6: Non Destructive Testing

Example number 6.1, Page number 36

In [1]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
t=50;   #thickness of metal(mm)
d=1;    #hole diameter(mm)

sp=(d/t)*100;   #sensitivity percentage(%)

print "sensitivity percentage of wire is",sp,"%"
sensitivity percentage of wire is 2.0 %

Example number 6.2, Page number 37

In [2]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
I=20*10**-3;   #tube current(A)
L=1;   #source to film distance(m)
t=60;   #exposure time(s)

ef=I*t/(L**2);   #exposure factor

print "exposure factor is",ef
exposure factor is 1.2

Example number 6.3, Page number 37

In [5]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
IbyI0=20;   #reduction in intensity
mew=1.62;    #linear absorption coefficient(per cm)

x=math.log(IbyI0)/mew;   #thickness of aluminium(cm)

print "thickness of aluminium is",round(x,2),"*10**-2 m"
thickness of aluminium is 1.85 *10**-2 m

Example number 6.4, Page number 38

In [7]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
x=2.5*10**-2;    #thickness of material(m)
mew=2;    #linear absorption coefficient(per cm)


print " "

Example number 6.5, Page number 38

In [9]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
ef=0.35;    #exposure factor(curie hour)
pss=5;   #present source strength(curie)

et=ef/pss;   #exposure time(h)

print "exposure time is",et*60,"min"
exposure time is 4.2 min

Example number 6.6, Page number 39

In [12]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
fd=20*10**-2;   #film focus distance(m)
Sd=5*10**-2;   #displacement of X-ray tube(m)
t=5*10**-2;   #thickness of steel(m)
S=0.5*10**-2;    #distance between images(m)

d=fd*S/(S+Sd);   #distance of flow from bottom surface(m)
l=t-d;   #location of flow from top surface(m)

print "location of flow from top surface is",round(l*10**2,1),"*10**-2 m"
location of flow from top surface is 3.2 *10**-2 m