#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
p=50; #sound waves with output power(W)
r=4; #Distance(m)
I=p/(4*math.pi*r**2) #Intensity(W/m**2)
print "Intensity of sound at a distance of 4m from the source is",round(I,2),"W/m**2"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Io=10**-12; #Initial intensity of sound(W/m**2)
d=50; #number of decibels given by 10log(Io/I1)
P=70; #Output power(W)
I1=(10**5)*Io; #Intensity(W/m**2)
r=math.sqrt(P/(4*math.pi*I1)); #distance(m)
print "The distance at which sound reduces to a level of 50dB is",round(r/10**3,2),"*10**3 m"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
v=8000; #volume of the hall(m**3)
T=1.5; #Reverberation time(sec)
A=(0.161*v)/T; #Total absorption time(m**2 sabine)
print "The total reverberation in the hall is",round(A,2),"m**2 sabine"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
l=25; #length of the hall(m)
b=20; #breadth of the hall(m)
h=10; #height of the hall(m)
T=4; #Reverberation time(s)
V=l*b*h; #Volume of the hall(m**3)
A=(0.161*V)/T; #Total absorption time(m**2 sabine)
a=A/(2*((l*b)+(b*h)+(l*h))); #a is absorption co-efficient
print "The average absorption co-efficients of surfaces is",round(a,3)
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Y=77*(10**10); #Youngs modulus for quartz(dyne/cm**2)
rho=2.6; #density of quartz(g/cm**3)
t=0.4; #thickness(cm)
f=((1/(2*t))*math.sqrt(Y/rho))*10**-3; #frequency(kHz)
print "The frequency of ultrasonic waves produced is",int(f),"kHz"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Y=81*10**10; #Young's modulus for barium titanate(dynes/cm**2)
rho=5.51; #density of barium titanate(g/cm**3)
f=900; #frequency of ultrasonic waves(kHZ)
t=((1/(2*f))*math.sqrt(Y/rho))*10**-2; #thickness of crystal(mm)
print "The thickness of the crystal to produce ultrasonic waves is",round(t,2),"mm"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
r=3; #distance(m)
I=0.86; #Intensity of sound source(W/m**2)
P=4*math.pi*r**2*I; #Power of the sound source(W)
print "The output power of the sound source is",round(P,2),"W"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
d=60; #Number of decibels given by 10*log(I/I0)
I0=10**-12; #Initial intensity of sound(W/m**2)
I=10**-6; #since 10log(I/I0)=60
r=200; #distance(m)
P=4*math.pi*r**2*I; #output power of the sound source(W)
print "The output power of the sound source is",round(P,1),"W"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
V=9250; #volume of the hall(m**3)
A=900; #Total absorption(m**2 sabine)
T=(0.161*V)/A; #Reverberation time(s)
print "The reverberation time in a hall is",round(T,2),"s"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
f1=400; #Initial frequency(kHZ)
f2=500; #New frequency(kHZ)
t1=3; #initial thickness of the crystal(mm)
t2=(f1*t1)/f2; #required thickness(mm)
print "The required thickness of the crystal is",t2,"mm"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
t1=2; #Initial thickness(mm)
t2=2.8; #New thickness(mm)
F=t1/t2; #ratio of new to old frequencies
print "The ratio of new to old frequencies is",round(F,3),