Chapter 8:Friction

Example 8.1,Page No.235

In [1]:
import math

#Declaration Of Variables

W=100 #N #Weight of Body
P=F=60 #N #Horizontal Force


#Normal Reaction Force 
R=W=100 #N

#Coefficient of Friction

print"Coefficient of Friction is",round(mu,2)
Coefficient of Friction is 0.6

Example 8.2,Page No.236

In [2]:
import math

#Declaration Of Variables

W=200 #N #Weight of Body
mu=0.3 #Coefficient of Friction


#Normal Reaction
R=W=200 #N

#Horizontal Force
F=mu*R #N

print"Horizontal Force is",round(F,2),"N"
Horizontal Force is 60.0 N

Example 8.3,Page No.236

In [3]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

W=50 #N #WEight 
F=15 #N #Force required to pull
theta=15 #Degree #Angle made by Force


#Normal Reaction
R=W-F*sin(theta*pi*180**-1) #N

#Coefficient of friction
mu=F*cos(theta*pi*180**-1)*R**-1 #N

print"Coefficient of Friction is",round(mu,2)
Coefficient of Friction is 0.31

Example 8.4,Page No.236

In [4]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

W=70 #N #Weight of Body
F=20 #N #force applied
theta=20 #degrees #Angle made by Force


#resolving Forces Normal to plane
R=W+F*sin(20*pi*180**-1) #N

#Resolving Forces along the plane
mu=F*cos(20*pi*180**-1)*R**-1 #N

print"coefficient of Friction is",round(mu,2)
coefficient of Friction is 0.24

Example 8.5,Page No.237

In [5]:
import math

#Declaration Of Variables

P1=20 #N #pull
P2=25 #N #Required push
theta2=25 #Inclination of push


#Case-1 (When body is pulled)

#Resolving Forces along the plane
#mu*R1=P1*cos(theta*pi*180**-1) #N    .........1

#Resolving Force normal to plane
#R1=W-P1*sin(theta*pi*180**-1) #N  

#Sub value of mu*R1 in above Equation we get
#mu*(W-8.452)=18.126      ......................2

#Case-2 (When body is pushed)

#Resolving Forces along the plane
#mu*R2=P2*cos(theta2*pi*180**-1) #N    .........3

#Resolving Force normal to plane
#R2=W-P2*cos(theta*pi*180**-1) #N   

#Sub value of mu*R2 in above Equation we get
#mu*(W-10.565)=22.657      .................4

#dividing equation 2 by 4 and Further simplifying we get

#Weight of body

#Sub value of W in Equation 2

print"Weight of Body is",round(W,2),"N"
print"Coefficient of Friction is",round(mu,2)
Weight of Body is 84.55 N
Coefficient of Friction is 0.24

Example 8.7,Page No.239

In [1]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi
import numpy as np

#Declaration Of Variables

W=1000 #N #Weight of stone Block
mu=0.6 #Coefficient of Friction
theta=20 #Degrees #Angle with Horizontal


#resolving Horizontal Forces
#P*cos(theta)=mu*R    ...........................1

#Resolving Verticla Forces
#R+P*sin(theta)=W    .............................2

#Sub value of P from equation 2,we get
P=mu*W*(cos(theta*pi*180**-1)+mu*sin(theta*pi*180**-1))**-1 #N   ........3

#Let phi=Angle of Friction

#Form Equation 3 ,angle 20 is replaced by angle phi
#Force required to pull the body

#The Force P will be min if Dericative of (cos(phi)+mu*sin(phi)) is equal to zero
phi=np.arctan(mu)*(180*pi**-1) #degrees

#Force required to pull the body
P2=mu*W*(cos(phi*pi*180**-1)+mu*sin(phi*pi*180**-1))**-1 #N

print"Minimum Pull necessary is",round(P,2),"N"
print"Pull Required if inclination of rope is equal to angle of friction",round(P,2),"N"
Minimum Pull necessary is 524.06 N
Pull Required if inclination of rope is equal to angle of friction 524.06 N

Example 8.11,Page No.241

In [7]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

W=500 #N #weight of Body
P=350 #N #Force applied
alpha=30 #Degrees #Inclination


#Resolving Weights
W1=W*sin(30*pi*180**-1) #N
W2=W*cos(30*pi*180**-1) #N

#Resolving Forces Vertically

#Resolving Forces Horizontally

print"Coefficient Of Friction",round(mu,2)
Coefficient Of Friction 0.23

Example 8.12,Page No.246

In [8]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

W=450 #N #Weight of Body
alpha=30 #Degrees #Inclination of plane
mu=0.25 #coefficient of friction
d=10 #m #Distance travelled by body


#Resolving Force normal to plane

#Resolving Forces along the plane
P=W*sin(alpha*pi*180**-1)+mu*R #N

#Work done on the body
W=P*d #J

print"Force required is",round(P,2),"N"
print"Work done is",round(W,2),"J"                               
Force required is 322.43 N
Work done is 3224.28 J

Example 8.13,Page No.246

In [9]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

P1=200 #N #Force applied
theta1=15 #Degrees #Inclination

P2=230 #N #Force applied
theta2=20 #Degrees #Inclination


#For Case-1,

#W1=W*sin(theta1*pi*180**-1) #N
#W2=W*cos(theta1*pi*180**-1) #N

#Resolving Forces Vertically

#Resolving Foces Horizontally
#mu*W2+W1=P1   .......................1

#For case-2

#W3=W*sin(theta2*pi*180**-1) #N
#W4=W*cos(theta2*pi*180**-1) #N

#Resolving Forces Vertically

#Resolving Foces Horizontally
#mu*W3+W4=P2   .......................2

#After sub values inequations 1 & 2 and dividing equations  2 by 1 we get

#weight of Body
W=P2*(sin(theta2*pi*180**-1)+mu*cos(theta2*pi*180**-1))**-1 #N

print"Weight of Body is",round(W,2),"N"
print"Coefficient of Friction is",round(mu,2)
Weight of Body is 392.68 N
Coefficient of Friction is 0.26

Example 8.15,Page No.249

In [10]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

W=15 #N #Weight of Block
T=5 #N #Tension in string
alpha=45 #Degrees #Inclination


#Frictional Foce on Block
F=-(T*cos(alpha*pi*180**-1)-W*sin(alpha*pi*180**-1)) #N

#Normal Reaction of inclined plane
R=(W*cos(alpha*pi*180**-1)+T*sin(alpha*pi*180**-1)) #N

#Coefficient of friction 

print"Frictional Force on Block is",round(F,2),"N"
print"Normal Reaction of inclined plane",round(R,2),"N"
print"Coefficient of friction",round(mu,2)
Frictional Force on Block is 7.07 N
Normal Reaction of inclined plane 14.14 N
Coefficient of friction 0.5

Example 8.16,Page No.250

In [11]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

mu_s=0.4 #Coefficient of static Friction
mu_k=0.3 #Coefficient of Kinetic friction
M=40 #Kg #MAss of body
g=9.81 #acceleration due to gravity
W=M*g #N
alpha=30 #Inclination
P=800 #N


#normal Reaction 
R=P*sin(theta*pi*180**-1)+M*g*cos(alpha*pi*180**-1) #N

#Max Frictional Force
F=mu_s*R #N

#Total Force along plane
F=P*cos(theta*pi*180**-1)-M*g*sin(alpha*pi*180**-1) #N

#Magntude of Frictional Force
F2=mu_k*R #N

print"Magnitude of Friction Force",round(F2,2),"N"
Magnitude of Friction Force 256.22 N

Example 8.17,Page No.252

In [2]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi
import numpy as np

#Declaration Of Variables

W=30 #N #Weight acting vertically downward
P2=6 #N #Force at angle of 30 with inclined plane
theta=30 #Degrees #Inclination of force with the inclined plane
mu=0.3 #Coefficient of friction



#Reaction Force is given by

#Now resolving Force we get
alpha2=180*pi**-1*alpha #degrees


#resolving Forces normal to inclined plane
R=W*cos(round(alpha2,2)*pi*180**-1) #N

#Resolving Forces normal to inclined plane

print"Force required to move a load 30 N up a rough plane is",round(P1,2),"N"
Force required to move a load 30 N up a rough plane is 14.06 N

Example 8.18,Page No.253

In [13]:
import math

#Declaration Of Variables

W1=400 #N #Weight of first body
W2=800 #N #Weight of second body
mu1=0.15 #Coefficient of friction of first body
mu2=0.40 #Coefficient of friction of seconnd body


#Forces acting on the first body

#Resolving force along plane
#W1*sin(alpha)=T+mu1*R1   ............................1

#Resolving Forces normal to plane

#Sub value of R1 in equation1,we get
#T=400*sin(alpha)-60*cos(alpha)  .......................2

#Forces on second body

#Resolving forces along the plane
#W2*sin(alpha)+T=mu2*R2   .........................3

#Resolving forces normal to plane

#sub value of R2 in equation3
#T=320*cos(alpha)-W2*sin(alpha)  ...............4

#Equating values of T,given by equation 2 and 3
#Further simplifying we get
alpha=arctan(380*1200**-1)*(180*pi**-1) #Degrees

#Sub value of alpha in equation 2

print"Inclination of the plane to the horizontal is",round(alpha,2),"Degrees"
print"Tension in the cord is",round(T,2),"N"
Inclination of the plane to the horizontal is 17.57 Degrees
Tension in the cord is 63.55 N

Example 8.19,Page No.255

In [14]:
import math

#Declaration Of Variables

W_B=1500 #N #Weight of block B
mu_A=0.25 #Coefficint of friction of block A
mu_B=0.35 #Coefficient of Friction of block B
alpha=60 #Degrees


#BLock A
#F_A=mu_A*W_A #Force of friction

#Block B
#HOrizontal Force of friction of block A is transmitted through rod to block B

#Force of friction of block B

#Resolving Horizontal Forces
#After further simplifying we get
#mu_A*W_A=0.691*R_B   ...........................1

#Resolving Forces vertically
#After further simplifying we get
R_B=W_B*0.803**-1 #N

#Sub value of R_b in equation 1 we get

print"Smallest Weight of Block A is",round(W_A,2),"N"
Smallest Weight of Block A is 5163.14 N

Example 8.20,Page No.257

In [15]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables 

W_A=100 #N Weight of block A
W_B=300 #N #Weight of block B
alpha=45 #Degrees #Inclination of plane
phi=30 #Degrees #Inclination of rigid bar with horizontal 
mu=tan(15*pi*180**-1) #Degrees


#LEt R_A and R_B be the reactions at A And B respectively and t be the thrust in rod

#Equilibrium of bLoack A
#Resolving forces along plane
#After further simplifying we get
#70.7+0.2679*R_A=0.969*T    .................1

#Resolving force snormal to plane

#Now sub value of R_A in equation 1 we get
#After further simplifying we get
T=89.64*0.8966**-1 #N

#Equilibrium of block B
#Resolving forces normal to plane
#Resolving forces along plane

print"HOrizontal Force required to be apllied to block B to just move block A is",round(P,2),"N"
HOrizontal Force required to be apllied to block B to just move block A is 180.36 N

Example 8.21,Page No.258

In [16]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi
import numpy as np

#Declaration Of Variables

mu=0.2 #Coefficient of friction
W1=100 #N #weight of Block1
W2=150 #N #Weight of Block2
theta=60 #Degrees



#Reaction Force 
R=W2*cos(theta*pi*180**-1) #N

#Tension in the string
T=W2*sin(theta*pi*180**-1)+mu*R #N


theta2=np.arctan(mu)*(pi**-1*180) #Angle made by Force with horizontal acting on block 1

#Force on block with weight 100 N

print"Least Value of Force P to cause motion to impend rightwards is",round(P,2),"N"
Least Value of Force P to cause motion to impend rightwards is 161.7 N

Example 8.22,Page No.260

In [17]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi
import numpy as np

#Declaration Of Variables

W1=90 #N #Weight of Block 1
W2=30 #N #Weight of Block2
mu=1*3**-1 #Coefficient of friction


#Considering Equilibrium of weight W2

#Tension in the string
#T=W2*sin(theta)+mu*R1 .....................................1

#Normal reaction to the plane
#R1=W2*cos(theta)    .......................................2

#Sub value of R1 in equation 1 we get
#T=W2*sin(theta)+10*cos(theta)    ........................3

#Considering Equilibrium of weight W1

#Resolving Forces along the plane
#W1*sin(theta)=10*cos(theta)+mu*R2    ..................4

#Resolving Forces normal to plane
#R2=120*cos(theta)   ...........5

#Sub value of R2 in equation 4 we get
theta=np.arctan(0.5555)*(pi**-1*180) #Degrees

print"Value of angle theta should be",round(theta,2),"degrees"
Value of angle theta should be 29.05 degrees

Example 8.23,Page No.262

In [18]:
import math

#Declaration Of Variables

L_AC=10 #m #Length of AC
L_BC=8  #m #Length of BC
W=20 #N #weight 


L_AB=(L_AC**2-L_BC**2)**0.5 #m #Length of AB
L_CD=L_BC*2**-1 #m

#Now Resolving Forces

#Reaction Force at C
R_C=W #N


#Taking Moment at pt C
#Coefficient of friction 

#Frictional Force acting at C
F_C=round(mu,2)*R_C #N

print"Coefficient of Friction",round(mu,2)
print"Frictional Force acting at pt C",round(F_C,2),"N"
Coefficient of Friction 0.67
Frictional Force acting at pt C 13.4 N

Example 8.24,Page No.263

In [19]:
import math

#Declaration Of Variables

L_AB=13 #m #Length of AB
W=25 #N #weight of Ladder
L_AC=5 #m #Distance of lower ladder from wall
mu=0.3 #Coefficient of friction


#Forces on the ladder 

#Vertical Forces
R_A=W #N

#Horizontal Forces
R_B=F_A=mu*R_A #N

#MAx amount of frictional Force availale at A
F_A #N

L_AD=L_CD=2.5 #m #Length of AD and CD
L_BC=(L_AB**2-L_AC**2)**0.5 #m

#Moment at pt A
R_B2=R_A*L_AD*L_BC**-1 #N

#Horizontal Forces
F_A2=R_B2 #N

print"Frictional Force acting on ladder is",round(F_A,2),"N"
Frictional Force acting on ladder is 7.5 N

Example 8.25,Page No.264

In [20]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

L_AB=14 #m #Length of AB
W=600 #N #weight of Ladder
L_AD=8 #m #Distance of lower ladder from wall
L_BD=6 #m #LEngth of BD
mu=1*3**-1 #Coefficient of friction
CBA=60 #Degrees


#Resolving forces

R_B=W #N
#Actual Force of friction at pt B
F_B=mu*R_B #N

R_A=F_B #N

L_BE=L_BD*cos(CBA*pi*180**-1) #m
L_AC=L_AB*sin(CBA*pi*180**-1) #m

F_B2=R_A2 #N

print"Force available at B the force required force for equilibrium,the ladder will be stable:F_B is",round(F_B,2),"N"
Force available at B the force required force for equilibrium,the ladder will be stable:F_B is 200.0 N

Example 8.26,Page No.265

In [21]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

W=850 #N #Weight of ladder
L=L_AB=6 #m #Length of AB
alpha=65 #Degrees #Angle made by ladder with ladder
W1=750 #N #Weight of man
L1=4 #m #Distance of man from top of ladder
L2=L-L1 #m #Distance of man form foot of ladder
L_BE=4 #m #Length of BE


#Forces acting on the ladder

#Resolving Forces Vertically
R_A=W+W1 #N

#R_B=F_A=mu*R_A #N

L_BC=L_AB*sin(alpha*pi*180**-1) #m #Length of BC
L_AC=L_AB*cos(alpha*pi*180**-1) #m #Length of AC

L_AD=L_AC*2**-1 #m #Length of AD
L_AH=(L_AB-L_BE)*cos(alpha*pi*180**-1) #m

#Coefficient of friction

print"Coefficient of friction is",round(mu,2)
Coefficient of friction is 0.19

Example 8.27,Page No.266

In [4]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi
import numpy as np

#Declaration Of Variables

W=200 #N #Weight of ladder
L=L_AB=4.5 #m
mu=0.4 #Coefficient of friction between ladder and floor
mu2=0.2 #coefficient of frictionbetween LAdder and wall
W1=900 #N #Weight on ladder 
L_BE=1.2 #m #distance


#FOrces acting on ladder

#Resolving FOrces Vertically
#R_A+F_B=W1+W #N   ................1

#R_B=mu*R_A  .....................2

#Resolving Force R_B in equation 1 we get
R_A=(W1+W)*1.08**-1 #N

#Reaction at B
R_B=mu*R_A  #N

#Moment at pt A
#After further simplifying we get

print"Angle made by ladder with Horizontal",round(alpha,2),"Degrees"
print"Reaction at the Foot of ladder",round(R_A,2),"N"
print"Reaction at the Foot top of ladder",round(R_B,2),"N"

#Value of alpha is incorrect in book i.e 59degree 65seconds
Angle made by ladder with Horizontal 59.01 Degrees
Reaction at the Foot of ladder 1018.52 N
Reaction at the Foot top of ladder 407.41 N

Example 8.28,Page No.267

In [3]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

L=5 #m #Length of ladder
alpha=30 #Degrees #Angle made by ladder with horizontal
W1=250 #N #weight of ladder
W2=800 #N #weight of man
mu=0.2 #Coefficinet of friction 
L_AG=5*2**-1 #m


#Let R_A and R_B be the reactions at A and b respectively

#Resolving forces vertically
#R_A+F_B=W1+W2 .............1

#Resolving forces horizontally

#After sub values and further simplifying we get
R_A=1050*1.04**-1 #N

#Sub value of R_A in equation 2 we get

#Triangle AGD

#TRiangle AEH



#Taking moment at A
#After sub values and further simplifying we get

print"The slipping will be induced at",round(x,2),"m"
The slipping will be induced at 1.66 m

Example 8.29,Page No.271

In [24]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi
import numpy as np

#Declaration Of Variables

alpha=10 #Degrees #Angle of Wedge
W=1500 #N #weight of Block
mu=0.3 #Coefficient of friction


#Applying Lamis theorem to the point O
#After further simplifying we get
R3=W*(Z)*(Z1)**-1 #N

R2=W*Z2*Z1**-1 #N

#Applying Lamis theorem to the point L
#After further simplifying we get
P=Z3*R2*Z2**-1 #N

print"Minimum Horizontal force be applied on wedge to raise the block is",round(P,2),"N"
Minimum Horizontal force be applied on wedge to raise the block is 1418.4 N

Example 8.30,Page No.277

In [5]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

D=0.1 #m #Diameter
R=0.05 #m #Radius
N=150 #r.p.m 
mu=0.05 #Coefficient of friction
W=15*10**3 #N #Load


#Power Loast in friction assuming uniform pressure
T=2*3**-1*mu*W*R #N*m

#Power Lost in Friction
P=2*pi*N*T*60**-1 #W

#Power Lost in friction assuming wear
T2=0.5*mu*W*R #W

#Power Lost in friction
P2=2*pi*N*T2*60**-1 #W

print"Power Loast in friction assuming uniform pressure is",round(P,2),"W"
print"Power Lost in friction assuming wear is",round(P2,2),"W"
Power Loast in friction assuming uniform pressure is 392.7 W
Power Lost in friction assuming wear is 294.52 W

Example 8.31,Page No.282

In [6]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

alpha=60 #Degrees
mu=0.05 #m #coefficient of friction
R=0.15 #m #Radius of shaft
W=20*10**3 #N
N=210 #r.p.m


#Frictional Torque
T=2*3**-1*mu*W*R*(sin(alpha*pi*180**-1))**-1 #N*m

#Power Lost in Friction for uniform pressure
P=2*pi*N*T*60**-1*10**-3 #KW

#frictional torque
T2=1*2**-1*mu*W*R*(sin(alpha*pi*180**-1))**-1 #N*m

#Power Loast in friction for uniform wear
P2=2*pi*N*T2*60**-1*10**-3 #KW

print"Power Lost in Friction assuming:Uniforming pressure",round(P,2),"KW"
print"                               :Uniform wear",round(P2,2),"KW"
Power Lost in Friction assuming:Uniforming pressure 2.54 KW
                               :Uniform wear 1.9 KW

Example 8.32,Page No.283

In [27]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

W=25*10**3 #N #load
alpha=60 #degrees 
p=350*10**3 #N/m**2 #pressure
N=180 #r.p.m


#From Equation of uniform pressure
r2=(W*(pi*p*3)**-1)**0.5 #m
r1=2*r2 #m

#Frictional Torque
T=2*3**-1*mu*W*(sin(alpha*pi*180**-1))**-1*(r1**3-r2**3)*(r1**2-r2**2)**-1 #m

#Power absorbed in friction
P=2*pi*N*T*60**-1*10**-3 #KW

print"Power absorbed in friction",round(P,2),"KW"
Power absorbed in friction 3.68 KW

Example 8.33,Page No.286

In [28]:
import math

#Declaration Of Variables

r1=0.25 #m #External Radius
r2=0.15 #m #Internal Radius
W=50*10**3 #N #Total axial load
mu=0.05 #Coefficient of friction
N=150 #r.p.m


T=2*3**-1*mu*W*((r1**3-r2**3)*(r1**2-r2**2)**-1) #N*m

#Power lost in Frction
P=2*pi*N*T*60**-1*10**-3 #KW 

print"Power lost in Frction is",round(P,2),"KN"
Power lost in Frction is 8.02 KN

Example 8.34,Page No.287

In [10]:
import math
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians, pi

#Declaration Of Variables

r1=0.21 #m #External Radius
r2=0.16 #m #Internal Radius
W=60*10**3 #N #Total axial load
mu=0.05 #Coefficient of friction
N=380 #r.p.m
p=350*10**3 #N/m**2 #Intensity of pressure


#Power Loast in Overcoming friction

T=2*3**-1*mu*W*((r1**3-r2**3)*(r1**2-r2**2)**-1) #N*m

P=2*pi*N*T*60**-1*10**-3 #KW 

#Number of collars required

#Load per collar


print"Power Loast in Overcoming friction is",round(P,2),"KW"
print"Number of collars required for the thrust",round(n,1)
Power Loast in Overcoming friction is 22.22 KW
Number of collars required for the thrust 2.9