Chapter 11:Stability of Equilibrium: columns

Example 11.2 page number 589

In [9]:
import math
h =  60             #mm - the length of the crossection 
b = 100             #mm - the width of hte crossection 
E = 200             #Gpa - The youngs modulus
stress_cr  = 250    #Mpa - The proportionality limit

I = b*(h**3)/12     #mm3 The momentof inertia of the crossection
A = h*b             #mm2 - The area of teh crossection 
#From Eulier formula
r_min  =  pow((I/A),0.5)                            #mm - The radius of the gyration 
#(l/r)**2= (pi**2)*E/stress_cr                      #From Eulier formula
l = (((math.pi**2)*E*(10**3)/stress_cr)**0.5)*r_min #mm - the length after which the beam starts buckling
print "The length after which the beam starts buckling is ",round(l,0),"mm"
The length after which the beam starts buckling is  1539.0 mm

Example 11.6 page number 613

In [8]:
import math
L = 15                                    #ft - The length of the each rod
A = 46.7                                  #in2 - The length of the crossection 
r_min = 4                                 #in - The radius of gyration
stress_yp = 36                            #Ksi - the yielding point stress
E = 29*(10**3)                            #ksi - The youngs modulus
C_c = ((2*(math.pi**2)*E/stress_yp)**0.5) #Slenderness ratio L/R
C_s = L*12/r_min                          # Slenderness ratio L/R of the present situation 
#According to AISC formulas 
if C_s <C_c :
    print "a)The following approch is solvable"
    print "The caliculation is not possible"
F_S = 5.0/3 +3*C_s/(8*C_c) -(3*C_s**3)/(8*C_c**3)        #Safety factor 
Stress_all = (1 - (C_s**2)/(2*C_c**2))*stress_yp/F_S    #The allowable strees 
print "a) The allowable stress in this case is",round(Stress_all,2),"Kips" 
#Part - B
L = 40                                   #ft - The length of the each rod
A = 46.7                                  #in2 - The length of the crossection 
r_min = 4                                 #in - The radius of gyration
stress_yp = 36                            #Ksi - the yielding point stress
E = 29*(10**3)                            #ksi - The youngs modulus
C_c = ((2*(math.pi**2)*E/stress_yp)**0.5) #Slenderness ratio L/R
C_s = L*12/r_min                          # Slenderness ratio L/R of the present situation 
#According to AISC formulas 
if C_s <C_c :
    print "b) The following approch is solvable"
    print "The caliculation is not possible"
F_S = 5.0/3 +3*C_s/(8*C_c) -(3*C_s**3)/(8*C_c**3)        #Safety factor 
Stress_all = (1 - (C_s**2)/(2*C_c**2))*stress_yp/F_S    #The allowable strees 
print "b) The allowable stress in this case is",round(Stress_all,2),"Kips"
a)The following approch is solvable
a) The allowable stress in this case is 18.9 Kips
b) The following approch is solvable
b) The allowable stress in this case is 11.59 Kips

Example 11.7 page number 614

In [7]:
import math
L = 15                                    #ft - The length of the each rod      
p  = 200                                  #Kips The concentric load applied 
r_min = 2.10                              #in - The radius of gyration
stress_yp =   50                          #Ksi - the yielding point stress
E = 29*(10**3)                            #ksi - The youngs modulus
C_c = ((2*(math.pi**2)*E/stress_yp)**0.5) #Slenderness ratio L/R
C_s = L*12/r_min  #Slenderness ratio L/R present situation
if C_s <C_c :
    print "a)The following approch is solvable"
    print "The caliculation is not possible"
F_S = 5.0/3 +3*C_s/(8*C_c) -(3*C_s**3)/(8*C_c**3)        #Safety factor 
Stress_all = (1 - (C_s**2)/(2*C_c**2))*stress_yp/F_S    #The allowable strees
a = p/Stress_all #in2 the alloawble area of the beam 
print "The allowable stress in this case is",round(Stress_all,2),"Kips"
print "This stress requires ",round(a,2),"in2"
if a <11.5:
    print "This case is satisfying W8x24 section" #From AISC Manual 
    print "This case is not satisfying W8x24 section"
                                #The ans are quiet varying because of rounding
a)The following approch is solvable
The allowable stress in this case is 19.14 Kips
This stress requires  10.45 in2
This case is satisfying W8x24 section

Example 11.8 pagenumber 614

In [10]:
import math
L = 15.0                                        #ft - The length of the each rod
A = 46.7                                        #in2 - The length of the crossection 
r_min = 4                                       #in - The radius of gyration
stress_yp = 36.0                                #Ksi - the yielding point stress
E = 29*(10**3)                                  #ksi - The youngs modulus
lamda = L*12*((stress_yp/E)**0.5)/(4*(math.pi)) #column slenderness ratio
if lamda<1.5:
    print "The following approach is right"
    print "The following approach is wrong"
stress_cr = (0.658**(lamda**2))*stress_yp    #Ksi - The critical stress  
P_n = stress_cr*A                            #Kips #Nominal compressive strength 
o = 0.85                                     #Resistance factor
p_u = o*P_n                                  #Kips ,column design compressive strength 
print "column design compressive strength ",p_u,"Kips"
The following approach is right
column design compressive strength  1284.51846781 Kips

Example 11.9 page number 615

In [5]:
l = 5 #in - The length of the flang
b = 5 #in - Teh width of the flang
t  = 0.312 #in - the thickness of the flang
L = 20 #in - Length of the beam, Extracted from AISC manuals
A = 4.563 #in2 - The area of crossection of the beam
r = 1.188 #in - radius of the gyration, Extracted from AISC manuals 
#b/t- value of the flang 
k = (5 -t)/(2*t) #b/t ratio 
#AISC, lets check maximum allowable stress for slang
Stressf_all = 23.1 - 0.79*k #ksi The maximum allowable stress in case of flang,AISC

#web width thickness ratio
k_2 = (5 -2*t)/(t)
if k_2<16:
    Stressw_all = 19 #ksi - The allowable stress in case of web width
#a) Overall buckling investment 
k_3 = L/r #slenderness ratio
Stressb_all = 20.2 - 0.216*k_3#ksi The maximum allowable stress in case of Buckling,AISC
p_allow = A*Stressb_all #Kips The allowable concentric load 

#b) Overall buckling investment
L_2 = 60 #in 
k_3 = L_2/r #slenderness ratio
Stressb_all_2 = 20.2 - 0.126*k_3#ksi The maximum allowable stress in case of Buckling,AISC
p_allow_2 = A*Stressb_all_2 #Kips The allowable concentric load 

print "The maximum allowable stress in case of web width",round(Stressw_all,2),"Ksi"
print "The maximum allowable stress in case of flang",round(Stressf_all,2),"Ksi"
print "a) The maximum allowable load in case of Buckling",round(p_allow,2),"Kips"
print "b) The maximum allowable load in case of Buckling",round(p_allow_2,2),"Kips"

The maximum allowable stress in case of web width 19.0 Ksi
The maximum allowable stress in case of flang 17.16 Ksi
a) The maximum allowable load in case of Buckling 75.58 Kips
b) The maximum allowable load in case of Buckling 63.14 Kips

Example 11.11 page number 620

In [3]:
import math
P = 200.0       #K The force on the beam 
L = 15          #ft - The length of the rod
F_y = 50.0 #Ksi 
F_a = F_y/(5.0/3) #Ksi -AISC MANUAL ,allowable axial stress if axial force is alone
F_b = F_a         #Allowable compressive bending stress
M_1 = 600.0       #k-in - The moment acting on the ends of the rod
M_2 = 800.0       #k-in - the moment acting on the other end of teh rod
B_x = 0.264       #in - Extracted from AISC manual 
E = 29*(10**3) 
A = P/F_a + M_2*B_x/F_b #in2- The minimum area 
print "The minimum area is ",round(A,2),"in2"
#we will select W10x49 section 
A_s = 14.4         #in2 - The area of the section 
r_min  = 2.54      #in The minimum radius 
r_x = 4.35         #in 
f_a = P/A_s        #Ksi- The computed axial stress
f_b =  M_2*B_x/A_s #Computed bending stess
C_c = ((2*(math.pi**2)*E/F_y)**0.5) #Slenderness ratio L/R
C_s = L*12/r_min                    # Slenderness ratio L/R of the present situation
if C_s <C_c :
    print "The following approch is solvable"
    print "The caliculation is not possible"
F_a_1 = 19.3                              #Ksi - AISC lets try this
c_m = 0.6 - 0.4*(-M_1/M_2) 
F_e = (12*(math.pi**2)*E)/(23*(L*12/r_x)**2) 
k = f_a/F_a_1 + c_m*f_b*(1-(f_a/F_e))/F_b #Condition mentioned in AISC
if k>1:
    print "The following W10x49 section is not satisfying our constraints since f_a/F_a_1 + c_m*f_b*(1-(f_a/F_e))/F_b",round(k,3),">1"
    print "The following W10x49 section is satisfying our constraints since f_a/F_a_1 + c_m*f_b*(1-(f_a/F_e))/F_b",k,"<1"
#trail - 2
#Lets take  W10 x 60
A_s = 17.6                         #in2 - The area of the section 
r_min  = 2.57                      #in The minimum radius 
r_x = 4.39                         #in 
f_a = P/A_s                        #Ksi- The computed axial stress
f_b =  M_2*B_x/A_s                 #Computed bending stess
C_c = ((2*(math.pi**2)*E/F_y)**0.5) #Slenderness ratio L/R
C_s = L*12/r_min                    # Slenderness ratio L/R of the present situation
if C_s <C_c :
    print "The following approch is solvable"
    print "The caliculation is not possible"
F_a_1 = 19.3                              #Ksi - AISC lets try this
c_m = 0.6 - 0.4*(-M_1/M_2) 
F_e = (12*(math.pi**2)*E)/(23*(L*12/r_x)**2) 
k = f_a/F_a_1 + c_m*f_b*(1-(f_a/F_e))/F_b #Condition mentioned in AISC
if k>1:
    print "The following W10x49 section is not satisfying our constraints since f_a/F_a_1 + c_m*f_b*(1-(f_a/F_e))/F_b",round(k,3),">1"
    print "The following W10x49 section is satisfying our constraints since f_a/F_a_1 + c_m*f_b*(1-(f_a/F_e))/F_b",round(k,2),"<1"
The minimum area is  13.71 in2
The following approch is solvable
The following W10x49 section is not satisfying our constraints since f_a/F_a_1 + c_m*f_b*(1-(f_a/F_e))/F_b 1.09 >1
The following approch is solvable
The following W10x49 section is satisfying our constraints since f_a/F_a_1 + c_m*f_b*(1-(f_a/F_e))/F_b 0.9 <1