Chapter 6 Solutions Solutions of Electrolytes

Example 6.1 , Page no:126

In [1]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
T= 25 #C
R= 0.0821 #li-atm per mole per degree
M= 0.5 #m
n= 2
m= 0.680
V= 1 #lit

P= R*(273+T)*M*n*m/V

print"osmotic pressure=",round(P,2),"atm";
osmotic pressure= 16.64 atm

Example 6.2 , Page no:127

In [2]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
M= 0.001 #molar
M1= 0.002 #molar
M2= 0.004 #molar
n= 1 #moles
n1= 2 #moles
v= 0.509

Is= 0.5*(M*n**2+M1*n**2+M1*n1**2+M2*n**2)
r= 10**(-v*n**2*math.sqrt(Is))*M
r1= 10**(-v*n1**2*math.sqrt(Is))*M1

print"ionic strength=",round(Is,3);
print"activity of sodium =",round(r,4),"molar";
print"activity of barium =",round(r1,4),"molar";
ionic strength= 0.007
activity of sodium = 0.0009 molar
activity of barium = 0.0013 molar