Chapter 12 Thermodynamics Thermodynamic chemistry

Example 12.1 , Page no:279

In [1]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
H= -771400 #cal
n= 7 #moles
n1= 7.5 #moles
T= 25 #C
R= 2 #cal mole per degree

E= H-(n-n1)*R*(273+T)

print"difference between the heat of combustion =",round(E),"cal";
difference between the heat of combustion = -771102.0 cal

Example 12.2 , Page no:280

In [2]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
H= -94.052 #kcal
H1= -68.317 #kcal
H2= -780.98 #kcal

H3= 6*H+3*H1-H2

print"Heat of formation =",round(H3,3),"kcal";
Heat of formation = 11.717 kcal

Example 12.3 , Page no:282

In [3]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
H= -94.052 #kcal
H1= -68.32 #kcal
H2= 11.718 #kcal

H3= 6*H+3*H1-H2

print"heat of combustion of benzene =",round(H3),"cal";
heat of combustion of benzene = -781.0 cal

Example 12.4 , Page no:282

In [4]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
H= -66.36 #kcal
H1= 12.5 #k cal
H2= -68.317 #kcal

H3= H-H1-H2

print"heat of reaction=",round(H3,2),"cal";
heat of reaction= -10.54 cal

Example 12.5 , Page no:283

In [5]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
T= 90 #C
T1= 25 #C
Cp= 6.9 #cal per mole per degree
CP1= 7.05 #cal per mole per degree
Cp2= 18 #cal per mole per degree
H= -68.37 #kcal

H1= H+(Cp2-Cp-0.5*CP1)*((T-T1)/1000)

print"heat of formation=",round(H1,2),"cal";
heat of formation= -67.88 cal

Example 12.6 , Page no:284

In [6]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
Cp= 2.7 #cal per mole per degree
CP1= 6.9 #cal per mole per degree
Cp2= 15.4 #cal per mole per degree
H= -20.24 #kcal
T= 200 #C
T1= 25 #C

H1= H+(Cp2-2*Cp-3*CP1)*((T-T1)/1000)

print"heat of formation=",round(H1,2),"cal";
heat of formation= -22.11 cal