13: Dielectrics

Example number 13.1, Page number 356

In [2]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
a=3.61*10**-10;    #lattice constant of copper which is Fcc crystal(m)
x=1*10**-18;     #average displacement of the electrons relative to the nucleus(m)
z=29;     #atomic number of copper
n=4;      #number of atoms per unit cell in FCC crystal
e=1.6*10**-19;    #charge of electron(c)

ne=((n*z)/(a*a*a));     #number of electrons(electrons/m^3) 
P=ne*e*x;    #The electron polarisation(C/m^2)

print "The electron polarisation is",round(P*10**7,3),"*10**-7 C/m^2"
The electron polarisation is 3.945 *10**-7 C/m^2

Example number 13.2, Page number 356

In [19]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
rp=11.7;   #relative permittivity of silicon
N=4.82*10**28;   #number of atoms per unit volume(atoms/m^3)
ro=8.85*10**-12;   #permittivity of free space
E=10**4;    #E(Vm^-1)
e=1.6*10**-19;   #charge of electron(c)
Z=14;     #atomic number of silicon 

z=(ro*(rp-1))/N     #electronic polarisability(Fm^2)
mew=z*E;       #The dipole moment of each atom(Cm^-3)
x=y/(Z*e);   #The effective distance at this field strength between the centre and the nucleus(m)

print "The dipole moment of each atom in a field is",round(y*10**35,4),"*10**-35 C m**-3"
print "The effective distance at this field strength between the centre and the nucleus is",round(x*10**18,2),"*10**-18 m"
The dipole moment of each atom in a field is 1.9646 *10**-35 C m**-3
The effective distance at this field strength between the centre and the nucleus is 8.77 *10**-18 m

Example number 13.3, Page number 357

In [3]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
d=9.8*10**26;    #density of hydrogen gas(atoms/m^3)
r=0.50*10**-10;   #radius of the hydrogen atom(m)
ro=8.85*10**-12;   #permittivity of free space

z=(4*math.pi*ro*r**3)/10**-41;    #electronic polarisability(Fm^2)
rp=(((d*z*10**-41)/ro)+1);        #The relative permittivity in hydrogen gas

print "The electronic polarisability is",round(z,2),"*10**-41 Fm**2"
print "The relative permittivity in hydrogen gas is",round(rp,4)
The electronic polarisability is 1.39 *10**-41 Fm**2
The relative permittivity in hydrogen gas is 1.0015

Example number 13.4, Page number 357

In [5]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
z=1.75*10**-40;    #electronic polarisability(Fm^2)
d=1.8*10**3;   #density of argon atom(Kg/m^3)
Z=39.95;    #atomic weight of argon
NA=6.025*10**26;    #Avagadro number(mole^-1)
ro=8.85*10**-12;    #permittivity of free space

N=((NA*d)/Z);     #The number of atoms/unit volume(atoms/m^3) 
rp=(((N*z)/ro)+1);    #The static dielectric constant of solid argon

print "The static dielectric constant of solid argon is",round(rp,5)
The static dielectric constant of solid argon is 1.53679

Example number 13.5, Page number 366

In [7]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
er=4.94;   #static dielecric constant of a material
n=2.69;    #index of friction

x=((er-1)*(n+2))/((er+2)*(n-1))-1;     #Ratio between ionic and electronic polarisability of this material
y=1/x;      #Ratio between electronic and ionic polarisability of this material

print "Ratio between electronic and ionic polarisability of this material is",round(y,4)
Ratio between electronic and ionic polarisability of this material is 1.7376