import math
#Variable initialization
P=2000.0 #lbf/in^3 pressure
Vm=0.5 #in^3 displacement
print('\n Theotrical torque = %.3f lb-in ' %T)
import math
#Variable initialization
Q=7.5 #gpm flow rate
Q2=28.39 #l/min f;ow rate
Vm=2 #in^3 displacement
Vm2=0.03281 #l/rev displacement
N=231.0*Q/Vm # Theotrical speed
#SI units
N2=(Q2/Vm2) # in SI units Theotrical speed
print(' Theotrical speed of fluid power = %.3f rpm ' %N)
print(' Using SI units Theotrical speed of fluid power = %.3f rev/min ' %N2)
import math
#Variable initialization
Vm=0.55 #in^3 displacement
N=3400.0 #rpm Theotrical speed
print(' Effective flow rate = %.3f gpm ' %Q)
import math
#Variable initialization
T=32.0 #lb_ft torque
N=1200.0 #rpm Theotrical speed
P=2000.0 #psi pressure lbf/in^2
Q=7.5 #gpm flow rate
print(' Overall efficiency = %.3f percent ' %eo)
import math
#Variable initialization
Vm=0.6 #in^3 displacement
N=2400 #rpm theotrical speed
Qa=6.5 #gal/min flow rate
Vm1=0.00981 #l/rev displacement
#in SI units
TFL=0.041*Qa # total fluid loss
CDL=0.50*TFL #Case drain loss
print(' Total fluid loss = %.2f gal/min ' %TFL)
print(' Case drain loss = %.2f gal/min ' %CDL)
print(' Volumetric efficiency = %.2f percent ' %ev)
print(' Volumetric efficiency in SI units = %.2f percent ' %ev1)
import math
#Variable initialization
eo=88.0 # Overall efficiency (%)
ev=97 # Volumetric efficiency(%)
print(' Mechnical efficiency efficiency = %.3f percent ' %em)