Chapter 13 : Heat Transfer between Fluidized Beds and Surfaces

Example 1, Page 331

In [1]:
dp=57.0;         #Particle size in micrometer
rhos=940.0;      #Density of solids in kg/m**3
Cps=828.0;       #Specific heat capacity of the solid in J/kg K
ks=0.20;         #Thermal conductivity of solids in W/m k
kg=0.035;        #Thermal concuctivity of gas in W/m k
umf=0.006;       #Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s
ephsilonmf=0.476;#Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition
do1=0.0254;      #Outside diameter of tube in m
uo=[0.05,0.1,0.2,0.35];#Superficial gas velocity in m/s
nw=[2.,3.1,3.4,3.5];   #Bubble frequency in s**-1
g=9.81;                #Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s**2

dte=4.*do1*L/2.*L;     #Hydraulic diameter from Eqn.(6.13)
db=(1+1.5)*0.5*dte;    #Rise velocity of the bubble
ubr=0.711*(g*db)**0.5; #Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)
phib=0.19;#From Fig.(15) for ks/kg=5.7
    #Effective thermal conductivity of bed from Eqn.(3) 
ub = [0,0,0,0]
delta = [0,0,0,0]
h = [0,0,0,0]
while i<n:
    ub[i]=uo[i]-umf+ubr; #Velocity of bubbles in bubbling beds in Eqn.(6.8)
    delta[i]=uo[i]/ub[i];#Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.29)
        #Heat transfer coefficinet from Eqn.(18)

print 'Superficial gas velocity(m/s)',
print '\tHeat transfer coefficient(W/m**2 k)'
while i<n:
    print '%f'%uo[i],
    print '\t\t\t%f'%h[i]
Superficial gas velocity(m/s) 	Heat transfer coefficient(W/m**2 k)
0.050000 			270.297375
0.100000 			323.421769
0.200000 			315.487604
0.350000 			292.370761

Example 2, Page 332

In [2]:
dp=80.;              #Particle size in micrometer
rhos=2550.;          #Density of solids in kg/m**3
Cps=756.;            #Specific heat capacity of the solid in J/kg K
ks=1.21;             #Thermal conductivity of solids in W/m k
kg=[0.005,0.02,0.2]; #Thermal concuctivity of gas in W/m k
ephsilonmf=0.476;    #Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition

delta=0.5*(0.1+0.3);#For a gently fluidized bed
nw=3.;#Bubble frequency in s**-1 from Fig.(5.12) at about 30cm above the distributor
x = [0,0,0]
while i<n:
    x[i]=ks/kg[i];#To find different values of ks/kg

phib=[0.08,0.10,0.20];#From Fig.(15) for different values of ks/kg
ke = [0,0,0]
h1 =[0,0,0]
while i<n:
    #Effective thermal conductivity of bed from Eqn.(3)
    h1[i]=1.13*(ke[i]*rhos*(1-ephsilonmf)*Cps*nw*(1-delta))**0.5;#Heat transfer coefficinet from Eqn.(18)

print 'Thermal conductivity of Gas(W/m K))',
print '\tMax. heat transfer coefficient(W/m**2 k)'
while i<n:
    print '%f'%kg[i],
    print '\t\t\t\t%d'%h1[i]
Thermal conductivity of Gas(W/m K)) 	Max. heat transfer coefficient(W/m**2 k)
0.005000 				324
0.020000 				567
0.200000 				1157

Example 3, Page 332

In [3]:
rhos=2700.;        #Density of solids in kg/m**3
Cps=755.;          #Specific heat capacity of the solid in J/kg K
ks=1.2;            #Thermal conductivity of solids in W/m k
kg=0.028;          #Thermal concuctivity of gas in W/m k
ephsilonmf=0.476;  #Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition
dp1=10E-3;         #Particle size for which h=hmax in m
hmax=250.;         #Max. heat transfer coefficient in W/m**2 K 
nw=5.;             #Bubble frequency in s**-1
delta=0.1;         #Fraction of bed in bubbles
deltaw=0.1;        #Fraction of bed in bubbles in wall region
dp=2E-3;           #Diameter of particle in m

#Effective thermal conductivity of bed from Eqn.(3)

#Heat transfer coefficient for the packet of emulsion from Eqn.(11)

ephsilonw=ephsilonmf;#Void fraction in the wall region

#Effective thermal conductivity in the wall region with stagnant gas from Eqn.(4)

#Calculating the term alphaw*Cpg*rhog*uo from Eqn.(16) by rearranging it

#Heat transfer coeeficient from Eqn.(11) by using the value of y 

print 'The heat transfer coefficient for paricle size of %fm = %fW/m**2 K'%(dp,h);
The heat transfer coefficient for paricle size of 0.002000m = 194.873869W/m**2 K

Example 4, Page 334

In [4]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Hf=4.0;   #Height of freeboard in m
uo=2.4;   #Superficial gas velocity in m/s
ho=350.0; #Heat transfer coefficient at the bottom of freeboard region in W/m**2 K
hg=20.0;  #Heat transfer coefficient in equivalent gas stream, but free of solids in W/m**2 K

zf=[0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,Hf];#Height above the top of the dense bubbling fluidized bed
hr=0;#Assuming heat transfer due to radiation is negligible
a=1.5/uo;#Since decay coefficient from Fig.(7.12), a*uo=1.5s**-1 
h = []
while i<n:
    h.append((hr+hg)+(ho-hr-hg)*math.exp(-a*zf[i]/2.0));#Heat transfer coefficient from Eqn.(24) for zf=Hf

hbar=(hr+hg)+2*(ho-hr-hg)*(1-math.exp(-a*Hf/2.0))/(a*Hf);#Mean heat transfer coefficient for the 4-m high freeboard from Eqn.(26)

print 'The required relationship is h(W/m**2 K) vs. zf(m) as in Fig.(9a)'
print 'Height above the dense bubbling fluidized bed(m))',
print '\tHeat transfer coefficient(W/m**2 k)'
while i<n:
    print '%f'%zf[i],
    print '\t\t\t\t\t\t%f'%h[i]

print '\nThe mean heat transfer coefficient for the 4-m high freeboard =%d W/m**2 K'%hbar
The required relationship is h(W/m**2 K) vs. zf(m) as in Fig.(9a)
Height above the dense bubbling fluidized bed(m)) 	Heat transfer coefficient(W/m**2 k)
0.000000 						350.000000
0.500000 						302.263958
1.000000 						261.433158
1.500000 						226.508723
2.000000 						196.636271
2.500000 						171.085009
3.000000 						149.229857
3.500000 						130.536154
4.000000 						114.546583

The mean heat transfer coefficient for the 4-m high freeboard =208 W/m**2 K
In [ ]: