#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
M1=202; #mass number of mercury
a=0.50; #coefficient of mass number
T1=4.2; #temperaturefor mass number 200(K)
M2=200; #mass number of mercury
T2=((M1/M2)**a)*T1; #The transition temperature for the isotope of mercury of mass number 200(K)
print "The transition temperature for the isotope of mercury of mass number 200 is",round(T2,4),"K"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Tc=9.15; #critical temperature of Nb(K)
t=6; #temperature of critical field(K)
Ho=0.196; #The critical field AT 0K(T)
Hc=(Ho*(1-(t/Tc)**2)); #The critical field at 6K(T)
print "The critical field is",round(Hc,4),"T"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
M1=199.5; #Isotopic mass of metal
T1=4.185; #Critical temperature for a metal with isotopic mass(K)
T2=4.133; #fall of critical temperature for a metal with isotopic mass(K)
a=0.50; #coefficient of mass
M2=(((M1)**a)*(T1/T2))**2; #The Isotopic mass if the critical temperature falls to 4.133
print "The Isotopic mass if the critical temperature falls is",round(M2,2)
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Hc=7.2*10**3; #The critical magnetic field(A/m)
r=0.5*10**-3; #radius of long thin superconducting wire(m)
Ic=(2*math.pi*Hc*r); #The critical current through a long thin superconductor(A)
print "The critical current through a long thin superconductor is",round(Ic,3),"A"
print "answer varies due to rounding off errors"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Tc=3.7; #critical temperature of superconducting Sn(K)
t=2; #temperature of critical field(K)
Ho=0.0306; #The critical field at 0K(T)
Hc=(Ho*(1-(t/Tc)**2)); #The critical field at 6K(T)
print "The critical field is",round(Hc,6),"tesla"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Ho=6.5*10**4; #The critical field at 0K(A/m)
Tc=7.18; #The temperature for lead(K)
r=0.5*10**-3; #radius of superconducting wire of lead(m)
T=4.2; #temperature of superconducting wire(K)
Hc=(Ho*(1-(T/Tc)**2)); #The critical field(KA/m)
Ic=2*math.pi*Hc*r; #The critical density for a superconducting wire of lead(A)
print "The critical density for a superconducting wire of lead is",round(Ic,2),"A"
print "answer varies due to rounding off errors"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Hc=10**5; #The critical field for vanadium(A/m)
Ho=2*10**5; #The critical field for vanadium at 0K(A/m)
T=8.58; #temperature for vanadium(K)
Tc=T/math.sqrt(1-(Hc/Ho)); #The critical temperature(K)
print "The critical temperature is",round(Tc,5),"K"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
V=5.9*10**-6; #voltage applied across a Josephson junction(V)
e=1.6*10**-19; #charge of electron(c)
h=6.62*10**-34; #Planck's constant(J-sec)
v=(2*e*V)/h; #The frequency of the radiation emitted by the junction(Hz)
print "The frequency of the radiation emitted by the junction is",round(v/10**9,5),"*10**9 Hz"