"m/s**2"
print"Time when it reaches max velocity is",round(t2,2),"s"
print"MAx velocity of particle is",round(vmax,2),"m/s"
Velocity at start is 18.0 m/s
Acceleration at start is 6.0 m/s**2
Time when it reaches max velocity is 0.5 s
MAx velocity of particle is 19.5 m/s

Example 12.21,Page No.457

In [22]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

#a=-**s**-2 #m/s**2
t=1 #s #time
s=4 #m #Distance
v=2 #m/s #Velocity
t2=2 #s #time


#Acceleration equation
#After sub values and further simplifying and integrating the obtained equation we get
#v**2=8*s**-1+C1   ...................1
#Sub equation in above equations we get

#Sub value in equation 1 and furter simplifying and integrating obtained equation we get
#Sub values

#Sub value of C2 and further sub values we get

a=8*s**-2 #m/s**2

print"Acceleration when t=2 is",round(a,4),"m/s**2"
Acceleration when t=2 is 0.2371 m/s**2

Example 12.22,Page No.458

In [23]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

s1=-2 #m

t2=2 #s
s2=-20 #m

t3=4 #s


#After integrating above equations we getand further simplifying we get equation of distance as

#s=t**4*3**-1-t**2+C1*t-2   ...............3
#Now after sub in equation and further simplifying the equation we get
#Sub in above equation 3 we get

#when t=4

print"Position of particle when t=4 s is",round(s3,2),"s"
Position of particle when t=4 s is 28.67 s

Example 12.23,Page No.460

In [24]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

t=2 #s
s=10 #m
t2=6 #s


a=6*t2**2-2*t2-2 #m/s**2

#Displacement when t=6s 
#After integrating and further simplifying the equation of velocity we get equation of displacement as
#s=2*t**4*4**-1-t**3*3**-1-t**2+4*t+C   ...............1
#After sub values we get 

#Sub value of C in equation 
s2=2*t2**4*4**-1-t2**3*3**-1-t2**2+4*t2+C #m  

print"Acceleration is",round(a,2),"m/s**2"
print"Displacement of particle when t=6 s is",round(s2,2),"m"
Acceleration is 202.0 m/s**2
Displacement of particle when t=6 s is 564.67 m

Example 12.24,Page No.461

In [57]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

t=5 #s 
t2=10 #s
v=20 #m/s #velocity
s=85 #m  #displacement


#Acceleration at start when t=0 

#Equation of acceleration after integrating and further simplifying we get

#After substituting in equation and further simplifying we get
#At t3=0

#After differentiating equation of velocity and integrating it we get equation of displacement as
#sub value of C2 in above equation we get

#Sub v=0 in equation 3 we get an duaqratic equation as


t4=(-b+(X**0.5))*(2*a)**-1 #s
#Sub value of t4 in equation of displacement and we get

print"Acceleration from origin at start of observation is",round(a,2),"m/s**2"
print"Velocity from origin at start of observation is",round(v,2),"m/s**2"
print"distance from origin at start of observationis",round(s2,2),"m"
print"Time after start of observation is",round(t4,2),"s"
print"Distance from origin is",round(s3,2),"m"
Acceleration from origin at start of observation is 3.0 m/s**2
Velocity from origin at start of observation is 47.5 m/s**2
distance from origin at start of observationis 10.0 m
Time after start of observation is 6.33 s
Distance from origin is 223.93 m