Chapter 10:Approximate Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equation

Example 10.10-2, Page No:499

In [2]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
rho_air=0.8588 #Density of the surrounding air by gas law in kg/m^3
u=1.474*10**-5 #Dynamic Viscosity in kg/m.s
rho_particle=1240 #Density of the particle in kg/m^3
D=50*10**-6 #Diameter of the particles in m
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2

#Applying Newtons Third Law and solving for V we get
V=(D**2/(18*u))*(rho_particle-rho_air)*g #Terminal Velocity of the particle in m/s

#Verification of Reynolds Number 
Re=(rho_air*V*D)/u #Reynolds Number

print "The Terminal Velocity of the particles is",round(V,3),"m/s"
The Terminal Velocity of the particles is 0.115 m/s

Example 10.10-6,Page No:519

In [13]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
V_dot_by_L1=2 #Strength of source in line 1 in m^2/s at (0,-1)m
V_dot_by_L2=-1 #Strength of source in line 2 in m^2/s at (1,-1)m
T=1.5 #Vortex Strength in m^2/s a (1,1) m
r_vortex=1 #distance in m
r_source1=1.414 #Distance in m
r_source2=1 #Distance in m

V_vortex=T/(2*pi*r_vortex) #Velocity Induced by the Vortex in m/s
V_source1=V_dot_by_L1/(2*pi*r_source1) #Velocity induced by the source1 in m/s
V_source2=V_dot_by_L2/(2*pi*r_source2) #Velocity induced by the source2 in m/s
V=V_vortex+(V_source1/2**0.5)+V_source2+(V_source1/2**0.5) #Vectorial addition of the velocities in m/s

print "The superposed velocity at point (1,0) is",round(V,3),"m/s to the right"
The superposed velocity at point (1,0) is 0.398 m/s to the right

Example 10.10-8, Page No:526

In [17]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
V_dot=0.11 #Volumetric flow rate in m^3/s
L=0.35 #Length of flow in m
b=0.02 #m
u_star_max=0.159 #m/s

V_dot_by_L=-V_dot/L #Strength of the line source in m^2/s
u_max=(-u_star_max*V_dot_by_L)/b #Umax in m/s

print "The strength of the line source is",round(V_dot_by_L,3),"m^2/s"
print "The maximum velocity is",round(u_max,2),"m/s"
The strength of the line source is -0.314 m^2/s
The maximum velocity is 2.5 m/s

Example 10.10-9,Page No:535

In [1]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
V=10 #Velocity of fluid Flow in kh/hr
rho=999.9 #Density of water at 5˚C in kg/m^3
v=1.519*10**-6 #Kinematic Viscosity in m^2/s
#Conversion Factors

Rex=(V*0.5*C1)/(v*C2) #Reynolds Number

print "The Reynolds Number is",round(Rex)
print "As a result the boundary layer is Transitional"
The Reynolds Number is 914344.0
As a result the boundary layer is Transitional

Example 10.10-10,Page No:541

In [19]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
V=32 #Velocity of the fluid in m/s
x=1.1 #Distance in m
v=1.7*10**-5 #Kinematic Viscosity in m^2/s
#Conversion factor

Rex=(V*x*C1)/(v*C2) #Reynolds Number
delta=4.91*x*C3/Rex**0.5 #Thickness of boundary Layer in cm

print "The Thickness of the boundary Layer is",round(delta,2),"cm"
The Thickness of the boundary Layer is 0.71 cm

Example 10.10-11, Page No:546

In [1]:
import math

#Variable decleration
x=0.3 #Length of the tunnel in m
V=4 #Optimised speed in m/s
R=0.15 #Radius of the tunnel in m
v=1.507*10**-5 #Kinematic Viscosity in m^2/s

Rex=(V*x)/v #Reynolds Number
#Using the diplacement thickness formula
delta_star=(1.72*x)/Rex**0.5 #Displacement Thickness in m
#Applying the Continuity Equation
V_end=(V*R**2)/(R-delta_star)**2 #Velocity at the end in m/s

print "The end velocity should be",round(V_end,2),"m/s"
The end velocity should be 4.1 m/s

Example 10.10-12, Page No:550

In [1]:
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

#NOTE:The Notation has been changed here

#Decleration of variables
V=10 #Velocity in m/s
x=1.52 #Length in m
v=1.516*10**-5 #Kinematic viscosity in m^2/s

length=range(0,1500,20) #Array of length in mm
Re=(V*x)/v #Reynolds Number
y=transpose(length) #Transpose of the length matrix
#Laminar Boundary Layer
#Turbulent Boundary Layer

C_lam=0.664/((Re)**0.5) #Local Skin Friction coefficient for laminar boundary layer
C_tur=0.027/((Re)**0.14285) #Local Skin Friction coefficient for turbulent boundary Layer

print "The Reynolds Number is",round(Re)
print "The Local skin friction coefficient is",round(C_lam,4),"for laminar boundary layer"
print "The Local Skin friction coefficient is",round(C_tur,4),"for turbulent boundary layer"

The Reynolds Number is 1002639.0
The Local skin friction coefficient is 0.0007 for laminar boundary layer
The Local Skin friction coefficient is 0.0038 for turbulent boundary layer

Examples 10.10-15,Page No:563

In [15]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
rho=1.204 #Density of the fluid in kg/m^3
w=0.5 #Width of the test object in m
U=10 #Velocity of the flow in m/s
delta1=0.042 #Boundary Layer thickness at 1 in m
delta2=0.077 #Boundary Layer thickness at 2 in m

Fd=(b*c*a*4)/45#Skin friction drag in N

print "The Skin Friction Drag is",round(Fd,2),"N"
The Skin Friction Drag is 0.19 N