6: Polarisation

Example number 6.1, Page number 108

In [4]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
mew=1.63;              #refractive index of the glass plate

#tan ip=mew
ip=math.atan(mew);        #ip=polarising angle(radian)
ip=ip*180/math.pi;     #ip=polarising angle(degrees)
r=90-ip;              #angle of refraction(degrees)
rd=int(r);      #angle(degrees)
rm=round(60*(r-rd));     #angle(minutes)

print "The angle of refraction is",rd,"degrees",rm,"minutes"
The angle of refraction is 31 degrees 32.0 minutes

Example number 6.2, Page number 108

In [6]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
theta=50;                #angle made between two principle planes(degrees)

theta=theta*math.pi/180;   #angle(radian)
I=(math.cos(theta))**2;         #incident unpolarized light
#percentage of incident unpolarised light is (I/I0)*100 where I0 is incident polarised light
p=I*100;      #percentage of incident unpolarized light(%)

print "The percentage of incident unpolarized light is",int(p),"%"
The percentage of incident unpolarized light is 41 %

Example number 6.3, Page number 108

In [9]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
a=0.08;                #a=I/I0;where I=incident unpolarized light & I0=incident polarized light

theta=math.acos(math.sqrt(a));    #angle between planes of transmission of analyser and polariser(radian)
theta=theta*180/math.pi;     #angle(degrees)
thetad=int(theta);     #angle(degrees)
thetam=round(60*(theta-thetad));     #angle(minutes)

print "The angle between the planes of transmission of analyser & polariser is +(or)- ",thetad,"degrees",thetam,"minutes"
The angle between the planes of transmission of analyser & polariser is +(or)-  73 degrees 34.0 minutes

Example number 6.4, Page number 108

In [11]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
theta=40;                    #angle made between incident beam & optic axis(degrees)

theta=theta*math.pi/180;   #angle(radian)
a=math.tan(theta)**2;                  #I0/IE

print "I0/IE=",round(a,1)
I0/IE= 0.7

Example number 6.5, Page number 108

In [13]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
lamda=589;                              #wavelength of light(nm)
mew0=1.54;                               #refractive index for ordinary wave
mewE=1.55;                               #refractive index for extraordinary wave

t=lamda/(4*(mewE-mew0))*10**-3;         #thickness(micro m)

print "The thickness of a quarter-wave plate is",t,"micro m"
The thickness of a quarter-wave plate is 14.725 micro m

Example number 6.6, Page number 109

In [15]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
ip=52;                               #angle of polarization(degrees)

ip=ip*math.pi/180;   #angle(radian)
mew=math.tan(ip);                    #refractive index of the material surface

print "The refractive index of the material surface is",round(mew,2)
The refractive index of the material surface is 1.28

Example number 6.7, Page number 109

In [18]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
r=33;                      #angle of refraction(degrees)

ip=90-r;                   #polarising angle(degrees)
ip=ip*math.pi/180;     #angle(radian)
mew=math.tan(ip);          #refractive index of quartz

print "The refractive index of quartz is",round(mew,2)
The refractive index of quartz is 1.54

Example number 6.8, Page number 109

In [20]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
a=0.65;                        #ratio of intensities of ordinary & extraordinary light

theta=math.atan(math.sqrt(a));           #angle made by plane of vibration of the incident light with optic axis(radian)
theta=theta*180/math.pi;      #angle(degrees)
thetad=int(theta);     #angle(degrees)

print "The angle made by the plane of vibration of incident light with the optic axis is",thetad,"degrees",thetam,"minutes"
The angle made by the plane of vibration of incident light with the optic axis is 38 degrees 52 minutes

Example number 6.9, Page number 109

In [23]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
mew0=1.544;                                  #refractive index of ordinary waves
mewE=1.553;                                  #refractive index of extraordinary waves
lamda=550;                                  #wavelength(nm) 

delta=((2*180)/(lamda*(10**-9)))*(mewE-mew0)*t*(10**-6);           #phase difference(degrees)

print "The phase difference between O and E rays is",int(delta),"degrees"
The phase difference between O and E rays is 53 degrees

Example number 6.10, Page number 109

In [25]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
delta=50;                                #phase difference(degrees)
mewE=1.544;                              #refractive index of extraordinary waves
mew0=1.553;                              #refractive index of ordinary waves
t=8;                                     #thickness(nm)

lamda=((2*180)/delta)*(mew0-mewE)*t*10**-6*10**9;              #wavelength of light incident(nm)

print "The wavelength of light incident is",lamda,"nm"
The wavelength of light incident is 518.4 nm