Superconducting Materials

Example number 9.1, Page number 255

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#To calculate the critical magnetic field intensity

#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
H0 = 6.5*10**4;         #magnetic field intensity(A/m)
T = 4.2;                #temperature(K)
Tc = 7.18;              #critical temperature(K)

Hc = H0*(1-((T**2)/(Tc**2)));        #critical magnetic field intensity(A/m)
Hc = Hc*10**-4;
Hc=math.ceil(Hc*10**3)/10**3;   #rounding off to 3 decimals

print "critical magnetic field intensity is",Hc,"*10**4 A/m"
critical magnetic field intensity is 4.276 *10**4 A/m

Example number 9.2, Page number 255

In [3]:
#To calculate the isotopic mass

#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
Tc1 = 4.185;                #critical temperature for M1(K)
Tc2 = 4.133;                #critical temperature for M2(K)
M1 = 199.5;                 #isotopic mass
alpha = 0.5;

A = math.pow(M1,alpha)*Tc1/Tc2;
M2 = math.pow(A,1/alpha);       #isotopic mass
M2=math.ceil(M2*10**3)/10**3;   #rounding off to 3 decimals

print "isotopic mass is",M2
print "answer given in the book is wrong"
isotopic mass is 204.552
answer given in the book is wrong
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