#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
n=125; #number of fingers cross the field of view
d=0.04*10**-3; #distance of one of mirror moved(m)
w=2*d/n; #wavelength of light used(m)
print "The wavelength of light used is",int(w*10**9),"nm"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Ri=1.5; #refractive index of thin film of glass
n=30; #number of fringes of sodium light is observed across the field of view
t=0.018*10**-3; #thickness of glass film(m)
w=2*(Ri-1)*t/n; #wavelength of the light used(m)
print "The wavelength of light used is",w*10**9,"nm"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
n=200; #number of fringes cross the field of view
d=0.0589*10**-3; #distance of mirror displaced(m)
w=2*d/n; #wavelength of the monochromatic source used(m)
print "The wavelength of the monochromatic source used is",w*10**9,"nm"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
x=1.55; #refractive index of transparent film of glass
w=480*10**-9; #wavelength of light(m)
n=450; #number of fringes to sweep across the field
t=n*w/(2*(x-1)); #thickness of the film(m)
print "The thickness of the film is",round(t*10**4,4),"*10**-4 m"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
t=0.004*10**-2; #thickness of transparent sheet(m)
d=0.0027*10**-2; #distance of mirror displaced(m)
X=(d/t)+1; #refractive index of the material
print "The refractive index of material is",X
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
d=0.03205*10**-3; #distance of movable mirror displaced(m)
w=580.9*10**-9; #wavelength of light(m)
n=2*d/w; #number of fringes shifted across the cross wire of eye piece of the telescope
print "The number of fringes shifted across the cross wire of eye piece of the telescope is",int(n)
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
w=5893*10**-10; #wavelength of sodium light(m)
Re=1.5532; #Refractive index of quartz for e ray
Ro=1.5332; #Refractive index of quartz for o ray
t=w/(4*(Re-Ro)); #thickness of a quarter wave plate of quartz for sodium light(m)
print "The thickness of a quarter wave plate of quartz for sodium light is",t*10**6,"micro m"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
w=6000*10**-10; #wavelength(m)
Re=1.54; #Refractive index of double refracting crystal for e ray
Ro=1.65; #Refractive index of double refracting crystal for o ray
t=w/(2*(Ro-Re)); #thickness of a double refracting crystal required at w/2(m)
print "The thickness of a double refracting crystal required at w/2 is",round(t*10**6,3),"micro m"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
w=5*10**-7; #wavelength(m)
Re=1.5573; #Refractive index for e ray when the emergent beam will be plane polarised
Ro=1.5442; #Refractive index for o ray when the emergent beam will be plane polarised
t=w/(4*(Re-Ro)); #least thickness of a plate(m)
print "The least thickness of a plate when the emergent beam will be plane polarised is",round(t*10**6,2),"micro m"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
w=5893*10**-10; #wavelength of sodium light(m)
Ro=1.658; #Refractive index of calcite for o ray
Re=1.486; #Refractive index of calcite for e ray
t=w/(2*(Ro-Re)); #thickness of the quarter wave plate for calcite(m)
print "The thickness of the quarter wave plate for calcite is",round(t*10**6,3),"*10**-6 m"
print "answer given in the book is wrong"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
t=30*10**-6; #thickness of wave plate(m)
Ro=1.55; #Refractive index of wave plate for o ray
Re=1.54; #Refractive index of wave plate for e ray
w=2*t*(Ro-Re); #wavelength for which it can act as a half wave plate(m)
print "The wavelength for which it can act as a half wave plate is",w*10**9,"*10**-9 m"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
w=546.1*10**-9; #wavelength of light(m)
Re=1.592; #Refractive index of mica for e ray
Ro=1.586; #Refractive index of mica for o ray
t=w/(2*(Re-Ro)); #thickness of a mica sheet(m)
print "The thickness of a mica sheet required for making a half wave plate for a light is",round(t*10**5,4),"*10**-5 m"