
Example number 1.1, Page number 28

In [2]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
t=0.15*10**-2;        #thickness of the quartz crystal in m
Y=7.9*10**10;         #young's modulus of quartz in N/m^2
rho=2650;          #density of quartz in kg/m^3

f=f*10**-6;        #converting f from Hz to MHz
f=math.ceil(f*10**6)/10**6;   #rounding off to 6 decimals

print("fundamental frequency of vibration in MHz is",f);
('fundamental frequency of vibration in MHz is', 1.819992)

Example number 1.2, Page number 28

In [1]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
t=1e-03;        #thickness of the quartz crystal in m
Y=7.9*10**10;       #young's modulus of quartz in N/m^2
rho=2650;          #density of quartz in kg/m^3

p1=1;        #for fundamental frequency p=1
F1=math.ceil(F1*10**5)/10**5;   #rounding off to 5 decimals
f_1=f1*10**-6;      #converting f1 from Hz to MHz
f_1=math.ceil(f_1*10**5)/10**5;   #rounding off to 5 decimals
p2=2;       #for first overtone p=2
F2=math.ceil(F2*10**5)/10**5;   #rounding off to 5 decimals
f_2=f2*10**-6;      #converting f2 from Hz to MHz
f_2=math.ceil(f_2*10**5)/10**5;   #rounding off to 5 decimals

print("fundamental frequency in Hz is",F1,"*10**6");
print("fundamental frequency in MHz is",f_1);
print("frequency of the first overtone in Hz is",F2,"*10**6");
print("frequency of the first overtone in MHz is",f_2);
('fundamental frequency in Hz is', 2.72999, '*10**6')
('fundamental frequency in MHz is', 2.72999)
('frequency of the first overtone in Hz is', 5.45998, '*10**6')
('frequency of the first overtone in MHz is', 5.45998)

Example number 1.3, Page number 29

In [19]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
lamda=589.3*10**-9;       #wavelength of light in m
f=100*10**6;       #frequency of ultrasonic transducer in Hz
n=1;       #order of diffraction
theta=2.25;          #angle of diffraction in degrees
theta=theta*0.0174532925;       #converting degrees to radians

d1=d*10**6;      #converting d from m to micro m
v=math.ceil(v*100)/100;   #rounding off to 2 decimals

print("wavelength of ultrasonic wave in m is",lamda1);
print("velocity of ultrasonic wave in m/sec",int(v));
('wavelength of ultrasonic wave in m is', 1.5010258944908707e-05)
('velocity of ultrasonic wave in m/sec', 1501)

Example number 1.4, Page number 29

In [20]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
f=2*10**6;      #frequency of transducer in MHz
v=3;       #speed of blood in m/s
c=800;      #velocity of ultrasonic wave in m/s
theta=30;       #angle of inclination in degrees
theta=theta*0.0174532925;       #converting degrees to radians

deltaf=deltaf*10**-6;       #converting deltaf from Hz to MHz
deltaf=math.ceil(deltaf*10**6)/10**6;   #rounding off to 6 decimals

print("doppler shifted frequency in MHz is",deltaf);
('doppler shifted frequency in MHz is', 0.012991)

Example number 1.5, Page number 30

In [21]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
Y=7.9*10**10;         #young's modulus of quartz in N/m^2
rho=2650;          #density of quartz in kg/m^3

v=math.ceil(v*10**3)/10**3;   #rounding off to 3 decimals

print("velocity of ultrasonic waves in m/s is",v);
('velocity of ultrasonic waves in m/s is', 5459.975)
In [ ]: