5: Diffraction

Example number 5.1, Page number 86

In [3]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
lamda=600*10**-9;                 #wavelength(m)
theta=35;                          #angle at which first minimum falls(degrees)

theta=theta*math.pi/180;      #angle at which first minimum falls(radian)
d=((n*lamda)/math.sin(theta))*10**6;      #width of the slit(micro m)

print "The width of the slit is",round(d,2),"micro m"
The width of the slit is 1.05 micro m

Example number 5.2, Page number 86

In [5]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
D=0.95;                          #distance of the screen from the slit(m)
lamda=589*10**-9;                #wavelength(m)
d=0.5*10**-3;                     #width of the slit(m)

y=((2*D*lamda)/d)*10**3;         #width of a central band(mm)

print "The width of the central band is",round(y,2),"mm"
The width of the central band is 2.24 mm

Example number 5.3, Page number 86

In [8]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
D=1.1;                        #distance of the screen from the slit(m)
lamda=589*10**-9;             #wavelength(m)
y=4.5*10**-3;                  #distance of first minimum on either side of central maximum(m)

d=((D*lamda)/y)*10**3         #slit width(mm)

print "The slit width is",round(d,3),"mm"
The slit width is 0.144 mm

Example number 5.4, Page number 86

In [11]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
lamda=589.6*10**-9;                  #wavelength(m)
D=0.95;                              #distance of the screen from the slit(m)
w=0.28*10**-3;                        #width of the slit(m)

d=((n*lamda*D)/w)*10**3;     #distance between centres(mm)

print "The distance between centres of central maximum and the fourth dark fringe is",int(d),"mm"
The distance between centres of central maximum and the fourth dark fringe is 8 mm

Example number 5.5, Page number 86

In [13]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
s=5*math.pi/2;                           #secondary maximum

I=(math.sin(s)/s)**2;                      #I2/I0

print "Ratio of intensities of central & second secondary maximum is",round(I,3)
Ratio of intensities of central & second secondary maximum is 0.016

Example number 5.6, Page number 86

In [16]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
lamda=450*10**-9;                  #wavelength(m)
dlambda=1*10**-9;                   #difference in wavelength(m)

N=lamda/(n*dlambda);               #minimum number of lines per cm 

print "The minimum number of lines per cm is",N/2
The minimum number of lines per cm is 112.5

Example number 5.7, Page number 86

In [22]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
lamda=650*10**-9;                       #wavelength(m)
d=2*10**-6;                              #width of the slit(m)

theta=math.asin((n*lamda)/d);                #angle at which first minimum will be observed(radian)
theta=theta*180/math.pi;      #angle at which first minimum will be observed(degrees)

print "The angle at which first minimum will be observed is",round(theta,3),"degrees"
The angle at which first minimum will be observed is 18.966 degrees

Example number 5.8, Page number 87

In [24]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
lamda=600*10**-9;                           #wavelength(m)
y=2*10**-3;                                 #width of the central band(m)
D=1;                                       #distance of the screen from the slit(m)

d=((2*D*lamda)/y)*10**3;                    #slit width(mm)

print "The slit width is",d,"mm"
The slit width is 0.6 mm

Example number 5.9, Page number 87

In [27]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
y=6*10**-3;                     #first minimum is observed(m)
d=90*10**-6;                    #slit width(m)
D=0.98;                        #distance of the screen from the slit(m)

lamda=((y*d)/D)*10**9;           #wavelength(nm)

print "The wavelength of light used is",int(lamda),"nm"
The wavelength of light used is 551 nm

Example number 5.10, Page number 87

In [41]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
lambda1=450*10**-9;                   #wavelength of first spectral line(m)
d=1/5000;                    #number of lines

lambda2=d*math.sin(theta2)/n;    #wavelength of second spectral line(nm)

print "The wavelength of second spectral line is",int(lambda2*10**7),"nm"
The wavelength of second spectral line is 550 nm

Example number 5.11, Page number 87

In [45]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
lamda=700*10**-9;              #wavelength(m)
theta=90;         #angle(degrees)

theta=theta*math.pi/180;     #angle(radian)
d=n*lamda/math.sin(theta);    #grating element(m)

print "The minimum grating element required to observe the entire third order spectrum is",d*10**6,"*10**-6 m"
The minimum grating element required to observe the entire third order spectrum is 2.1 *10**-6 m