# Initialisation of Variables,
rho=3.2;#Specific Gravity of SiC in g/cm**2
Ww=385.;#Weight of Ceramic when dry in g
Wd=360.;#Weight of Ceramic after Soaking in water in g
Ws=224.;#Weight of Ceramic Suspended in water in g
A=((Ww-Wd)/(Ww-Ws))*100;#Apparent Porosity in percent
B=(Wd)/(Ww-Ws);#Bulk Density of Ceramic
T=((rho-B)/rho)*100;#True Porosity of Ceramic in Percent
C=T-A;#Closed pore percent of ceramic
F=C/T;#Fraction Closed Pores of Ceramic
print "Apparent Porosity in percent:",A
print "Bulk Density of Ceramic:",B
print "True Porosity of Ceramic in Percent:",T
print "Fraction Closed Pores of Ceramic:",round(F,3)
# Initialisation of Variables
R=2.5;#Ratio of O to Si in SiO2
W1=69.62;#Weight of B2O3 in g/ml
W2=60.08;##Weight of SiO2 in g/ml
Fb1=(R-2)/3.5;#Mole Fraction of B2O3
Fb2=1-Fb1;#Mole fraction of SiO2
Wp=((Fb1*W1)/((Fb1*W1)+(Fb2*W2)))*100;#Weight Percent of B2O3
print "Mole Fraction of B2O3:",Fb1
print "Weight Percent of B2O3:",round(Wp,1)