chapter1: De Broglie Matter Waves

example 1.1;page no:10

In [3]:
# cal of de brogle wavelength of earth
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
M = 6.*10**24 # Mass of earth in Kg
v = 3.*10**4 # Orbital velocity of earth in m/s
h = 6.625*10**-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.1,page no:10")
print("\n de Broglie wavelength of earth in metres is="),round(lamda,65)
Example 1.1,page no:10

 de Broglie wavelength of earth in metres is= 3.68e-63

example 1.2;page no:10

In [4]:
#cal of de Broglie wavelength of body
#intiation of all variables
#given that
M = 1 # Mass of object in Kg
v = 10 # velocity of object in m/s
h = 6.625*10**-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.2,page no:11");
lamda=h/(M*v)#calculation of de Broglie wavelength
print("\n de Broglie wavelength of body in metres is="),round(lamda,38)
Example 1.2,page no:11

 de Broglie wavelength of body in metres is= 6.625e-35

example 1.3;page no:11

In [5]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength of body
#intiation of all variables 
# Given that
m = 1e-30 # Mass of any object in Kg
v = 1e5 # velocity of object in m/s
h = 6.625e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.3,page no:11")
lamda=h/(m*v) # calculation of de Broglie wavelength in metres
print("\n de Broglie wavelength of body in metres is="),round(lamda,12)
Example 1.3,page no:11

 de Broglie wavelength of body in metres is= 6.625e-09

example 1.4;page no:15

In [6]:
#cal of velocity,momenteum and wave lenght of electron
#intiation of all variables  
# Given that
import math
KE = 4.55e-25 # Kinetic energy of an electron in Joule
m = 9.1e-31 # Mass of any object in Kg
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.4,page no:15")
v = math.sqrt(2*KE/m) # Calculation of velocity of moving electron
p = m*v #Calculation of momentum of moving electron
lamda= h/p # calculation of de Broglie wavelength
print("velocity of electron in m/s:"),round(v)
print("momentum of electron in Kgm/s:"),round(p,29)
print("de Broglie wavelength of electron is:"),round(lamda,9)
print("Note:The value given in the book for lamda is wrong hence corrected above")
Example 1.4,page no:15
velocity of electron in m/s: 1000.0
momentum of electron in Kgm/s: 9.1e-28
de Broglie wavelength of electron is: 7.27e-07
Note:The value given in the book for lamda is wrong hence corrected above

example 1.5;page no:16

In [7]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength of proton
#intiation of all variables 
#Given that
c = 3e8 # speed of light in m/s
v = c/20 # Speed of proton in m/s
m = 1.67e-27 # Mass of proton in Kg
h = 6.625e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.5,page no:16")
lamda= h/(m*v) # calculation of de Broglie wavelength
print("de Broglie wavelength of proton is:"),round(lamda,17)
# Answer in book is 6.645e-14m which is a calculation mistake
Example 1.5,page no:16
de Broglie wavelength of proton is: 2.645e-14

example 1.6;page no:16

In [1]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength of neutron
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
e = 12.8 # Energy of neutron in MeV
c = 3.e8 # speed of light in m/s
m = 1.675e-27 # Mass of neutron in Kg
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.6,page no:16")
rest_e = m*c**2/(1e6*1.6e-19)# rest mass energy of neutron in MeV
if e/rest_e < 0.015:
	E = e
	E = rest_e +e
lamda = h/(math.sqrt(2*m*e*1e6*1.6e-19)) # calculation of de Broglie wavelength
print("\n de Broglie wavelength of neutron in angstrom="),round(lamda*1e10,7)
# Answer in book is 8.04e-5 angstrom which is misprinted
Example 1.6,page no:16

 de Broglie wavelength of neutron in angstrom= 7.99e-05

example 1.7;page no:17

In [7]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength of neutron
#intiation of all variables 
#Given that
import math
e = 1.602e-19 # charge on electron in coulomb
V = 50. # Applied voltage in volts
m = 9.1e-31 # Mass of electron in Kg
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.7,page no:17")
lamda= h/(math.sqrt(2*e*V*m)) # calculation of de Broglie wavelength
print("\n de Broglie wavelength of neutron in angstrom="),round(lamda*1e10,3)
Example 1.7,page no:17

 de Broglie wavelength of neutron in angstrom= 1.734

example 1.9;page no:18

In [8]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength associated with the electron
#intiation of all variables 
#Given that
import math
e = 1.6e-19 # charge on electron in coulomb
V = 54 # Applied voltage in volts
m = 9.1e-31 # Mass of electron in Kg
h = 6.63e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.9,page no:18")
lamda = h/(math.sqrt(2*e*V*m)) # calculation of de Broglie wavelength
print("de Broglie wavelength associated with the electron in angstrom="),round(lamda*1e10,2)
Example 1.9,page no:18
de Broglie wavelength associated with the electron in angstrom= 1.67

example 1.10;page no:19

In [9]:
#cal of velocity of electron,momentum of electron,de Broglie wavelength of electron
#intiation of all variables 
#Given that
import math
E = 10. # Energy of electron in KeV
me = 9.1e-31 # Mass of electron in Kg
h = 6.63e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.10,page no:19")
v = math.sqrt(2*E*1.6e-16/me) # Calculation of velocity of moving electron
p = me*v #Calculation of momentum of moving electron
lamda = h/p # calculation of de Broglie wavelength
print("velocity of electron in m/s:"),round(v,2)
print("momentum of electron in Kgm/s:"),round(p,27)
print("de Broglie wavelength of electron in angstrom="),round(lamda*1e10,3)
# Answers in book are v = 5.93e6 m/s, p = 5.397e-24 kgm/s, lambda = 1.23 angstrom
# Which is due to wrong calculation
Example 1.10,page no:19
velocity of electron in m/s: 59299945.33
momentum of electron in Kgm/s: 5.3963e-23
de Broglie wavelength of electron in angstrom= 0.123

example 1.11;page no:20

In [10]:
#cal of velocity and kinetic energy of neutron
#intiation of all variables 
#Given that
lamda= 1 # de Broglie wavelength of neutron in angstrom
m = 1.67e-27 # Mass of electron in Kg
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.11,page no:20")
v = h/(m*lamda*1e-10) # Calculation of velocity of moving neutron
print(" velocity of neutron in m/s:"),round(v,3)
E = 1./2.*m*v**2 # Calculation of kinetic energy of moving neutron
print(" Kinetic energy of neutron in eV="),round(E/1.6e-19,3)
Example 1.11,page no:20
 velocity of neutron in m/s: 3964.072
 Kinetic energy of neutron in eV= 0.082

example 1.12;page no:20

In [12]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength of electron
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
E = 2 # Energy of accelerated electron in KeV
m = 9.1e-31 # Mass of electron in Kg
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.12,page no:20")
lamda = h/math.sqrt(2*m*E*1e3*1.6e-19) # Calculation of velocity of moving electron
print("Wavelength of electron in  metres="),round(lamda,13)
# Answer in book is 2.74e-12m
Example 1.12,page no:20
Wavelength of electron in  metres= 2.74e-11

example 1.13;page no:21

In [13]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength of matter wave
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
v = 2e8 # speed of moving proton in m/s
c = 3e8 # speed of light in m/s
m = 1.67e-27 # Mass of proton in Kg
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.13,page no:21")
lamda = h/(m*v/math.sqrt(1-(v/c)**2)) # Calculation of velocity of moving electron
print("Wavelength of matter wave in  angstrom="),round(lamda*1e10,7)
Example 1.13,page no:21
Wavelength of matter wave in  angstrom= 1.48e-05

example 1.14;page no:22

In [31]:
#cal of momentum,total energy and ratio of kinetic energy of photon
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
lamda = 1# wavelength in m/s
m_e = 9.1e-31 # Mass of electron in Kg
m_p = 1.67e-27 # Mass of proton in kg
c = 3e8 # speed of light in m/s
h = 6.63e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.14,page no:22")
p_e = h/(lamda*1e-10) # Momentum of electron
p_p = h/(lamda*1e-10) # Momentum of photon
print("Momentum of photon in  Kgm/s while Momentum of electron in Kgm/s which are equal:"),round(p_p,26),round(p_e,26)
E_e = p_e**2/(2*m_e) +m_e*c**2 # Total energy of electron
E_p = h*c/(lamda*1e-10) # Total energy of photon
print("Total Energy of photon in  joule while Total Energy of electron in  MeV:"),round(E_p,18),E_e1
K_e = p_e**2/(2*m_e) # Kinetic energy of electron 
K_p = h*c/(lamda*1e-10)# Kinetic energy of photon
r_K = K_e/K_p # Ratio of kinetic energies
print("Ratio of kinetic energies in:"),round(r_K,4)
Example 1.14,page no:22
Momentum of photon in  Kgm/s while Momentum of electron in Kgm/s which are equal: 6.63e-24 6.63e-24
Total Energy of photon in  joule while Total Energy of electron in  MeV: 1.989e-15 2.42e-17
Ratio of kinetic energies in: 0.0121

example 1.15;page no:24

In [2]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength of neutron
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
e = 25 # Energy of neutron in eV
c = 3e8 # speed of light in m/s
m = 1.67e-27 # Mass of neutron in Kg
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.15,page no:24")
rest_e = m*c**2/(1e6*1.6e-19)# rest mass energy of neutron in MeV
if e/rest_e < 0.015:
    E = e;
	E = rest_e +e;
lamda = h/(math.sqrt(2*m*e*1.6e-19)) # calculation of de Broglie wavelength
print("de Broglie wavelength of neutron in angstrom:"),round(lamda*1e10,4)
Example 1.15,page no:24
de Broglie wavelength of neutron in angstrom: 0.0573

example 1.16;page no:24

In [14]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength of neutron 
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
e = 2*1.6e-19 # charge on alpha particle in coulomb
V = 200 # Applied voltage in volts
m = 4*1.67e-27 # Mass of alpha particle in Kg
h = 6.63e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.16,page no:24")
lamda=h/(math.sqrt(2*e*V*m)) # calculation of de Broglie wavelength
print("de Broglie wavelength of neutron in angstrom:"),round(lamda*1e10,5)
Example 1.16,page no:24
de Broglie wavelength of neutron in angstrom: 0.00717

example 1.17;page no:25

In [18]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength of ball and electron
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
M = 20 # Mass of ball in Kg
V = 5 # velocity of of ball in m/s
m = 9.1e-31 #Mass of electron in Kg
v = 1e6 # velocity of of electron in m/s
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.17,page no:25")
lambda_b = h/(M*V) # calculation of de Broglie wavelength for ball
lambda_e = h/(m*v) # calculation of de Broglie wavelength electron
print("de Broglie wavelength of ball in angstrom:"),round(lambda_b*1e10,34)
print("de Broglie wavelength of electron in angstrom:"),round(lambda_e*1e10,2)
# answer in book is 6.62e-22 angstrom for ball
Example 1.17,page no:25
de Broglie wavelength of ball in angstrom: 6.62e-26
de Broglie wavelength of electron in angstrom: 7.27

example 1.18;page no:26

In [15]:
#cal of de brogle wavelength of neutron
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
E = 1 # Energy of neutron in eV
m = 1.67e-27 # Mass of neutron in Kg
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.18,page no:26")
lamda = h/math.sqrt(2*m*E*1.6e-19) # Calculation of velocity of moving electron
print("Wavelength of neutron in angstrom:"),round(lamda*1e10,3)
# Answer in book is 6.62e-22 angstrom
Example 1.18,page no:26
Wavelength of neutron in angstrom: 0.286

example 1.19;page no:27

In [20]:
#cal of Applied voltage on electron 
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
lamda = 0.5# wavelength of electron in angstrom
m = 9.1e-31 # Mass of electron in Kg
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
q = 1.6e-19 # charge on electron in coulomb
print("Example 1.19,page no:27")
V = h**2/(2*m*q*(lamda*1e-10)**2) # Calculation of velocity of moving electron
print("Applied voltage on electron in V:"),round(V,1)
# Answer in book is 601.6 Volt
Example 1.19,page no:27
Applied voltage on electron in V: 602.0

example 1.21;page no:29

In [21]:
#cal of  wavelength of neutron
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
k = 8.6e-5 # Boltzmann constant
t = 37 # Temperature in degree Celsius
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
m = 1.67e-27 # Mass of neutron
print("Example 1.21,page no:29")
lamda = h/math.sqrt(3*m*(k*1.6e-19)*(t+273))# Calculation of wavelength
print("Wavelength of neutron at degree Celsius in angstrom:"),round(lamda*1e10,2)
Example 1.21,page no:29
Wavelength of neutron at degree Celsius in angstrom: 1.43

example 1.22;page no:29

In [22]:
#cal of wavelength of helium
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
k = 8.6e-5 # Boltzmann constant
t = 27 # Temperature in degree Celsius
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
m = 6.7e-27 # Mass of helium atom
print("Example 1.22,page no:29")
lamda = h/math.sqrt(3*m*(k*1.6e-19)*(t+273))# Calculation of wavelength
print("Wavelength of helium at degree Celsius in angstrom:"),round(lamda*1e10,3)
Example 1.22,page no:29
Wavelength of helium at degree Celsius in angstrom: 0.727

example 1.23;page no:30

In [17]:
#cal of Interatomic spacing of crystal
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
E = 200. # energy of electrons in eV
x = 20. # distance of screen in cm
D = 2. # diameter of ring in cm
h = 6.62e-34 # Plank constant
m = 9.1e-31 # Mass of electron in kg
print("Example 1.23,page no:30")
lamda= h/math.sqrt(2*m*E*1.6e-19) # Calculation of wavelength
d = lamda/(2*p)# calculation of interatomic spacing of crystal
print("Interatomic spacing of crystal in angstrom:"),round(d*1e10,2)
Example 1.23,page no:30
lamda= 8.67e-11
D/2*x= 0.05
tan(theta)= 0.05
Interatomic spacing of crystal in angstrom: 8.67

example 1.24;page no:31

In [21]:
#cal of velocity of electron 
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
r = 0.5 # Bohr radius of hydrogen in angstrom
m = 9.1e-31 # Mass of neutron in Kg
h = 6.6e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.24,page no:31")
v = h/(2*3.14*r*1e-10*m) # velocity of electron in ground state
print("Velocity of electron in ground state in M/s="),round(v/10**6,2)
# Answer in book is 2.31e6 m/s
Example 1.24,page no:31
Velocity of electron in ground state in M/s= 2.31

example 1.25;page no:32

In [25]:
#cal of Velocity of electron in ground state
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
lamda = 5890 # wavelength of yellow radiation in angstrom
m = 9.1e-31 # Mass of neutron in Kg
h = 6.63e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.25,page no:32")
v = h/(lamda*1e-10*m) # velocity of electron in ground state
print("Velocity of electron in ground state in m/s:"),round(v,1)
# Answer in book is 1.24e3 m/s
Example 1.25,page no:32
Velocity of electron in ground state in m/s: 1237.0

example 1.26;page no:33

In [26]:
#cal of Velocity and kinetic energy of neutron
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
lamda = 2 # wavelength of neutron in angstrom
m = 1.67e-27 # Mass of neutron in Kg
h = 6.63e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.26,page no:33")
v = h/(lamda*1e-10*m) # velocity of neutron
k = 0.5*m*v**2 # Kinetic energy of neutron
print("Velocity of neutron in m/s:"),round(v,1)
print("Kinetic energy of neutron in eV:"),round(k/1.6e-19,3)
# Answer in book is 0.021eV
Example 1.26,page no:33
Velocity of neutron in m/s: 1985.0
Kinetic energy of neutron in eV: 0.021

example 1.29;page no:36

In [22]:
#cal of theta and theta1  
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
v1 = 50 # Previous applied voltage
v2 = 65 # final applied voltage
k = 12.28 
d = 0.91 # Spacing in a crystal in angstrom
print("Example 1.29,page no:36")
lamda = k/math.sqrt(v1)
theta= math.asin(lamda/(2*d))# Angel for initial applied voltage
lamda1 = k/math.sqrt(v2)# wavelength for final applied voltage
theta1 = math.asin(lamda1/(2*d))# Angel for final applied voltage
print("For first order, sin(theta) in For second order sin(theta) must be which is not possible for any value of angle.So no maxima occur for higher orders:"),round(2*math.sin(theta),2)
#print("Angle of diffraction for first order of beam  is  degree at  Volts:"),round((math.theta1*180/math.pi),2)
# Answer in book is 57.14 degree
Example 1.29,page no:36
theta 72.6
theta1= 56.84
For first order, sin(theta) in For second order sin(theta) must be which is not possible for any value of angle.So no maxima occur for higher orders: 1.91

example 1.30;page no:45

In [28]:
#cal of Group velocity of seawater waves
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
lamda = 680 # Wavelength in m
g = 9.8 #Acceleration due to gravity
print("Example 1.30,page no:45")
v_g = 0.5*math.sqrt(g*lamda/(2*3.14)) # Calculation of group velocity
print("Group velocity of seawater waves in m/s:"),round(v_g,2)
# Answer in book is 16.29 m/s
Example 1.30,page no:45
Group velocity of seawater waves in m/s: 16.29

example 1.32;page no:47

In [29]:
#cal of group and phase velocity of de brogle waves 
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
lamda = 2e-13 # de Broglie wavelength of an electron in m
c = 3e8 # Speed of light in m/s
m = 9.1e-31 # Mass of electron in Kg
h = 6.63e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.32,page no:47")
E = h*c/(lamda*1.6e-19) 
E_rest = m*c**2/(1.6e-19) # Calculation of rest mass energy
E_total = math.sqrt(E**2+E_rest**2) # Total energy in eV
v_g = c*math.sqrt(1-(E_rest/E_total)**2) # Group velocity
v_p  = c**2/v_g # Phase velocity
print("Group velocity of de Broglie waves is c  :"),round(v_g/c,4)
print(" phase velocity of de Broglie waves is c"),round(v_p/c,4)
Example 1.32,page no:47
Group velocity of de Broglie waves is c  : 0.9966
 phase velocity of de Broglie waves is c 1.0034

example 1.33;page no:48

In [23]:
#cal of Kinetic energy of electron,group velocity and phase velocity of de Broglie waves
#intiation of all variables 
#given that
import math
lamda = 2.e-12 # de Broglie wavelength of an electron in m
c = 3.e8 # Speed of light in m/s
m = 9.1e-31 # Mass of electron in Kg
h = 6.63e-34 # Plank constant
print("Example 1.33,page no:48")
E = h*c/(lamda*1.6e-19) # Energy due to momentum
E_rest = m*c**2/(1.6e-19) # Calculation of rest mass energy
E_total = math.sqrt(E**2+E_rest**2) # Total energy in eV
KE = E_total - E_rest # Kinetic energy
v_g = c*math.sqrt(1-(E_rest/E_total)**2) # Group velocity
v_p  = c**2/v_g # Phase velocity
print("Kinetic energy of electron in KeV:"),round(KE/1000,2)
print("Group velocity of de Broglie waves is c in m/s:"),round(v_g/c,4)
print("phase velocity of de Broglie waves is c in m/s:"),round(v_p/c,3)
# Answer in book is v_g = 0.6035c & v_p = 1.657c
Example 1.33,page no:48
Kinetic energy of electron in KeV: 293.33
Group velocity of de Broglie waves is c in m/s: 0.7719
phase velocity of de Broglie waves is c in m/s: 1.295