17: Ultrasonics

Example number 17.1, Page number 352

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#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
f = 3;        #Fundamental vibrational frequency of quartz crystal(MHz)
Y = 7.9*10**10;       #Young's modulus of quartz(N/m**2)
rho = 2650;      #Density of quartz(kg/m**3)

f = f*10**6;    #Fundamental vibrational frequency of quartz crystal(Hz)
l = 1/(2*f)*math.sqrt(Y/rho);    #Thickness of vibrating quartz at resonance(m)
l = l*10**3;       #Thickness of vibrating quartz at resonance(mm)
l = math.ceil(l*100)/100;     #rounding off the value of l to 2 decimals

print "The thickness of vibrating quartz at resonance is",l, "mm"
The thickness of vibrating quartz at resonance is 0.91 mm
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