#importing modules
import math
#Variable declaration
n1=1.6; #refractive index of core
n2=1.5; #refractive index of cladding
NA=math.ceil(NA*10**4)/10**4; #rounding off to 4 decimals
print("the numerical aperture of the fibre is",NA);
#importing modules
import math
#Variable declaration
n1=1.54; #refractive index of core
n2=1.5; #refractive index of cladding
NA=math.sqrt((n1**2)-(n2**2)); #numerical aperture of fibre
NA=math.ceil(NA*10**5)/10**5; #rounding off to 5 decimals
alpha=math.asin(NA/n0); #acceptance angle in radians
alpha=alpha*57.2957795; #converting radians to degrees
alpha=math.ceil(alpha*10**5)/10**5; #rounding off to 5 decimals
deg=int(alpha); #converting to degrees
mi=int(t); #converting to minutes
sec=60*(t-mi); #converting to seconds
sec=math.ceil(sec*10**3)/10**3; #rounding off to 3 decimals
print("the numerical aperture of the fibre is",NA);
print("the acceptance angle of the fibre in degrees is",alpha);
print("acceptance angle of the fibre is",deg,"degrees",mi,"minutes",sec,"seconds");
#answer for the angle given in the book is wrong
#importing modules
import math
#Variable declaration
n1=1.6; #refractive index of core
n2=1.49; #refractive index of cladding
thetac=math.asin(n2/n1); #critical angle in radians
thetac=thetac*57.2957795; #converting radians to degrees
theta_c=math.ceil(thetac*10**3)/10**3; #rounding off to 3 decimals
deg=int(thetac); #converting to degrees
mi=int(t); #converting to minutes
sec=60*(t-mi); #converting to seconds
sec=math.ceil(sec*10**2)/10**2; #rounding off to 2 decimals
print("the critical angle of the fibre in degrees is",theta_c);
print("critical angle of the fibre is",deg,"degrees",mi,"minutes",sec,"seconds");
#importing modules
import math
#Variable declaration
NA=0.15; #numerical aperture
n2=1.55; #refractive index of cladding
n0=1.33; #refractive index of water
n1=math.sqrt((NA**2)+(n2**2)); #refractive index
n_1=math.ceil(n1*10**5)/10**5; #rounding off to 5 decimals
alpha=math.asin(math.sqrt(n1**2-n2**2)/n0); #acceptance angle in radians
alpha=alpha*57.2957795; #converting radians to degrees
alphaa=math.ceil(alpha*10**3)/10**3; #rounding off to 3 decimals
deg=int(alpha); #converting to degrees
mi=int(t); #converting to minutes
sec=60*(t-mi); #converting to seconds
sec=math.ceil(sec*10**2)/10**2; #rounding off to 2 decimals
print("refractive index of the core is",n_1);
print("the acceptance angle of the fibre in degrees is",alphaa);
print("acceptance angle of the fibre is",deg,"degrees",mi,"minutes",sec,"seconds");
#answer for acceptance angle given in the book is wrong
#importing modules
import math
#Variable declaration
NA=0.26; #numerical aperture
n1=1.5; #refractive index of core
d=100; #core diameter in micro meter
d=100*(10**-6); #core diameter in metre
n2=math.ceil(n2*10**5)/10**5; #rounding off to 5 decimals
print("refractive index of the cladding is",n2);
#importing modules
import math
#Variable declaration
NA=0.26; #numerical aperture
delta=0.015; #refractive index difference
#let A=n1**2-n2**2
#therefore A=NA**2
#let 2*(n1**2) be B
#therefore B=A/delta
n1=math.ceil(n1*100)/100; #rounding off to 2 decimals
n2=math.ceil(n2*10**3)/10**3; #rounding off to 4 decimals
print("refractive index of the core is",n1);
print("refractive index of the cladding is",n2);
#answer for refractive index of cladding given in the book is wrong