Chapter 13:Kinematics of Curvilinear Motion,Circular Motion,,Rotation And Translation

Example 13.1,Page No.471

In [1]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

w_o=5 #Rad/s #Initial Angular Velocity
w=13 #rad/s #IFinal angular Velocity
t=4 #s #time


#Angular Acceleration of the body
alpha=(w-w_o)*t**-1 #rad/s**2

print"Angular Acceleration of the body is",round(alpha,2),"Rad/s**2"
Angular Acceleration of the body is 2.0 Rad/s**2

Example 13.2,Page No.471

In [2]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Initilization of Variables

N_o=20 #Initial r.p.m of wheel
n=50 #No. of revolution
t=70 #s #time


#Angular Dispalcement

#Initial Angular Velocity

#Angular Velocity at the end of 70 s
alpha=(theta-w_o*t)*((t**2)*2**-1)**-1 #rad/s**2
w=w_o+alpha*t #rad/s

#Time Required for the speed to reach 100 r.p.m

#Final Angular Velocity
w2=2*pi*n2*60**-1 #rad/s

#Time required for speed to reach 100 revolutions
t=(w2-w_o)*alpha**-1 #s

print"Angular Velocity at the end of 70 s is",round(w,2),"rad/s**2"
print"Time required for speed to reach 100 revolutions is",round(t,2),"s"
Angular Velocity at the end of 70 s is 6.88 rad/s**2
Time required for speed to reach 100 revolutions is 122.5 s

Example 13.3,Page No.472

In [3]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

alpha=1 #rad/s**2 #Angular Acceleration
w_o=5.25 #rad/s**2 #Initial Angular velocity
w=10.50 #rad/s**2 #Final angular velocity


#Total angle turned
theta=(w**2-w_o**2)*2**-1 #rad

print"Total angle turned is",round(theta,2),"rad"
Total angle turned is 41.34 rad

Example 13.4,Page No.472

In [1]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Initilization of Variables

w_o=0 #Initial angular velocity
alpha=1 #rad/s**2 #Angular accleration
t=90 #s #time


w_o2=90 #rad/s #Initial Angular velocity
w2=0 #final angular velocity
alpha2=-0.5 #rad/s**2 #Angular retardation



#Angular Velocity
w=w_o+alpha*t #rad/s

#Speed in r.p.m
N=60*w*(2*pi)**-1 #r.p.m


#Time taken by flywheel in seconds to come to rest 
t1=-w_o2*alpha2**-1 #s

print"Speed in r.p.m is",round(N,2)
print"Time taken by flywheel in seconds to come to rest is",round(t1,2),"s"
Speed in r.p.m is 859.44
Time taken by flywheel in seconds to come to rest is 180.0 s

Example 13.5,Page No.473

In [2]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Initilization of Variables

N=200 #r.p.m #initial speed
f1=20.94 #rad/s #Frequency
N2=160 #r.p.m
t=10 #s #time
f2=16.75 #rad/s
f3=0 #Final angular velocity


#Uniform retardation
alpha=(f2-f1)*t**-1 #rad/s**2

#total angular displacement
theta=(f3**2-f1**2)*(2*alpha)**-1 #rad
n=theta*(2*pi)**-1 #revolutions

#Time taken by wheel before it comes to rest

print"Number of revolutions is",round(n,2),"revolution"
print"Time taken by wheel before it comes to rest is",round(t,2),"s"
Number of revolutions is 83.28 revolution
Time taken by wheel before it comes to rest is 49.98 s

Example 13.6,Page No.474

In [6]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

#Angle of rotation
t=0 #s
t2=4 #s


#After deriving above equation we get
f1=6*t**2-10*t+8  #rad/s

#Again differentiating above equation we get
alpha1=12*t-10 #rad/s**2

#for t2=4
f2=6*t2**2-10*t2+8  #rad/s
alpha2=12*t2-10 #rad/s**2

print"Angular Velocity at t=0 is",round(f1,2),"rad/s"
print"Angular acceleration at t=4 is",round(alpha1,2),"rad/s**2"
print"Angular Velocity at t=0 is",round(f2,2),"rad/s"
print"Angular acceleration at t=4 is",round(alpha2,2),"rad/s**2"
Angular Velocity at t=0 is 8.0 rad/s
Angular acceleration at t=4 is -10.0 rad/s**2
Angular Velocity at t=0 is 64.0 rad/s
Angular acceleration at t=4 is 38.0 rad/s**2

Example 13.6(A),Page No.474

In [7]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

#angular rotation
t=1.6 #s


#after differentiating above equation twice we get
alpha=27*16**-1*t #rad/s**2

print"Angular accelerations is",round(alpha,2),"rad/s**2"
Angular accelerations is 2.7 rad/s**2

Example 13.7,Page No.475

In [8]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

f1=2 #rad/s #initiaal angular velocity
alpha1=0 #Initial angular acceleration


#Integrating law of rotation we get
#f2=t**3-3*t+C   .......1
#put t=0 weg et

#now at t=5 #s
t=5 #s

#Integrting equation 1 we get
#Sub values and further simplifying we get

print"Angular velocity when t=5s is",round(f2,2),"rad/s"
print"Angular displacement when t=5s is",round(theta,2),"radians"
Angular velocity when t=5s is 112.0 rad/s
Angular displacement when t=5s is 128.75 radians

Example 13.8,Page No.476

In [3]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Initilization of Variables

#Angle of rotation of body 
t=0 #s
t2=2 #s


#differentiating above equation and further sub values and simplifuing we getweget

print"Constants a is",round(a,2)
print"Constants b is",round(b,2)
Constants a is 9.42
Constants b is 3.93

Example 13.9,Page No.480

In [10]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Initilization of Variables

V_A=4 #m/s
theta=30 #Degrees


V_B=V_A*(tan(theta*pi*180**-1))**-1 #m/s

print"Velocity of point B is",round(V_B,2),"m/s"
Velocity of point B is 6.93 m/s

Example 13.9(A),Page No.480

In [11]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

r=1 #m #radius
V_C=20 #m/s #Velocity
f=20 #rad/s #Angular velocity


L_DE=(r**2+r**2)**0.5 #m
L_DF=2 #m #Diameter

V_E=L_DE*f #m/s
V_F=f*L_DF #m/s

print"Velocity of point E:V_E",round(V_E,2),"m/s"
print"Velocity of point E:V_F",round(V_F,2),"m/s"
Velocity of point E:V_E 28.28 m/s
Velocity of point E:V_F 40.0 m/s

Example 13.9(B),Page No.481

In [12]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

D=50 #cm
r=0.25 #m #radius
V_A=L_AL=5 #m/s
V_B=L_BM=3 #m/s



#After further simplifying and resolving we get
f=2*0.5**-1 #rad/s

#Linear Velocity
V_C=f*(r+x) #m/s

print"Linear Velocity of roller is",round(V_C,2),"m/s"
print"Angular velocity is",round(f,2),"rad/s"
Linear Velocity of roller is 4.0 m/s
Angular velocity is 4.0 rad/s

Example 13.9(C),Page No.482

In [13]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Initilization of Variables

r=1 #m
u=20 #m/s


#Velocity component of point E
#at t=0
V_E=(u_E**2+v_E**2)**0.5 #m/s
u_F=u+u*cos(u*t*pi*180**-1) #m/s

print"Velocity of point E is",round(V_E,2),"m/s"
print"Velocity of point F is",round(u_F,2),"m/s"
Velocity of point E is 28.28 m/s
Velocity of point F is 40.0 m/s

Example 13.9(D),Page No.485

In [14]:
import math

#Initilization of Variables

g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity
D1=0.75*10**3 #mm
R1=0.75*500 #mm
a1=0.025 #m/s**2
D2=1.2*10**3 #mm
R2=1.2*500 #mm
a2=0.0625 #m/s**2


#Horizontal Forces
P1=W1*a1*R1**-1 #N
P2=W2*a2*R2**-1 #N

print"Horizontal Force required to maintain uniform speed is",round(P1,2),"N"
print"Horizontal Force for truck and trailer is",round(P2,2),"N"
Horizontal Force required to maintain uniform speed is 52.32 N
Horizontal Force for truck and trailer is 81.75 N