#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
a=3.61*10**-10; #lattice constant of copper which is Fcc crystal(m)
x=1*10**-18; #average displacement of the electrons relative to the nucleus(m)
z=29; #atomic number of copper
n=4; #number of atoms per unit cell in FCC crystal
e=1.6*10**-19; #charge of electron(c)
ne=((n*z)/(a*a*a)); #number of electrons(electrons/m^3)
P=ne*e*x; #The electron polarisation(C/m^2)
print "The electron polarisation is",round(P*10**7,3),"*10**-7 C/m^2"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
rp=11.7; #relative permittivity of silicon
N=4.82*10**28; #number of atoms per unit volume(atoms/m^3)
ro=8.85*10**-12; #permittivity of free space
E=10**4; #E(Vm^-1)
e=1.6*10**-19; #charge of electron(c)
Z=14; #atomic number of silicon
z=(ro*(rp-1))/N #electronic polarisability(Fm^2)
mew=z*E; #The dipole moment of each atom(Cm^-3)
x=y/(Z*e); #The effective distance at this field strength between the centre and the nucleus(m)
print "The dipole moment of each atom in a field is",round(y*10**35,4),"*10**-35 C m**-3"
print "The effective distance at this field strength between the centre and the nucleus is",round(x*10**18,2),"*10**-18 m"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
d=9.8*10**26; #density of hydrogen gas(atoms/m^3)
r=0.50*10**-10; #radius of the hydrogen atom(m)
ro=8.85*10**-12; #permittivity of free space
z=(4*math.pi*ro*r**3)/10**-41; #electronic polarisability(Fm^2)
rp=(((d*z*10**-41)/ro)+1); #The relative permittivity in hydrogen gas
print "The electronic polarisability is",round(z,2),"*10**-41 Fm**2"
print "The relative permittivity in hydrogen gas is",round(rp,4)
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
z=1.75*10**-40; #electronic polarisability(Fm^2)
d=1.8*10**3; #density of argon atom(Kg/m^3)
Z=39.95; #atomic weight of argon
NA=6.025*10**26; #Avagadro number(mole^-1)
ro=8.85*10**-12; #permittivity of free space
N=((NA*d)/Z); #The number of atoms/unit volume(atoms/m^3)
rp=(((N*z)/ro)+1); #The static dielectric constant of solid argon
print "The static dielectric constant of solid argon is",round(rp,5)
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
er=4.94; #static dielecric constant of a material
n=2.69; #index of friction
x=((er-1)*(n+2))/((er+2)*(n-1))-1; #Ratio between ionic and electronic polarisability of this material
y=1/x; #Ratio between electronic and ionic polarisability of this material
print "Ratio between electronic and ionic polarisability of this material is",round(y,4)