Chapter 2 : Temperature

Example 2.1 Page No : 35

In [3]:
import math 

# Variables
d = 1
l = 1; 			# Assuming

# Calculation
A_ACDB = (math.pi/4)*(1./3)*((1.05*d)**2)*10.5*l - (math.pi/4)*(1./3)*d**2*10*l ; 			# Area of ABCD
A_AEFB = (math.pi/4)*(1./3)*((1.1*d)**2)*11*l - (math.pi/4)*(1./3)*d**2*10*l;
t = 100*(A_ACDB/A_AEFB);

# Results
print "The straight bore thermometer reading would e %.1f degree Celcius"%t
The straight bore thermometer reading would e 47.6 degree Celcius

Example 2.2 Page No : 37

In [2]:
from hornerc import horner

# Calculation
#e0 = horner(e, 0.); 			# e.m.f. at t = 0 degree
e100 = horner([0,0.2,-5e-04], 100.); 			# e.m.f. at t = 100 degree
e50 = horner([0,0.2,-5e-04],50); 			# e.m.f. at t = 50 degreer
r = (100./e100)*e50; 			# Reading of thermocouple at t = 50degree

# Results
print "Reading of thermocouple at t = 50 degree is %.2f degree Celcius "%r
Reading of thermocouple at t = 50 degree is 58.33 degree Celcius 

Example 2.3 Page No : 37

In [3]:
# Variables
R0 = 2.8; 			# Resistence at t=0 degree in ohm
R100 = 3.8; 			# Resistence at t = 100 degree in ohm

# Calculation
a = (R100/R0 - 1)*0.01; 			# alpha
R = 5.8; 			# Indicated ressistace in ohm
t = (R/R0 - 1)/a; 			# Temperature in degree

# Results
print "The temperature when indicated resismath.tance is 5.8 ohm is ",t,"degree"
The temperature when indicated resismath.tance is 5.8 ohm is  300.0 degree