Chapter 18 : The Design of Noncatalytic Gas Solid Reactors

Example 1, Page 456

In [1]:
xA=0.08;      #Fraction of oxygen in stream
dp=[2,0.1];   #Particle diameter in mm
rhos=4130;    #Density of catalyst in kg/m**3
Ds=8E-6;      #Diffusion coefficient of solid in m**2/s
kc=0.02;      #Reaction rate constant in m/s
P=10**5;      #Pressure in bar\
R=8.314;      #Universal gas constant
T=900;        #Temperature in degree C
mB=0.09745;   #Molecular weight of ZnS in kg/mol

b=2.0/3;#Stoichiometric coefficient of ZnS in the reaction equation
CA=xA*P/(R*(T+273));#Concentration of Oxygen
rhob=rhos/mB;       #Molar density of pure solid
kbar = [0,0]
tou = [0,0]
while i<n:
    kbar[i]=(kc**-1+(dp[i]*10**-3/(12.0*Ds)))**-1;#Average reaction rate constant from Eqn.(11)
    tou[i]=rhob*dp[i]*10**-3/(2*b*kbar[i]*CA);#Time for complete reaction in seconds from Eqn.(9)

print 'Particle Size(mm)\tAverage rate constant(m/s)\tTime for complete reaction(min)'
while i<n:
    print '%f\t\t%f\t\t\t%.2f'%(dp[i],kbar[i],tou[i]/60.0);
Particle Size(mm)	Average rate constant(m/s)	Time for complete reaction(min)
2.000000		0.014118			91.49
0.100000		0.019592			3.30

Example 2, Page 457

In [2]:
xA=0.08;   #Fraction of oxygen in stream
dp=1;      #Particle diameter in mm
rhos=2200; #Density of catalyst in kg/m**3
kc=0.2;    #Reaction rate constant in m/s
mC=0.012;  #Molecular weight of carbon in kg/mol
P=10**5;   #Pressure in bar\
R=8.314;   #Universal gas constant
T=900;     #Temperature in degree C

b=1;#Stoichiometric coefficient of C in the reaction equation
CA=xA*P/(R*(T+273));#Concentration of Oxygen
rhob=rhos/mC;#Molar density of pure solid reactant
tou=rhob*10**-3/(2*b*kc*CA);#Time required for complete reaction in seconds

print 'The time required for complete combustion:%.1fmins'%(tou/60);
The time required for complete combustion:9.3mins

Example 3, Page 462

In [1]:
from scipy.optimize import fsolve 
import math 
from numpy import zeros

dp = 110.;#Particle size in micrometer
T = 900.;#Temperature of roaster in degree C
tbar1 = [3.,10.,30.,50.];#Reported average time in min
XBbarr = [0.840,0.940,0.985,0.990];#Reported value of average conversion
tbar = 3.;
XBbar = 0.840;#Average conversion for tbar  =  3 mins

#Uniform-Reaction Model
x = (1./tbar)*(1./(1-XBbar)-1);#Term KrCA of Eqn.(20)
n = len(tbar1);
i = 0;
XBbar1 = zeros(n)
while i<  n:
    XBbar1[i] = 1-1./(1+x*tbar1[i]);#Average conversion umath.sing calculated value of KrCA from Eqn.(20)
    i = i+1;

#Shrinking-Core, Rection Control
touguess = 2;#Guess value of tou
def solver_func(tou):#Function defined for solving the system
    return (1-XBbar)-(0.25*tou/tbar)+(0.05*(tou/tbar)**2)-((1./120)*(tou/tbar)**3);

tou = fsolve(solver_func,touguess)
i = 0;
XBbar2 = zeros(n)
while i<n:
    XBbar2[i] = 1-(0.25*tou/tbar1[i])+(0.05*(tou/tbar1[i])**2)-((1./120)*(tou/tbar1[i])**3);#Average conversion umath.sing calculated value of tou from Eqn.(23)
    i = i+1;

#Shrinking-Core, Diffusion Control
touguess1 = 2;#Guess value of tou
def solver_func1(tou):      #Function defined for solving the system
    fn = (1-XBbar)-(1./5*tou/tbar)+(19./420*(tou/tbar)**2)-(41./4620*(tou/tbar)**3)+(0.00149*(tou/tbar)**4);

tou1 = fsolve(solver_func1,touguess1)
i = 0;
XBbar3 = zeros(n)
while i< n:
    #Average conversion umath.sing calculated value of tou from Eqn.(23)
    XBbar3[i] = 1-(1./5*tou1/tbar1[i])+(19./420*(tou1/tbar1[i])**2)-(41./4620*(tou1/tbar1[i])**3)+(0.00149*(tou1/tbar)**4);
    i = i+1;

print '\t\t\t\tXBbar calculated for Models';
print 'Reported Data';
print 'tbarmin)\tXBbar\tUniform Reaction\tShrinking-Core%( Rection Control\t\tShrinking-Core, Diffusion Control'
i = 0
while i< n:
    print '%f\t%f\t%f\t\t%f\t\t\t\t%f'%(tbar1[i],XBbarr[i],XBbar1[i],XBbar2[i],XBbar3[i]);
    i = i+1;
				XBbar calculated for Models
Reported Data
tbarmin)	XBbar	Uniform Reaction	Shrinking-Core%( Rection Control		Shrinking-Core, Diffusion Control
3.000000	0.840000	0.840000		0.840000				0.884437
10.000000	0.940000	0.945946		0.947234				0.962033
30.000000	0.985000	0.981308		0.981898				0.987159
50.000000	0.990000	0.988701		0.989075				0.992366
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: The iteration is not making good progress, as measured by the 
  improvement from the last ten iterations.
  warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)

Example 4, Page 462

In [2]:
from scipy.optimize import fsolve 
import math 
from numpy import zeros

W = 1;          #Bed weight in kg
F1 = 0.01;      #Solid feed rate in kg/min
dp = [200.,600.];           #Particle size in micrometer
XBbar = [0.85,0.64];        #Average conversion for corresponding particle sizes
rhos = 2500.;               #Density of solid in kg/m**3
ephsilonm = 0.4;            #Void fracton of fixed bed
F11 = 4.;                   #Feed rate of solids in tons/hr
XBbar1 = 0.98;
dp1 = 600.;
pi = 3.14;

#Shrinking-Core, Rection Control
n = len(dp);
i = 0;
touguess = 2;#Guess value of tou
tou = zeros(n)
while i< n:
    def solver_func2(t):  #Function defined for solving the system
        return  (1-XBbar[i])-(0.25*t/107)+(0.05*(t/107.)**2)-((1./120)*(t/107.)**3)
    tou[i] = fsolve(solver_func2,touguess)
    i = i+1;

tou1 = tou[1];
#For a math.single stage fluidized roaster
tbar1 = 0.25*(tou1/(1-XBbar1))/60.;          #Mean residence time of solids in reactor in hr from Eqn.(24)
W1 = F11*tbar1;
dtguess = 2.;                    #Guess value of tou
def solver_func3(dt):           #Function defined for solving the system
    return  W1*10**3-(pi/4.)*dt**2*0.5*dt*rhos*(1-ephsilonm);#Since Lm = 0.5dt

dt = fsolve(solver_func3,dtguess)
Lm = dt/2.;#Length of bed required

#For a two-stage fluidized roaster
tbar2 = tou1*math.sqrt(1./(20*(1-XBbar1)))/60;      #Mean residence time of solids in reactor in hr from Eqn.(30)
W2 = F11*tbar2;
dtguess1 = 2;                   #Guess value of tou
def solver_func4(dt):           #Function defined for solving the system
    return W2*10**3-(pi/4.)*dt**2*0.5*dt*rhos*(1-ephsilonm);       #Since Lm = 0.5dt

dt1 = fsolve(solver_func4,dtguess)
Lm1 = dt1/2.;           #Length of bed required

print 'Single stage fluidized roaster';
print '\tWeight of bed needed:%ftons'%(W1);
print '\tDiameter of reactor:%fm'%(dt);
print '\tLength of bed:%fm'%(Lm);
print 'Two-stage fluidized roaster';
print '\tWeight of bed needed:%ftons'%(W2);
print '\tDiameter of reactor:%fm'%(dt1);
print '\tLength of bed:%fm'%(Lm1);
print 'These results show that this operation can be accomplished in a math.single bed of %ftons or in two beds of %f tons each.'%(W1,W2);
Single stage fluidized roaster
	Weight of bed needed:174.370805tons
	Diameter of reactor:6.665728m
	Length of bed:3.332864m
Two-stage fluidized roaster
	Weight of bed needed:22.056356tons
	Diameter of reactor:3.346064m
	Length of bed:1.673032m
These results show that this operation can be accomplished in a math.single bed of 174.370805tons or in two beds of 22.056356 tons each.

Example 5, Page 468

In [3]:
from scipy.optimize import fsolve 
import math 
from numpy import zeros

T = 900;                #Temperature in roaster in degree C
P = 101325;             #Pressure in Pa
R = 8.314;              #Universal gas consmath.tant
dpbar = 150;            #Average particle size in micrometer
rhosbar = 4130;         #Average particle density in kg/m**3
kc = 0.015              #Rate consmath.tant in m/s for reaction which follows shrinking core model
Ds = 8E-6;              #Diffusion coefficient of solid in m**2/s
uo = 0.6;               #Superficial gas velocity in m/s
D = 2.3E-4;             #Diffusion coefficient of gas in m**2/s
Lm = 1;                 #Length of fixed bed in m
dte = 0.4;              #Equivalent diameter of bed
umf = 0.025;            #Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s
ephsilonm = 0.45;       #Void fraction of fixed bed
ephsilonmf = 0.50;      #Void fraction at minimum fluidized condition
db = 0.2;               #Estimated bubble size in m
gammab = 0.005;         #Ratio of volume of print ersed solids to that of bubble phase
Fo = 2;                 #Feed rate of solids in kg/s
XA = 0.6677;            #Conversion of Oxygen
xA = 0.21;              #Mole fraction of oxygen in feed
mB = 0.09744;           #Molecular weight of ZnS
F = 0.85;               #Fraction of open area
g = 9.81;               #Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s**2
pi = 3.14;

#(a)Extreme Calculation
a = 3./2;#Stoichiometric coefficient of Oxygen in the reaction equation
At = (Fo/mB)*(a)/(uo*(273./(T+273))*(XA*xA)/0.0224);
dt = math.sqrt(At/F*4/pi);

#(b)The Three-Step Procedure
#Step 1. Conversion of gas
ubr = 0.711*(g*db)**0.5;                                #Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)
ub = 1.6*((uo-umf)+1.13*db**0.5)*dte**1.35+ubr;         #Bubble rise velocity for Geldart B particle

delta = uo/ub;#Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.29)
ephsilonf = 1-(1-delta)*(1-ephsilonmf);                 #Void fraction of fixed bed from Eqn.(6.20)

fw = 0.15;#Wake volume to bubble volume from Fig.(5.8)
gammac = (1-ephsilonmf)*((3/(ubr*ephsilonmf/umf-1))+fw);        #Volume of solids in cloud to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.36)
gammae = ((1-ephsilonmf)*((1-delta)/delta))-gammab-gammac;      #Volume of solids in emulsion to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.35)
Kbc = 4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*((D**0.5*g**0.25)/db**(5./4));           #Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(10.27)
Kce = 6.77*((D*ephsilonmf*0.711*(g*db)**0.5)/db**3)**0.5;       #Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(10.34)
x = delta*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)/((1-ephsilonf)*uo);                  #Term Lf/ub of Eqn.(12.16) from Eqn.(6.19)
CAi = xA*P/(R*(T+273));                                         #Initial concentration of oxygen

#Step 2.Conversion of solids
rhob = rhosbar/mB;                                              #Density of ZnS
kbar = (kc**-1+(dpbar*10**-6/(12*Ds))**-1)**-1;                 #Modified rate consmath.tant from Eqn.(11)
tbar = At*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*rhosbar/Fo;                          #Mean residence time of solids
Krguess = 2;                                                    #Guess value of Kr
def solver_func(Kr):                #Function defined for solving the system
    Kf = gammab*Kr+1/((1./Kbc)+(1./(gammac*Kr+1/((1./Kce)+(1./(gammae*Kr))))));            #Reaction rate for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)
    XA = 1-math.exp(-x*Kf);                                                         #Conversion of oxygen from Eqn.(42)
    CAbar = (CAi*XA*uo)/(Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm));                                      #Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)
    tou = rhob*dpbar*10**-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar);                                       #Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)
    y = tbar/tou;#Term tbar/tou
    XBbar = 3*y-6*y**2+6*y**3*(1-math.exp(-1/y));                                   #Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)
    #Step 3. Material balance of both streams
    return (Fo/mB)*XBbar-(At*uo*CAi*XA/a);                                          #From Eqn.(44b)

Kr = fsolve(solver_func,Krguess)
Kf = gammab*Kr+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*Kr+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*Kr))))));             #Reaction rate for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)
XA = 1-math.exp(-x*Kf);                                                             #Conversion of oxygen from Eqn.(42)
CAbar = (CAi*XA*uo)/(Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonmf));                                         #Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)
tou = rhob*dpbar*10**-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar);                                           #Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)
y = tbar/tou;                                                                       #Term tbar/tou
XBbar = 3*y-6*y**2+6*y**3*(1-math.exp(-1/y));                                       #Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)

#(c) For other feed rates of solids
F1 = [2,2.5,3,3.5];#Various feed rates of solids in kg/s
n = len(F1)
i = 0;
tbar1 = zeros(n)
Kr1 = zeros(n)
XA1 = zeros(n)
y1 = zeros(n)
tou1 = zeros(n)
XBbar1 = zeros(n)
Kf1 = zeros(n)
CAbar1 = zeros(n)
Krguess1 = 2;           #Guess value of Kr
while i<  n:
    tbar1[i] = At*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*rhosbar/F1[i];#Mean residence time of solids
    def solver_func1(Kr):               #Function defined for solving the system
        Kf1 = gammab*Kr+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*Kr+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*Kr))))));#Reaction rate for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)
        XA1 = 1-math.exp(-x*Kf1);#Conversion of oxygen from Eqn.(42)
        CAbar1 = (CAi*XA1*uo)/(Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm));#Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)
        tou1 = rhob*dpbar*10**-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar1);#Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)
        y1[i] = tbar1[i]/tou1;#Term tbar/tou
        XBbar1[i] = 3*y1[i]-6*y1[i]**2+6*y1[i]**3*(1-math.exp(-1/y1[i]));#Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)
        #Step 3. Material balance of both streams
        return (F1[i]/mB)*XBbar1[i]-(At*uo*CAi*XA1/a);#From Eqn.(44b)

    Kr1[i] = fsolve(solver_func1,Krguess1)
    Kf1[i] = gammab*Kr1[i]+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*Kr1[i]+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*Kr1[i]))))));#Reaction rate for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)
    XA1[i] = 1-math.exp(-x*Kf1[i]);#Conversion of oxygen from Eqn.(42)
    CAbar1[i] = (CAi*XA1[i]*uo)/(Kr1[i]*Lm*(1-ephsilonmf));#Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)
    tou1[i] = rhob*dpbar*10**-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar1[i]);#Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)
    y1[i] = tbar1[i]/tou1[i];#Term tbar/tou
    XBbar1[i] = 3*y1[i]-6*y1[i]**2+6*y1[i]**3*(1-math.exp(-1/y1[i]));#Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)
    i = i+1;

print 'Extreme Calculation';
print '\tDiameter of tube with all its internals:%fm'%(dt);
print 'Three step procedure';
print '\tConversion of ZnS:%f'%(XBbar);
print 'For other feed rates of solids';
print '\tFeedkg/s\ttbars\t\tXBbar/XA\tKrbars**-1\tCAbar/CAi\ttous\t\tXA\t\tXB';
i = 0;
while i<  n:
    print '\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f'%(F1[i],tbar1[i],XBbar1[i]/XA1[i],Kr1[i],CAbar1[i]/CAi,tou1[i],XA1[i],XBbar1[i]);
    i = i+1;
Extreme Calculation
	Diameter of tube with all its internals:7.265465m
Three step procedure
	Conversion of ZnS:0.992491
For other feed rates of solids
	Feedkg/s	tbars		XBbar/XA	Krbars**-1	CAbar/CAi	tous		XA		XB
	2.000000	40003.518104	1.498777	6.529973	0.121691	1208.748626	0.662201	0.992491
	2.500000	32002.814483	1.201348	23.149964	0.041993	3502.838402	0.810111	0.973225
	3.000000	26669.012069	1.007581	76.183481	0.014228	10338.227251	0.903294	0.910141
	3.500000	22859.153202	0.871565	146.263086	0.007742	18998.458994	0.943693	0.822490

Example 6, Page 471

In [1]:
from scipy.optimize import fsolve 
import math 

T = 900;                #Temperature in roaster in degree C
P = 101325;             #Pressure in Pa
R = 8.314;              #Universal gas consmath.tant
dp = 750;               #Particle size in micrometer5
Fo = 2.5;               #Feed rate of solids in kg/s
uo = 0.6;               #Superficial gas velocity in m/s
W = 80140;              #Weight of bed in kg
ephsilonmf = 0.50;      #Void fraction at minimum fluidized condition
umf = 0.5;              #Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s
db = 0.2;               #Estimated bubble size in m
g = 9.81;               #Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s**2
Lm = 1;                 #Length of fixed bed in m
ephsilonm = 0.45;       #Void fraction of fixed bed
xA = 0.21;              #Mole fraction of oxygen in feed
kc = 0.015              #Rate consmath.tant in m/s for reaction which follows shrinking core model
Ds = 8E-6;              #Diffusion coefficient of solid in m**2/s
rhosbar = 4130;         #Average particle density in kg/m**3
mB = 0.09744;           #Molecular weight of ZnS
a = 3./2;               #Stoichiometric coefficient of Oxygen in the reaction equation

#Selection of models to represent reactor
ubr = 0.711*(g*db)**0.5;        #Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)
f = ubr/(umf/ephsilonmf);

#Step 1.
ub = uo-umf+ubr;            #Rise velocity of bubbles from Eqn.(6.8)
delta = (uo-umf)/(ub+2*umf);        #Fraction of the bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.26)
Krguess = 2;                        #Guess value of Kr
x = Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*umf*(1-delta)/uo**2;
CAi = xA*P/(R*(T+273));             #Initial concentration of oxygen

#Step 2.
kbar = (kc**-1+(dp*10**-6/(12*Ds))**-1)**-1;            #Modified rate consmath.tant from Eqn.(11)
tbar = W/Fo;                    #Mean residence time of solids from Eqn.(14.2)
rhob = rhosbar/mB;              #Density of ZnS
def solver_func1(Kr):           #Function defined for solving the system
    XA = 1-math.exp(-x*Kr);     #Conversion from Eqn.(42)
    CAbar = (CAi*XA*uo**2)/(Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*umf*(1-delta));         #Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)
    tou = rhob*dp*10**-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar);          #Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)
    y = tbar/tou;               #Term tbar/tou
    XBbar = 3*y-6*y**2+6*y**3*(1-math.exp(-1./y));          #Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)
    return XBbar-1.2*XA;        #From Table E5, for Fo = 2.5kg/s

Kr = fsolve(solver_func1,Krguess)
XA = 1-math.exp(-x*Kr);         #Conversion from Eqn.(42)
CAbar = (CAi*XA*uo**2)/(Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*umf*(1-delta))      #Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)
tou = rhob*dp*10**-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar);          #Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)
y = tbar/tou;                   #Term tbar/tou
XBbar = 3*y-6*y**2+6*y**3*(1-math.exp(-1./y));  #Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)

print 'Selection of models to represent reactor';
print '\tSince ratio ubr/umf/ephsilonmf) =  %f <1 the reactor is operating in slow bubble regime'%(f);
print '\tSince particle size  = %f micrometer they react according to shrinking-core model'%(dp);
print '\tConversion obtained for %f micrometer particle:%f'%(dp,XBbar);
Selection of models to represent reactor
	Since ratio ubr/umf/ephsilonmf) =  0.995908 <1 the reactor is operating in slow bubble regime
	Since particle size  = 750.000000 micrometer they react according to shrinking-core model
	Conversion obtained for 750.000000 micrometer particle:0.988127
In [ ]: