#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
Tn=285; #neutral temperature(C)
Tc=-20; #temperature at junction(C)
Ti=(2*Tn)-Tc; #temperature of inversion(C)
print "temperature of inversion is",Ti,"C"
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
aFe=16.65; #value of a of Fe
bFe=-0.095; #value of b of Fe
aAg=2.86; #value of a of Ag
bAg=0.017; #value of b of Ag
t=100; #temperature(C)
a=aFe-aAg; #value of aFe_Ag
b=bFe-bAg; #value of bFe_Ag
Tn=-a/b; #neutral temperature(C)
EFe_Ag=(a*t)+(0.5*b*t**2); #thermo emf of thermocouple
print "neutral temperature is",Tn,"C"
print "thermo emf of thermocouple is",EFe_Ag
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division
#Variable declaration
a=aFe_Pb-aCu_Pb; #value of aFe_Cu
b=bFe_Pb-bCu_Pb; #value of bFe_Cu
EFe_Cu=(a*t)+(0.5*b*t**2); #thermo emf of thermocouple(microV)
EFe_Cu=EFe_Cu*10**-6; #thermo emf of thermocouple(V)
print "thermo emf of thermocouple is",EFe_Cu,"V"