#importing modules
import math
import fractions
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
n = 10; #number of identical coins
r1 = 10; #number of heads in 1st case
r2 = 5; #number of heads in 2nd case
r3 = 3; #number of heads in 3rd case
P10_0 = math.factorial(n)/(math.factorial(r1)*math.factorial(n-r1)*(2**n)); #probability of getting all heads
P10_0 = fractions.Fraction(P10_0); #probability in fraction
P5_5 = math.factorial(n)/(math.factorial(r2)*math.factorial(n-r2)*(2**n)); #probability of getting 5 heads and 5 tails
P5_5 = fractions.Fraction(P5_5); #probability in fraction
P3_7 = math.factorial(n)/(math.factorial(r3)*math.factorial(n-r3)*(2**n)); #probability of getting 3 heads and 7 tails
P3_7 = fractions.Fraction(P3_7); #probability in fraction
Pmax = math.factorial(n)/(((math.factorial(n/2))**2)*(2**n)) #most probable combination
Pmax = fractions.Fraction(Pmax); #probability in fraction
Pmin = 1/(2**n); #least probable combination
Pmin = fractions.Fraction(Pmin); #probability in fraction
print "probability of getting all heads is",P10_0
print "probability of getting 5 heads and 5 tails is",P5_5
print "probability of getting 3 heads and 7 tails is",P3_7
print "most probable combination is",Pmax
print "least probable combination is",Pmin
#importing modules
import math
import fractions
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
n = 3; #number of particles
N = 2; #number of compartments
ms = 4; #number of macrostates
n1_03 = 0; #value of n1 for (0,3)
n2_03 = 3; #value of n2 for (0,3)
n1_12 = 1; #value of n1 for (1,2)
n2_12 = 2; #value of n2 for (1,2)
n1_21 = 2; #value of n1 for (2,1)
n2_21 = 1; #value of n2 for (2,1)
n1_30 = 3; #value of n1 for (3,0)
n2_30 = 0; #value of n2 for (3,0)
#the macrostates are (n1,n2) = [(0,3),(1,2),(2,1),(3,0)]
ms_03 = math.factorial(n)/(math.factorial(n1_03)*math.factorial(n2_03)); #number of microstates in the macrostate (0,3)
mis_03 = "(0,xyz)"; #microstates in the macrostate (0,3)
ms_12 = math.factorial(n)/(math.factorial(n1_12)*math.factorial(n2_12)); #number of microstates in the macrostate (1,2)
mis_12 = "[(x,yz),(y,zx),(z,xy)]"; #microstates in the macrostate (1,2)
ms_21 = math.factorial(n)/(math.factorial(n1_21)*math.factorial(n2_21)); #number of microstates in the macrostate (2,1)
mis_21 = "[(xy,z),(yz,x),(zx,y)]"; #microstates in the macrostate (2,1)
ms_30 = math.factorial(n)/(math.factorial(n1_30)*math.factorial(n2_30)); #number of microstates in the macrostate (3,0)
mis_30 = "(xyz,0)"; #microstates in the macrostate (3,0)
tms = N**n; #total number of microstates
mis = "[(0,xxx),(x,xx),(xx,x),(xxx,0)]"; #the microstates when particles are indistinguishable
print "number of microstates in the macrostate (0,3) is",ms_03,"that is",mis_03
print "number of microstates in the macrostate (1,2) is",ms_12,"that is",mis_12
print "number of microstates in the macrostate (2,1) is",ms_21,"that is",mis_21
print "number of microstates in the macrostate (3,0) is",ms_30,"that is",mis_30
print "total number of microstates is",tms
print "the microstates when particles are indistinguishable are",mis
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
n1 = 4; #1st group of particles
n2 = 2; #2nd group of particles
n3 = 8; #3rd group of particles
n4 = 6; #4th group of particles
n5 = 5; #5th group of particles
v1 = 1; #speed of 1st group of particles
v2 = 2; #speed of 2nd group of particles
v3 = 3; #speed of 3rd group of particles
v4 = 4; #speed of 4th group of particles
v5 = 5; #speed of 5th group of particles
vbar = ((n1*v1)+(n2*v2)+(n3*v3)+(n4*v4)+(n5*v5))/(n1+n2+n3+n4+n5); #average speed(m/sec)
vsquarebar = ((v1*(n1**2))+(v2*(n2**2))+(v3*(n3**2))+(v4*(n4**2))+(v5*(n5**2)))/(n1+n2+n3+n4+n5); #mean square speed
rms = math.sqrt(vsquarebar); #root mean square speed(m/sec)
rms = math.ceil(rms*10**3)/10**3; #rounding off to 3 decimals
print "average speed is",vbar,"m/sec"
print "root mean square speed is",rms,"m/sec"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
t = 27; #temperature(C)
M = 14; #mass of nitrogen(gm)
kb = 1.38*10**-23; #boltzmann constant
a = 6.02*10**23; #avagadro number
T = t+273; #temperature(K)
M = M*10**-3; #mass of nitrogen(kg)
vmp = math.sqrt(2*kb*T*a/M); #most probable speed of nitrogen(m/sec)
vmp = math.ceil(vmp*10)/10; #rounding off to 1 decimal
print "most probable speed of nitrogen is",vmp,"m/sec"
print "answer given in the book is wrong"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
t = 37; #normal temperature of human body(C)
b = 2.898*10**-3; #constant of proportionality(mK)
T = t+273; #normal temperature of human body(K)
lamda_m = b/T; #wavelength for maximum energy radiation(m)
lamda_m = lamda_m*10**10; #wavelength for maximum energy radiation(angstrom)
print "wavelength for maximum energy radiation is",int(lamda_m),"angstrom"
print "answer given in the book is wrong"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
kb = 1.38*10**-23; #boltzmann constant
thetaE = 230; #einstein's temperature(K)
h = 6.63*10**-34; #planck's constant(m**2 kg/s)
newE = kb*thetaE/h; #einstein's frequency(per sec)
print "einstein's frequency is",round(newE/1e+12,2),"*10**12 per sec"