Chapter 04:Optical Modulators and Modulation Schemes


In [1]:
# Example no.4.2
# To calculate the voltage required to introduce a phase shift of pi/2.
# Page no.152

import math

# Given data
lambda0=1530*10**-9;                                  # An electro-optic modulator operating wavelength
d=10*10**-6;                                          # Thickness
L=5*10**-2;                                           # Length
n0=2.2;                                              # Refractive index
r33=30*10**-12;                                       # Pockel coefficient in m/V
deltaphi=math.pi/2;                                      # Phase shift
V=(deltaphi*lambda0*d)/(math.pi*L*n0**3*r33);             # The voltage required to introduce a phase shift of pi/2

#Displaying the result in command window
print "\n The voltage required to introduce a phase shift of pi/2 = ",round(V,2)," V"
 The voltage required to introduce a phase shift of pi/2 =  0.48  V