Chapter 05:Mass, Bernoulli and Energy Equations

Example 5.5-1, Page No:190

In [24]:
import math

#Vairable Decleration
V=10#Volume of the bucket in Gal
r_in=1 #Radius of the hose in cm
r_e=0.4 #Radius of the hose at the nozzle exit in cm
t=50 #Time taken to fill the bucket in s
C_gl=3.7854 #Conversion factor gal to Lit
rho=1 #Denisty of water in kg/Lit
C_v=10**-3 #Conersion factor in m^3/lit


#Part (a)
V_dot=(V*C_gl)/t #Volume flow rate in Lit/s
m_dot=rho*V_dot #Mass flow rate in kg/s

A_e=pi*r_e**2*10**-4 #Cross-Sectional Area of the nozzle at exit in m^2
V_e=(V_dot*C_v)/A_e #Average Velocity of water at nozzle exit in m/s

print "The Volume Flow rate is",round(V_dot,3),"L/s and the mass flow rate is",round(m_dot,3),"kg/s"
print "The area of cross section at nozzle exit is",round(A_e,5),"m^2"
print "The Average Velocity of water is",round(V_e,1),"m/s"
The Volume Flow rate is 0.757 L/s and the mass flow rate is 0.757 kg/s
The area of cross section at nozzle exit is 5e-05 m^2
The Average Velocity of water is 15.1 m/s

Example 5.5-2, Page No:191

In [34]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
h_o=1.2 #Original Height in m
h_2=0.6 #Water level drop in m
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
D_tank=0.9 #Diameter of the tank in m
D_jet=0.013 #Diameter at the jet in m

#After carrying out the theroetical calculations and integration we arrive to obtain
t_min=((h_o**0.5-h_2**0.5)/((g/2)**0.5))*((D_tank/D_jet)**2) #Time required to reach a level 0.6m in s
t=t_min/60 #Converting time from sec to min

print "The time it takes to half empty the tank is",round(t,1),"min"
The time it takes to half empty the tank is 11.6 min

Example 5.5-3, Page No:195

In [36]:
import math

##Note:The symbols in the textbook are cumbersome to code hence a different one has been used in this coding

#Variable Decleration
h=50 #Elevation difference in m
m_dot=5000 #Mass flow rate at which the water is to be supplied in kg/s
W_dot_out=1862 #Electric Power generated in kWh
n_generator=0.95 #Efficiency of the generator in fraction
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
C=10**-3 #Conversion factor in kJ/kg/m^2/s^2



#Calling e_mech_in-e_mech_out as del_e for convienence 
del_e=g*h*C #Change in water's mechanical energy per unit mass in kJ/kg
delta_E_fluid=m_dot*del_e # Change in energy of the fluid in kW

n_overall=W_dot_out/delta_E_fluid #Overall Efficiency in fraction

n_turbine_gen=n_overall/n_generator #Mechanical efficiency os the turbine in fraction

W_dot_shaft_out=n_turbine_gen*delta_E_fluid #Shaft power output in kW

print "The overall efficiency is",round(n_overall,2)
print "The mechanical efficiency of the turbine is",round(n_turbine_gen,1)
print "The shaft power output is",round(W_dot_shaft_out,1),"kW"
The overall efficiency is 0.76
The mechanical efficiency of the turbine is 0.8
The shaft power output is 1960.0 kW

Example 5.5-5, Page No:205

In [39]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
P1=400 #Pressure at upstream of the jet in kPa
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
rho=1000 #Density of water in kg/m^3
C1=1000 #Conversion factor in N/m^2.kPa
C2=1 #Conversion factor in kg.m/s^2.N

#Applying the Bernoulli Equation
z2=(P1*C1*C2)/(rho*g) #maximun height the water jet reaches in m

print "The water jet rises up to",round(z2,1),"m"
The water jet rises up to 40.8 m

Example 5.5-6, Page No:206

In [40]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
h=5 #Height at which the water tank is filled in m
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2

z1=h #Decleration in terms of datum in m
#Applying the Bernoulli Equation
V2=(2*g*z1)**0.5 #Maximum velocity that the water jet can attain in m/s

print "The maximum velocity that the water jet can attain is",round(V2,1),"m/s"
The maximum velocity that the water jet can attain is 9.9 m/s

Example 5.5-7, Page No:207

In [45]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
P_atm=101.3 #Atmospheric pressure in kPa
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
rho=750 #Denisty of gasoline in kg/m^3
z1=0.75 #Location of point 2 w.r.t point 1
D=5*10**-3 #Diameter of the siphon pipe in m
V=4 #Volume of gasoline to be siphoned in Lit
z3=2.75 #Height of point 3 w.r.t to point 2 in m
C1=1 #conversion factor in N.s^2/kg.m
C2=10**-3 #Conversion factor in kPa.m^2/N

#Part (a)
#Applying the Bernoulli Equation
V2=(2*g*z1)**0.5 #Velocity in m/s
A=(pi*D**2)/4 #Cross-Sectional Area in m^2
V_dot=V2*A*1000#Volume flow rate in L/s
delta_t=V/V_dot #Time required to siphon gasoline in s

#Applying Bernoulli Equations
P3=P_atm-(rho*g*z3*C1*C2) #Pressure at point 3 in kPa

print "The time requires to siphon 4L gasoline is",round(delta_t,1),"s"
print "The pressure at point 3 is",round(P3,1),"kPa"
The time requires to siphon 4L gasoline is 53.1 s
The pressure at point 3 is 81.1 kPa

Example 5.5-8, Page No:208

In [46]:
import math

#Variable Declerations
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to Gravity in m/s^2
h3=0.12 #Difference in level in m

#Applying Bernoulli Equations
V1=(2*g*h3)**0.5 #Velocity of Fluid in m/s

print "The velocity of fkuid is",round(V1,2),"m/s"
The velocity of fkuid is 1.53 m/s

Example 5.5-9, Page No:209

In [61]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
rho_hg=13600 #density of mercury in kg/m^3
rho_sw=1025 #density of sea-water in kg/m^3
rho_atm_air=1.2 #Density of air in kg/m^3
P_atm_air=762 #Atmospheric pressure 320km away from the eye in mm oh Hg
P_air=560 #Atmospheric pressure at the eye of the strom in mm og Hg
C=10**-3 #Conversion factor in m/mm
V_A=250 #Hurricane Wind Velocity in km/hr
C_k=1/3.6 #Conversion Factor from km/hr to m/s 
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2


h3=(rho_hg*(P_atm_air-P_air)*C)/rho_sw #Pressure difference in m

#Applying Bernoulli Equations
h_air=(V_A**2*C_k**2)/(2*g) #Height of air column in m
rho_air=(P_air*rho_atm_air)/P_atm_air #Density of Air in the hurricane in kg/m^3
h_dynamic=(rho_air*h_air)/rho_sw #Sea-Water column equivalent to air-column in m
h2=h3+h_dynamic #Total storm surge at point 2 in m

print "The pressure difference between point's 1 and 3 in terms of sea-water column is",round(h3,2),"m"
print "The total Storm Surge at point2 is",round(h2,2),"m"
The pressure difference between point's 1 and 3 in terms of sea-water column is 2.68 m
The total Storm Surge at point2 is 2.89 m

Example 5.5-12, Page No:221

In [14]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
V_dot=50 #Volumetric Flow rate in L/s
rho=1 #Density of water 
n_motor=0.9 #efficiency of the electric motor in fraction
W_dot_electric=15 #Power of the electric motor in kW
P2=300 #Absolute pressure at the outlet in kPa
P1=100 #Absolute pressure at the inlet in kPa
c=4.18 #Specific heat of water in kJ/kg C

m_dot=rho*V_dot #Mass flow rate in kg/s
W_dot_pump=n_motor*W_dot_electric #Mechanical shaft power delivered in kW
delta_E_dot_mech_fluid=(m_dot*((P2-P1)/rho))/1000 #Increase in mechanical energy in kW
n_pump=delta_E_dot_mech_fluid/W_dot_pump #Efficiency in fraction

#part (b)
E_dot_loss=W_dot_pump-delta_E_dot_mech_fluid #Lost mechanical energy in kW
delta_T=(E_dot_loss)/(m_dot*c) #Temperature rise of water due to mechanical inefficiency in degree C

print "The Mechanical efficiency of the pump is",round(n_pump,3)
print "The temperature rise of water due to mechanical inefficiency is",round(delta_T,3),"Degree Centigrade"
The Mechanical efficiency of the pump is 0.741
The temperature rise of water due to mechanical inefficiency is 0.017 Degree Centigrade

Example 5.5-13, Page No:222

In [15]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
V_dot=100 #Discharge through the power plant in m^3/s
rho=1000 #Density of water in kg/m^3
z1=120 #Elevation from which the water flows in m
h_l=35 #Elevation of point 2 in m
n_turbine_gen=0.8 #Overall efficiency of the generator in fraction
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
C=10**-3 #Conversion Factor

m_dot=rho*V_dot #mass flow rate through the turbine in kg/s

#Applying Bernoullis principle and taking point 2 as reference point z2=0
h_turbine=z1-h_l #extracted turbine head in m
W_dot_turbine=m_dot*g*h_turbine*C #Turbine Power in kW
W_dot_electric=C*n_turbine_gen*W_dot_turbine #Electrical Power Generated by the actual Unit in MW

print "The electrical Power generated is",round(W_dot_electric,1),"MW"
The electrical Power generated is 66.7 MW

Example 5.5-14, Page No:223

In [18]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
void_fraction=0.5 #Void Fraction
l=12 #Dimension of the fan in cm
w=40 #Dimension of the fan in cm
h=40 #Dimension of the fan in cm
delta_t=1 #time in s
rho=1.2 #Ddensity of air in kg/m^3
D=0.05 #Diameter of opening in the case in m
alpha2=1.1 #kinetic correction factor
n_fan=0.3 #Efficiency of the fan-motor
V=void_fraction*l*w*h #Volume in cm^3
V_dot=(V/delta_t)*10**-6 #Volumetric flow rate in m^3/s
m_dot=rho*V_dot #mass flow rate in kg/s
A=(pi*D**2)/4 #Area of the opening is the case in m^2

#Notation has been changed to avoid conflict
Vel=V_dot/A #Velocity of the air thorught the opening in m/s

#Applying Bernoullis principle
W_dot_fan=m_dot*alpha2*Vel**2*0.5 #Work done in W
W_dot_electric=W_dot_fan/n_fan #Electric Work done in W

#Applying Brnoullis principle
#Notation has been changed here
delta_P=(rho*W_dot_fan)/m_dot #Pressure rise across fan in Pa

print "Wattage of the fan to be purchased is",round(W_dot_electric,4),"W"
print "The pressure difference across the fan is",round(delta_P,1),"Pa"
Wattage of the fan to be purchased is 0.5049 W
The pressure difference across the fan is 15.8 Pa

Example 5.5-15, Page No:225

In [21]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
W_shaft=5 #Shaft Power in kW
n_pump=0.72 #Efficiency of the pump in fraction
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
h_l=4 #Head loss in m
z2=25 #Datum in m
rho=1000 #Density of water in kg/m^3

W_dot_pump=n_pump*W_shaft #Useful mechanical power returned in kW

#Applying Bernoullis Principle
m_dot=(W_dot_pump/(g*(z2+h_l)))*1000 #mass floe rate in kg/s
V_dot=(m_dot/rho) #Volumetric flow rate in m^3/s
delta_P=W_dot_pump/V_dot #Pressure difference in kPa

print "Discharge of water is",round(V_dot,4),"m^3/s"
print "The pressure difference across the pump is",round(delta_P),"kPa"
#Answer in the coding is off by 1 kPa due to decimal point accuracy
Discharge of water is 0.0127 m^3/s
The pressure difference across the pump is 284.0 kPa