import math
#Initialization of variables
g = 9.81 #kN/m**3
Q = 3.2 #m**3/s
h = 25 #m
eta = 0.82
bp = g*Q*h/eta
print "Brake power = %d kW"%(bp)
#Initialization of variables
D1 = 50.
n1 = 1450.
n2 = 1200.
D2 = 80.
Q1 = 3.2 #cfs
h1 = 25. #m
g = 9.81 #kN/m**3
eta = 0.82
h2 = h1*(D2/D1)**2 *(n2/n1)**2
Q2 = Q1*(D2/D1)**3 *(n2/n1)
bp = g*Q2*h2/eta
h1 = 82. #ft
Q1 = 50700. #gpm
h2 = 143.8 #ft
Q2 = 171800 #gpm
Ns1 = n1*math.sqrt(Q1) /h1**(3/4.)
Ns2 = n2*math.sqrt(Q2) /h2**(3/4.)
print "Brake power = %d kW"%(round(bp,-1))
print "Pumps are homologous. We expect them to have same specific speed and their speeds are %.1f and \