Chapter 4, Dimensional Analysis

Example 4.5,Page 108

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#Variable Declaration
Rho_full =800.0; # kg /m^3
v_full =1.8; # m/ s
u_full =9.0/10000 ; # Nm/ s ^2
Rho_model =1000.0; # kg /m^3
u_model =1.0/1000 ; # Ns/m^2
d_full = 2.0;
d_model =1.0;
del_p_fmodel =4000.0; # N/m^2

v_model = (( Rho_full * v_full / u_full )/( Rho_model /u_model ))*( d_full / d_model );
#del_p_f = del_p_fmodel * Rho_full *( v_full )**2/ Rho_model /(v_model )**2;

print "The velocity in the full scale pipe is expected to be(m/s)",round(v_model,2);
The velocity in the full scale pipe is expected to be(m/s) 3.2
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