12: Superconducting Materials

Example number 12.1, Page number 328

In [2]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
M1=202;   #mass number of mercury
a=0.50;   #coefficient of mass number
T1=4.2;   #temperaturefor mass number 200(K)
M2=200;   #mass number of mercury

T2=((M1/M2)**a)*T1;   #The transition temperature for the isotope of mercury of mass number 200(K)

print "The transition temperature for the isotope of mercury of mass number 200 is",round(T2,4),"K"
The transition temperature for the isotope of mercury of mass number 200 is 4.2209 K

Example number 12.2, Page number 328

In [4]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Tc=9.15;   #critical temperature of Nb(K)
t=6;  #temperature of critical field(K)
Ho=0.196;  #The critical field AT 0K(T)

Hc=(Ho*(1-(t/Tc)**2));     #The critical field at 6K(T)

print "The critical field is",round(Hc,4),"T"
The critical field is 0.1117 T

Example number 12.3, Page number 329

In [6]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
M1=199.5;   #Isotopic mass of metal
T1=4.185;   #Critical temperature for a metal with isotopic mass(K)
T2=4.133;   #fall of critical temperature for a metal with isotopic mass(K)
a=0.50;     #coefficient of mass

M2=(((M1)**a)*(T1/T2))**2;     #The Isotopic mass if the critical temperature falls to 4.133

print "The Isotopic mass if the critical temperature falls is",round(M2,2)
The Isotopic mass if the critical temperature falls is 204.55

Example number 12.4, Page number 329

In [9]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Hc=7.2*10**3;    #The critical magnetic field(A/m)
r=0.5*10**-3;    #radius of long thin superconducting wire(m)

Ic=(2*math.pi*Hc*r);     #The critical current through a long thin superconductor(A)

print "The critical current through a long thin superconductor is",round(Ic,3),"A"
print "answer varies due to rounding off errors"
The critical current through a long thin superconductor is 22.619 A
answer varies due to rounding off errors

Example number 12.5, Page number 329

In [11]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Tc=3.7;     #critical temperature of superconducting Sn(K)
t=2;   #temperature of critical field(K)
Ho=0.0306;   #The critical field at 0K(T)

Hc=(Ho*(1-(t/Tc)**2));    #The critical field at 6K(T)

print "The critical field is",round(Hc,6),"tesla"
The critical field is 0.021659 tesla

Example number 12.6, Page number 329

In [13]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Ho=6.5*10**4;   #The critical field at 0K(A/m)
Tc=7.18;    #The temperature for lead(K)
r=0.5*10**-3;   #radius of superconducting wire of lead(m)
T=4.2;    #temperature of superconducting wire(K)

Hc=(Ho*(1-(T/Tc)**2));    #The critical field(KA/m)
Ic=2*math.pi*Hc*r;    #The critical density for a superconducting wire of lead(A)

print "The critical density for a superconducting wire of lead is",round(Ic,2),"A"
print "answer varies due to rounding off errors"
The critical density for a superconducting wire of lead is 134.33 A
answer varies due to rounding off errors

Example number 12.7, Page number 330

In [16]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Hc=10**5;    #The critical field for vanadium(A/m)
Ho=2*10**5;   #The critical field for vanadium at 0K(A/m)
T=8.58;    #temperature for vanadium(K)

Tc=T/math.sqrt(1-(Hc/Ho));     #The critical temperature(K)

print "The critical temperature is",round(Tc,5),"K"
The critical temperature is 12.13395 K

Example number 12.8, Page number 338

In [18]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
V=5.9*10**-6;     #voltage applied across a Josephson junction(V)
e=1.6*10**-19;     #charge of electron(c)
h=6.62*10**-34;    #Planck's constant(J-sec)

v=(2*e*V)/h;     #The frequency of the radiation emitted by the junction(Hz)

print "The frequency of the radiation emitted by the junction is",round(v/10**9,5),"*10**9 Hz"
The frequency of the radiation emitted by the junction is 2.85196 *10**9 Hz