3: Polarization, Laser and Holography

Example number 3.1, Page number 103

In [1]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
x = 5;        #distance of 1st minimum(mm)
D = 2;        #distance between lens and screen(m)
a = 0.2;      #width of slit(mm)

x = x*10**-3;        #distance of 1st minimum(m)
a = a*10**-3;        #width of slit(m)
lamda = a*x/D;         #wavelength of light(m)

print "wavelength of light is",lamda,"m"
wavelength of light is 5e-07 m

Example number 3.2, Page number 103

In [8]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
a = 0.2;       #width of slit(mm)
lamda = 5*10**-7;       #wavelength(m)
f = 50;        #focal length(cm)

a = a*10**-3;        #width of slit(m)
f = f*10**-2;        #focal length(m)
theta_1 = lamda/a;        #angular diffraction correcponding to 1st minima(radian)
theta_2 = 2*lamda/a;          #angular diffraction correcponding to 2nd minima(radian)
x = f*(theta_2-theta_1);       #separation between 1st and second minima(m)
x = x*10**2;

print "distance between first two minima on the screen is",x,"*10**-3 m"
distance between first two minima on the screen is 0.125 *10**-3 m

Example number 3.3, Page number 104

In [13]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
a = 0.16;       #1st slit width(mm)
b = 0.8;        #2nd slit width(mm)

nbym = (a+b)/a;       #condition for missing orders

print "n = ",nbym,"m"
print "n = ",nbym,",",2*nbym,",",3*nbym,"etc for m = 1,2,3..."
n =  6.0 m
n =  6.0 , 12.0 , 18.0 etc for m = 1,2,3...

Example number 3.4, Page number 104

In [14]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
n = 2;      #second order
theta = 30;     #angle of diffraction(degrees)
lamda = 5*10**-5;      #wavelength(cm)

theta = theta*math.pi/180;      #angle of diffraction(radian)
aplusb = n*lamda/math.sin(theta);
N = 1/aplusb;        #number of lines(per cm)

print "number of lines on the grating surface is",N,"per cm"
number of lines on the grating surface is 5000.0 per cm

Example number 3.5, Page number 105

In [19]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
aplusb = 1.5*10**-6;       #grating element(m)
lamda = 550;         #wavelength(nm)

lamda = lamda*10**-9;        #wavelength(m)
n = aplusb/lamda;         #maximum possible order
n = math.ceil(n*10**3)/10**3;   #rounding off to 3 decimals

print "maximum possible order is",n,". third and higher orders are not possible"
maximum possible order is 2.728 . third and higher orders are not possible

Example number 3.6, Page number 105

In [21]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
dlamda = 0.6;      #difference in wavelength(nm)
lamda = 589.3;     #wavelength(nm)
n = 1;         #first order

N = lamda/(n*dlamda);         #number of lines on grating

print "number of lines on grating is",int(N)
number of lines on grating is 982