Chapter 17 Speed of Reaction Catalysis

Example 17.1 , Page no:366

In [1]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
t= 40 #min
r= 0.274
t1= 50 #min

k= 2.3*math.log10(1/(1-r))/t
R=10**( -k*t1/2.3)
R1= 1-R

print"velocity constant=",round(k,3),"min^-1";
print"fraction decomposed=",round(R1,3);
velocity constant= 0.008 min^-1
fraction decomposed= 0.33

Example 17.3 , Page no:369

In [2]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
t= 10 #min
c= 0.01 #molar
c1= 0.00464 #molar

k= (c-c1)/(c*c1*t)
T= 1/(k*0.01)

print"velocity constant=",round(k,1),"min^-1";
print"half-time period=",round(T,1),"min";
velocity constant= 11.6 min^-1
half-time period= 8.7 min