Chapter 4: Junction Properties

Example 4.1 page No. 146

In [14]:
#find the Majority  and Minority carrier hole concentration

#given data
import math
T=300			    #in Kelvin
ND=5*10**13		     #in cm**-3
NA=0			     #in cm**-3
ni=2.4*10**13		#in cm**-3

no=ND/2.0+math.sqrt((ND/2.0)**2+ni**2)	#in cm**-3
po=ni**2/no		#in cm**-3

print"Majority carrier electron concentration is ",round(no,-11),"cm**-3"
print"Minority carrier hole concentration is ",round(po,-11)," cm**-3"
Majority carrier electron concentration is  5.97e+13 cm**-3
Minority carrier hole concentration is  9.7e+12  cm**-3

Example 4.2 Page No.146

In [16]:
#find the Majority  and Minority carrier hole concentration

#given data
import math
T=300			#in Kelvin
ND=10**16		#in cm**-3
NA=0			 #in cm**-3
ni=1.5*10**10		#in cm**-3

no=ND/2.0+math.sqrt((ND/2.0)**2+ni**2)	#in cm**-3
po=ni**2/no		#in cm**-3

print"Majority carrier electron concentration is ",no,"cm**-3"
print"Minority carrier hole concentration is ",round(po,0)," cm**-3"
Majority carrier electron concentration is  1e+16 cm**-3
Minority carrier hole concentration is  22500.0  cm**-3

Example 4.3 Page No. 147

In [19]:
#find the Majority  and Minority carrier hole concentration

#given data
import math
T=300			#in Kelvin
ND=3*10**15		#in cm**-3
NA=10**16		#in cm**-3
ni=1.6*10**10		#in cm**-3

po=(NA-ND)/2+math.sqrt(((NA-ND)/2.0)**2+ni**2.0)	#in cm**-3
no=ni**2/po		#in cm**-3

print"Majority carrier hole concentration is",round(po,-8)," cm**-3"
print"Minority carrier electron concentration is ",round(no,0)," cm**-3"
Majority carrier hole concentration is 7e+15  cm**-3
Minority carrier electron concentration is  36571.0  cm**-3

Example 4.4 Page No. 147

In [45]:
#Example 4.4
#What is maximum Temprature

import math
ND=3*10**15		#in cm**-3
Eg=1.12             #eV
k=8.62*10**-5        #eV/k

import math
# from the equation po=(NA-ND)/2+math.sqrt(((NA-ND)/2.0)**2+ni**2.0)	#in cm**-3
#From ni**2=Nc*Nv*exp(-Eg/(k*t))

print "The maximum Temprature is ",round(T,1),"K"
The maximum Temprature is  642.0 K

Example 4.5 Page No. 151

In [47]:
#determine the built in potential

#given data
import math
T=300		#in Kelvin
ND=10**15	#in cm**-3
NA=10**18	#in cm**-3
ni=1.5*10**10	#in cm**-3
VT=T/11600.0	#in Volts

Vbi=VT*math.log(NA*ND/ni**2)	#in Volts

print"Built in potential barrier is",round(Vbi,4),"V"
Built in potential barrier is 0.7532 V

Example 4.6 Page No.151

In [4]:
#What is Contact Potential.
import math
#given data
T=300		  #in Kelvin
ND=10**21	  #in m**-3
NA=10**21	  #in m**-3
ni=1.5*10**16  #in m**-3
VT=T/11600.0	#in Volts

import math
Vo=VT*math.log(NA*ND/ni**2)	#in Volts

print"Contact potential is",round(Vo,4),"V"
Contact potential is 0.5745 V

Example 4.7 Page No. 154

In [3]:
#Determine the space charge.

#given data
import math
T=300			#in Kelvin
ND=10**15		#in cm**-3
NA=10**16		#in cm**-3
ni=1.5*10**10		#in cm**-3
VT=T/11600.0		#in Volts
e=1.6*10**-19	   #in Coulamb

epsilon=11.7*8.854*10**-14	      #constant
Vbi=VT*math.log(NA*ND/ni**2)		#in Volts
SCW=math.sqrt((2*epsilon*Vbi/e)*(NA+ND)/(NA*ND))#in cm
SCW=SCW*10**4   #in uMeter
xn=0.864		#in uM
xp=0.086		#in uM
Emax=-e*ND*xn/epsilon	#in V/cm

print"Space charge width is",round(SCW,2),"micro meter"
print"At metallurgical junction, i.e for x=0 the electric field is ",round(Emax/10000,0),"V"#Note : Ans in the book is wrong
Space charge width is 0.95 micro meter
At metallurgical junction, i.e for x=0 the electric field is  -13345.0 V

Example 4.8 Page No.160

In [9]:
#Find the new position of fermi level

#given data
import math
Ecf=0.3               #in Volts
T=27.0+273.0              #in Kelvin
delT=55               #in degree centigrade

#formula : Ecf=Ec-Ef=K*T*math.log(nc/ND)
#let K*math.log(nc/ND)=y
y=Ecf/T               #assumed
Tnew=273+55           #in Kelvin
EcfNEW=y*Tnew         #in Volts

print"New position of fermi level is ",round(EcfNEW,4),"V"
New position of fermi level is  0.328 V

Example 4.9 Page No. 161

In [7]:
#Determine the Contact Potential

#given data
import math
T=300			#in Kelvin
ND=8*10**14		#in cm**-3
NA=8*10**14		#in cm**-3
ni=2*10**13		#in cm**-3
k=8.61*10**-5		#in eV/K

Vo=k*T*math.log(NA*ND/ni**2)	#in Volts

print"Contact potential is ",round(Vo,2),"V"
Contact potential is  0.19 V

Example 4.10 page No.161

In [2]:
#Example 4.10
#(i)Find the hole and electron concentration 
#Is this Silicon P or N type
from math import e
#given data
ND=2*10**16          #in cm**-3
NA=5*10**15          #in cm**-3
Ao=4.83*10**21   	#constant
T=300.0			    #in Kelvin
EG=1.1	 	  	    #in eV
kT=0.026     		#in eV

ni=Ao*T**(1.5)*math.exp(-EG/(2*kT))		#in m**-3
p=(ni/10**6)**2/ND			#in cm**-3
n=((ni/10**6)**2)/NA			#in cm**-3


print"Hole concentration in cm**-3 : %.1e"%round(p,0),"/cm**3"
print"electron concentration in cm**-3 :%.1e"%round(n,0),"/cm**3"
print"\nNOTE:\nSlight Variation in answer due to wrong value of ni in book as 1.6*10**16 instead of",ni
if n < e:
    print"\n\nthe given Si is of P-type" 
    print "\nThe given Si is of N-type"
Hole concentration in cm**-3 : 1.3e+04 /cm**3
electron concentration in cm**-3 :5.3e+04 /cm**3

Slight Variation in answer due to wrong value of ni in book as 1.6*10**16 instead of 1.63166259315e+16

The given Si is of N-type

Example 4.11 Page No. 168

In [6]:
#Determine current

#In given circuit 
V=5		  #in volts
Vo=0.7	   #in Volts
R=100		#in Kohm

I=(V-Vo)/R	#in Ampere

print"Current flowing through the circuit is",round(I*1000,0),"mA"
Current flowing through the circuit is 43.0 mA

Example 4.12 Page No. 168

In [20]:
#Find the Voltage VA

#In given circuit 
V=15			  #in volts
Vo=0.7			#in Volts
R=7	  	 	#in Kohm

I=(V-2*Vo)/R		#in mAmpere
VA=I*R	  		#in Volts

print"Voltagee VA is ",VA,"V"
Voltagee VA is  13.6 V

Example 4.13 Page No.169

In [23]:
#Example 4.13
#Determine the Voltage VA

V=15       #V, voltage
Vb=0.3     #V, Barrier Potential #When supply is switched on


print"The Voltage VA is ",VA,"V"
The Voltage VA is  14.7 V

Example 4.14 Page No.172

In [22]:
#find Temperature coefficient f zener diode

#given data
Vz=5			#in volts
to=25			#in degree centigrade
t=100			#in degree centigrade
Vdrop=4.8		#in Volts

delVz=Vdrop-Vz		#in Volts
delt=t-to		#in degree centigrade

print"Temperature coefficient f zener diode is ",round(TempCoeff,3),"percent"
Temperature coefficient f zener diode is  -0.053 percent

Example 4.15 Page No. 174

In [47]:
#Find (a)output Voltage (b) Voltage across Rs (c) Current

#given data
Vz=8.0			#in volts
VS=12.0			#in volts
RL=10.0			#in Kohm
Rs=5.0			#in Kohm

#part (a)
Vout=Vz			#in volts

#part (b)
Vrs=VS-Vout		#in volts
IL=Vout/RL 		#in mAmpere
Is=(VS-Vout)/Rs	#in mAmpere

#part c
Iz=Is-IL	   	#in mAmpere

print"(a)Output voltage will be equal to Vout=",Vout," Volts"
print"(b)Voltage across Rs is Rs=",Vrs,"V"
print"(c)Current through zener diode is Iz=",round(Iz,1),"mA"
(a)Output voltage will be equal to Vout= 8.0  Volts
(b)Voltage across Rs is Rs= 4.0 V
(c)Current through zener diode is Iz= 0.0 mA

Example 4.16 Page No. 175

In [32]:
#Find the min and max value of zener diode current

#given data
Vz=50.			#in volts
VSmax=120.0		#in volts
VSmin=80.0		#in volts
RL=10.0			#in Kohm
Rs=5.0			#in Kohm

Vout=Vz			#in Volts
IL=Vout/RL		#in mAmpere

ISmax=(VSmax-Vout)/Rs	#in mAmpere
Izmax=ISmax-IL		#in mA
Ismin=(VSmin-Vout)/Rs#in mAmpere
Izmin=Ismin-IL#in mA

print"Maximum zener diode current is ",Izmax,"mA"
print"Minimum zener diode current is ",Izmin,"mA"
Maximum zener diode current is  9.0 mA
Minimum zener diode current is  1.0 mA

Example 4.17 Page No. 175

In [48]:
#Design a regulator

#given data
Vz=15		#in volts
Izk=6.0		#in mA
Vout=15		#in Volts
Vs=20		#in Volts
ILmin=10.0	#in mA
ILmax=20.0	#in mA
RS=(Vs-Vz)*1000/(ILmax+Izk)	#in ohm

print"sereis Resistance is ",round(RS,1),"ohm"
print"The zener current will be minimum i.e. Izk = 6mA when load current is maximum i.e. ILmax = 20mA"
print"when the load current will decrease and become 10 mA, the zener current will increase and become 6+10 i.e. 16 mA. \nThus the current through series resistance Rs will remain unchanged at 6+20 i.e. 26 mA. \nThus voltage drop in series resistance Rs will remain constant. Consequently, the output voltage will also remain constant. "
sereis Resistance is  192.3 ohm
The zener current will be minimum i.e. Izk = 6mA when load current is maximum i.e. ILmax = 20mA
when the load current will decrease and become 10 mA, the zener current will increase and become 6+10 i.e. 16 mA. 
Thus the current through series resistance Rs will remain unchanged at 6+20 i.e. 26 mA. 
Thus voltage drop in series resistance Rs will remain constant. Consequently, the output voltage will also remain constant. 

Example 4.18 Page No. 175

In [52]:
#Determine Vl,Iz,Pz

#given data
Vs=16.0		   #in volts
RL=1.2			#in Kohm
Rs=1.0			#in Kohm

#If zener open circuited
VL=Vs*RL/(Rs+RL)	#in Volts
Iz=0			#in mA
Pz=VL*Iz		#in watts

print"When zener open circuited Voltage across load is ",round(VL,2),"V"
print"Zener current is ",Iz,"mA"
print"Power is",Pz,"watt"
When zener open circuited Voltage across load is  8.73 V
Zener current is  0 mA
Power is 0.0 watt

Example 4.19 Page No. 126

In [64]:
#determine VL,IL,IZ,IR

#given data
Vin=20			#in volts
Rs=220.0			#in Kohm
Vz=10		 	#in volts
RL2=50.0			#in Kohm
RL1=200			#in Kohm

# part (i) RL=50	#in Kohm
IR=Vin/(Rs+RL)	#in mA
IL=IR		 	#in mA
IZ=0			  #in mA

if VL1< Vz:
    print"Zener diode will not conduct and VL=",round(VL1,1),"V" 
    print "Zener diode will conduct"

print"When RL=200 ohm"
print"IL is",round(IL*1000,2),"mA"
print"IR is",round(IR*10**3,2),"mA"
print"Iz in mA: ",round(IZ,0),"mA"

# part (ii) RL=200#in Kohm
RL=200			#in Kohm
IR=Vin/(Rs+RL2)		#in mA
IL=IR			#in mA
IZ=0			#in mA

if VL2< Vz:
    print"Zener diode will not conduct and VL=",round(VL2,1),"V" 
    print "Zener diode will conduct"

print"When RL=50 ohm"
print"IL is",round(IL*1000,2),"mA"
print"IR is",round(IR*10**3,2),"mA"
print"Iz in mA: ",IZ,"mA"
Zener diode will not conduct and VL= 9.5 V
When RL=200 ohm
IL is 47.62 mA
IR is 47.62 mA
Iz in mA:  0.0 mA
Zener diode will not conduct and VL= 3.7 V
When RL=50 ohm
IL is 74.07 mA
IR is 74.07 mA
Iz in mA:  0 mA

Example 4.20 Page No. 176

In [67]:
#Find the voltage drop across the resistance

#given data
RL=10.0			  #in Kohm
Rs=5.0               #in Kohm
Vin=100			  #in Volts

V=Vin*RL/(RL+Rs)	#in Volt
VZ=50			#in Volts
VL=VZ			#in volts
#Apply KVL
VR=100-50		#in Volts
VR=50			#in Volts

if V< VZ:
    print"Zener diode is OFF state" 
    print "zener diode is ON state"

print"Hence the voltage dropp across the 5 Kohm resistor in Volts is ",VR,"V"
zener diode is ON state
Hence the voltage dropp across the 5 Kohm resistor in Volts is  50 V

Example 4.21 Page No. 176

In [72]:
#Exa 4.21
#Find the input resistance

#given data
RL=120.0			#in ohm, load resistance
Izmin=20		#in mA min. diode current
Izmax=200		#in mA max. diode current
VL=12			#in Volts
VDCmin=15		#in Volts
VDCmax=19.5		#in Volts
Vz=12			#in Volts
IL=VL/RL		#in Ampere
IL=IL*1000		#in mAmpere

#For VDCmin = 15 volts
VSmin=VDCmin-Vz		#in Volts
#For VDCmax = 19.5 volts
VSmax=VDCmax-Vz		#in Volts
ISmin=Izmin+IL		#in mA
Ri=VSmin/ISmin		#in Kohm
Ri=Ri*10**3		#in ohm

print"The resistance Ri is ",Ri,"ohm"
The resistance Ri is  25.0 ohm

Example 4.22 Page No. 177

In [71]:
#Determine the range of Rl and Il

#given data
VRL=10			#in Volts  Diode resistance
Vi=50			#in Volts
R=1.0			#in Kohm  Resistance
Vz=10			#in Volts
VL=Vz			#in Volts
Izm=32			#in mA
IR=(Vi-VL)/R		#in mA

Izmin=0			   #in mA
ILmax=IR-Izmin		#in mA
RLmin=VL/ILmax		#in Ohm
Izmax=32		      #in mA
ILmin=IR-Izmax		#in mA
VL=Vz			     #in Volts
RLmax=VL/ILmin		#in Ohm

print"Range of RL in Kohm : From ",RLmin*1000,"ohm to ",RLmax,"kohm"
print"Range of IL in mA : From ",ILmin,"mA to ",ILmax,"mA"
Range of RL in Kohm : From  250.0 ohm to  1.25 kohm
Range of IL in mA : From  8.0 mA to  40.0 mA