#variable decleration
import math
l =1; # m
b =0.3; # m
n =0.014; # s /m^ ( 1 / 3 )
i =1.0/1000;
P =2* b+l;
Q=A/n*m **(0.67) * math.sqrt (i);
print"The delivery of water through the channel is found to be (m^3/s)= ",round(Q,3)
%matplotlib inline
#variable decleration
import math
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
n =0.015; #m^(-1/3) s
i =1;
H =[4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.13];
A =12* H[0];
P =12+2* H[0];
C=m **(0.167) /n;
Q=C*A* math.sqrt (m*i);
#An analytical soln for depth H is not possible.It is so necessary to use a graphical soution
#The corresponding values of A, P, MHD (m) , Q are given below as taken from values of H
A =[48, 49.2, 50.4, 49.56];
P =[20, 20.2, 20.4, 20.26];
m =[2.4, 2.44, 2.47, 2.45];
Q =[57.36, 59.38, 61.39, 59.98];
plot (H,Q,'g')
r =[4.13, 4.13];
s =[57, 60];
plot (r,s, ' r ' )
t =[4, 4.13];
u =[60, 60];
plot (t,u, ' y ' )
xlabel('Depth (H)')
ylabel('Flow Rate')
title('Depth vs Flow Rate')
# So, the depth is found to be approx. 4.13
depth =4.13; #m
C1 =(2.45) **(0.167) /n;
print"Depth(m) = ",round(depth,3)
print"Chezy Coeff. =",round(C1,3)
#variable decleration
import math
Q =300.0/60; # m^3/ s
i =1.0/1600;
H=(Q /140* math.sqrt (2/ i)) **(0.67) ;
A =2* H**2;
print "The minimum flow area is found to be(m^2)= ",round(A,3)
%matplotlib inline
#variable decleration
from math import pi
import math
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
d =0.9144; # m
C =100; # m^ ( 1 / 2 ) s ^(-1)
H =[0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.201];
theta = math.acos ((R-H[0])/R);
A=R **2*( theta -math.sin (2* theta )/2);
P =2* R* theta ;
#An analytical soln for depth H is not possible.It is so necessary to use a graphical soution
#The corresponding values of A, P, MHD (m) , Q are given below as taken from values of H
theta =[0.674, 0.834, 0.973, 1.101, 0.975];
A =[0.039, 0.070, 0.106, 0.146, 0.107];
P =[0.616, 0.763, 0.890, 1.006, 0.891];
m =[0.063, 0.092, 0.119,0.145,0.120];
Q =[248.7, 543.2, 932.2 ,1412.9, 940.0];
plot (H,Q,)
xlabel('Depth H')
ylabel('Flow Rate')
title('Depth Vs Flow Rate');
i =[0.201, 0.201];
j =[0 ,940];
plot (i,j)
k =[0, 0.201];
l =[940, 940];
plot (k,l)
# So, the depth is found to be approx. 0.201
Depth =0.201; # m
print"The depth in the channel(m) =",round(Depth,3)
#variable decleration
import math
Cd =0.56;
B =1.2; # m
g =9.8; # m/ s ^2
H =0.018; # m
Q =2.0/3* Cd*B* math.sqrt (2*g)*H **(1.5) ;
print "The rate of flow of liquid over the weir is (m^3/s)=",round(Q,4)
#variable decleration
from math import pi
import math
H2 =5.5;
Q1 =217.0;
Q2 =34.0;
H1 =8.5;
H0 =( H2 *( Q1/Q2) **(0.67) -H1)/(( Q1/Q2) **(0.67) -1);
print"The height of the weir crest above the surface of the river is found to be(m)",round(H0,2)
#variable decleration
from math import pi
from scipy import integrate
import math
H =0.07; # a v e r a g e head
rate = -0.02/600; # (dH/ dt )
H1 =0.08; # m
H2 =0.01; # m
k=- rate /H **(1.5) ;
def integrand(H,k):
return -1/k*H**(-1.5);
print "Time taken (s) =",round(t[0],2);
#variable decleration
import math
Cd =0.62;
g =9.81; # m/ s ^2
H =0.03; # m
Q =8.0/15* Cd* math.sqrt (2*g)*H **(2.5) ;
print"Rate of flow (m^3/s) =",round(Q,6)
from scipy import integrate
#variable decleration
import math
l =4; # m
b =2; # m
H1 =0.15; # m
H2 =0.05; # m
def integrand (H,A):
return -A/1.5*H**(-2.5)
print "Time taken to reduce the head in the the tank (s)=",round(t[0])