import math
#Variable declaration
V=400.0 #[Voltage] volt
P=4.0 #[poles]
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
Pout=10.0 #[Power out] hp
Pout=Pout*735.5 #[Power out] in W
Snl=1.0/100.0 #No load Slip
Sfl=4.0/100.0 #Full load slip
Ns=120.0*f/P #[Synchronous speed] rpm
N1=Ns*(1.0-Snl) #[Speed at no load] rpm
N2=Ns*(1.0-Sfl) #[Speed at full load] rpm
f2=Sfl*f #[Frequency at full load] Hz
omega_n=N2*2*math.pi/60.0 #[Angular velocity] rad/s
T=Pout/omega_n #[Full load torque] N-m
print"(a) Synchronous speed ",Ns,"rpm"
print"(b) Speed at no load : ",N1,"rpm"
print"(c) Speed at full load in rpm : ",N2,"rpm"
print"(d) Frequency of rotor current at full load : ",f2,"Hz"
print"(e) Full load Torque : ",round(T,2),"N-m\n\n"
print"NOTE:Answer of Part (C) full load speed in the book is wrong."
import math
#Variable declaration
P=6.0 #poles
f1=50.0 #[Input frequency] Hz
Pg=80.0 #[Power of induction motor] KW
f2=100.0 #[alternation/min]
f2=f2/60.0 #[Frequency] Hz
Ns=120*f1/P #[Synchronous speed] rpm
Ns=Ns/60.0 #rps
S=f2/f1 #[Slip]
print"Slip is : ",S
N=Ns*(1.0-S) #[Motor speed] rps
print"Motor speed : ",round(N*60.0,2),"rpm"
Pm=Pg*(1-S) #[Mechanical power developed] KW
print"Developed mechanical power : ",round(Pm,3),"kW"
CuLoss=S*Pg #[Rotor copper loss] KW
CuLoss_per_phase=CuLoss/3.0 #KW
print"Rotor Copper Loss per phase : ",round(CuLoss_per_phase*1000,1),"W"
I2=65 #A
r2=CuLoss_per_phase*1000.0/I2**2 #ohm/phase
print"Rotor resistance per phase : ",round(r2,2),"ohm/phase"
T=Pg*1000.0/2.0/math.pi/Ns #N-m
print"Torque developed : ",round(T,2),"N-m"
import math
#Variable declaration
N=288.0 #[Full load speed] rpm
f=50.0 #[Supply frequency] Hz
CuLoss=275.0 #[Copper loss] W
Ns=300.0 #[Synchronous speed] rpm(For S=0.03:0.05)
P=120.0*f/Ns #poles
print"No. of poles : ",P
S=(Ns-N)/Ns #Slip
print"Slip : ",S
S=2.0*S #(as rotor reistance doubled, slip is doubled)
print"Slip for full load if rotor resiatance doubled : ",S
CuLoss=2*CuLoss #KW(rotor resiatance doubled & current constant)
print"New value of rotor copper loss : ",CuLoss,"W"
import math
#Variable declaration
T_directStartBYTfl=1.5 #[ratio]
K=math.sqrt(T_directStartBYTfl) #Ratio of full load torque to starting torque direct starting
LineCurrentBYIfl=1/K**2*4 #V
print"Applied voltage is ",round(VappliedBYVline,3),"* Line voltage."
print"Line current at starting is ",round(LineCurrentBYIfl,2)," * full load current."
import math
#Variable declaration
Ist=300.0 #[Starting current] A
X=50/100.0 #[Percentage tapping] tapping
Imotor=X*Ist #[Motor current] A
Iline=X**2*Ist #A
ratio=X**2 #Ratio of starting Torque 50% tapping to full voltage torque
print"(a) Motor current : ",Imotor,"A"
print"(b) Line current : ",Iline,"A"
print"(c) Ratio of starting Torque 50% tapping to full voltage torque : ",ratio
import math
#Variable declaration
V=400.0 #[Volatge] volt
P=8.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
r1=1.2 #[Resistance] ohm
r2dash=1.2 #[R2] ohm
x1=2.5 #[Resistance parameter 3] ohm
x2dash=2.5 #[Resistance] ohm
N=720.0 #rpm
Ns=120.0*f/P #rpm
S=(Ns-N)/Ns #full load slip
S2=2.0-S #Slip during plugging
V1=V/math.sqrt(3.0) #V
I2dash1=V1/math.sqrt((r1+r2dash/S2)**2.0+(x1+x2dash)**2.0) #A(Initial braking current)
Ifl=V1/math.sqrt((r1+r2dash/S)**2.0+(x1+x2dash)**2.0) #A(Full load current)
RatioCurrent=I2dash1/Ifl #ratio of initial braking current to full load current
Tfl=3.0*Ifl**2*r1/(2.0*math.pi*S*Ns/60.0) #N-m
T2dash=3.0*I2dash1**2.0*r2dash/(2.0*math.pi*S2*Ns/60.0) #N-m(initail braking T)
RatioT=T2dash/Tfl #ratio of initial braking Torque to full load Torque
#Let R be the additional resistance
I2dash=2*Ifl #A
#I2dash=V1/math.sqrt((r1+r2dash/S2+R/S2)**2+(x1+x2dash)**2) #A(Initial braking current)
R=(math.sqrt(V1**2.0/I2dash**2.0-(x1+x2dash)**2.0)-r1-r2dash/S2)*S2 #in ohm
Ractual=R/2.0**2.0 #ohm
T_braking=3*I2dash**2*(r2dash+R)/(2.0*math.pi*S2*Ns/60.0) #N-m(initail braking T)
TbBYTfl=T_braking/T2dash #ratio
print"(a) Initial Braking current : ",round(I2dash1,2),"A"
print" Full load current is:",round(Ifl,2),"A"
print" Ratio is ",round(RatioCurrent,3)
print" Full load troque=",round(Tfl,2),"N-m"
print" Initial Braking torque: ",round(T2dash,2),"N-m"
print" Ratio of braking ",RatioT," times of full load Torque.\n"
print"(b) Actual additional rotor resistance per phase :",round(Ractual,3),"ohm\n"
print"(c) Braking torque in N-m : ",round(T_braking,2),"N-m"
print" Ratio of braking torque to full load torque : ",round(TbBYTfl,2)
import math
#Variable declaration
V=400.0 #[Volatge] volt
P=8.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #Frequency Hz
r1=0.1 #Resistance ohm
r2dash=0.1 #Resistance ohm
x1=0.4 #Resistance ohm
x2dash=0.4 #Resistance ohm
J=10.0 #Inertia of motor Kg-m**2
Ns=2*f/P #rps
omega_ms=2*math.pi*Ns #rad/s
V1=V/math.sqrt(3) #V
Tmax=1.5*V1**2/(2.0*math.pi*Ns)*(1.0/(r1+math.sqrt(r2dash**2+(2*x2dash)**2))) #N-m
tau_m=J*omega_ms/Tmax #sec
ts=tau_m*(1.5*Sm+0.25/Sm) #sec
E=0.5*J*omega_ms**2 #Watt-s
Etot=2*E #Watts-s
tb=tau_m*(0.7/Sm+0.334*Sm) #sec
E=1.4*J*omega_ms**2 #Watt-s
E=2*E/1000 #KW-s(taking cU loss into account)
print"(a) Starting time : ",round(ts,2),"seconds"
print"(b) Energy dissipated during starting : ",round(Etot/1000,2),"kW-s"
print"(c) Pluggingfg time : ",round(tb,2),"secs"
print"(d) Energy dissipated during plugging : ",round(E,2),"kW-s"
import math
#Variable declaration
V=400.0 #[Voltage] volt
P=4.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #Frequency Hz
r1=0.64 #Resistances ohm
r2=0.08 #Resistance ohm
x1=1.1 #Resistance ohm
x2=0.12 #Resistance ohm
T1=40.0 #Load torque N-m
N=1440.0 #Speed rpm
n=2.0*f/P #[Load torque at1300] rps
n=n*60.0 #rpm
N1=1300.0 #[Motor speed] rpm
Tload=T1*(N1/N)**2 #N-m
S=(n-N1)/n #slip
r2dash=r2*2**2 #ohm
x2dash=x2*2**2 #ohm
I2dash=math.sqrt(Tload/3/r2dash*(2*math.pi*S*n/60)) #A
I2=2*I2dash #A
I1=I2dash #A
V1=I1*(r1+r2dash+r2dash*(1-S)/S+(1j)*(x1+x2dash)) #Vplt
StatorVoltage=abs(V1)*math.sqrt(3) #Volt
print"(a) Load torque : ",round(Tload,1),"N-m"
print"Rotor current:",round(I2,2),"A"
print"Stator Applied Voltage : ",round(StatorVoltage,1),"V"
import math
#Variable declaration
V=400.0 #[Voltage] volt
P=4.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #[Frequecy] Hz
r1=0.64 #[Resistance] ohm
r2=0.08 #[Resistance] ohm
x1=1.1 #[Resistance] ohm
x2=0.12 #[Resistance] ohm
T1=40.0 #[Torqu] N-m
N=1440.0 #[Speed] rpm
N1=1300.0 #[Motor speed] rpm
r2dash=r2*2**2 #ohm
x2dash=x2*2**2 #ohm
S=r2dash/math.sqrt(r1**2+(x1+x2dash)**2) #slip
print"(a) Slip for maximum torque at 50 Hz : ",round(S,4)
V1=V/math.sqrt(3) #volt/phase
ns=2*f/P #rps
Tmax=1.5*V1**2/(2*math.pi*ns)*(1/(r1+math.sqrt(r1**2+(x1+x2dash)**2))) #Nm
print"Maximum torque at 50 Hz : ",round(Tmax,1),"N-m"
n=ns*(1-S) #rps
N=n*60 #rpm
print"Speed at 50 Hz : ",round(N,2),"rpm"
f=25 #Hz
x1=x1/2 #ohm
x2dash=x2dash/2 #ohm
S=r2dash/math.sqrt(r1**2+(x1+x2dash)**2) #slip
print"(b) Slip for maximum torque at 25 Hz : ",round(S,4)
V1=V1/2 #volt/phase
ns=2*f/P #rps
Tmax=1.5*V1**2/(2*math.pi*ns)*(1/(r1+math.sqrt(r1**2+(x1+x2dash)**2))) #Nm
print"Maximum torque at 25 Hz: ",round(Tmax,2),"N-m"
n=ns*(1-S) #rps
N=n*60 #rpm
print"Speed at 25 Hz : ",round(N,3),"rpm"
import math
#Variable declaration
V=400.0 #[Voltage[ volt
P=4.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
r1=0.64 #[Resistance] ohm
r2=0.08 #[Resistance] ohm
x1=1.1 #[Resistance] ohm
x2=0.12 #[Resistance] ohm
T1=40.0 #[Troque] N-m
N=1440.0 #[Speed] rpm
N1=1300.0 #[Motor speed] rpm
r2dash=r2*2**2 #ohm
x2dash=x2*2**2 #ohm
S=r2dash/math.sqrt(r1**2+(x1+x2dash)**2) #slip
V1=V/math.sqrt(3) #volt/phase
ns=2*f/P #rps
Tst1=3*V1**2*r2dash/(2*math.pi*ns*((r1+r2dash)**2+(x1+x2dash)**2)) #N-m
f=25 #Hz
x1=x1/2 #ohm
x2dash=x2dash/2 #ohm
V1=V1/2 #volt/phase
ns=2*f/P #rps
Tst2=3*V1**2*r2dash/(2*math.pi*ns*((r1+r2dash)**2+(x1+x2dash)**2)) #N-m
print"Starting torque at 50 Hz : ",round(Tst1,2),"N-m"
print"Starting torque at 25 Hz : ",round(Tst2,2),"N-m"
import math
#Variable declaration
V=400.0 #[Voltage] volt
P=4.0 #[pole ]
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
r2dash=1.0 #[Rotor resistance] ohm/phase
#Neglecting r1,x1,x2
f1=400.0 #[Frequency] Hz
S=4.0/100.0 #[Slip]
t2=1.5 #[Time] ms
t2=t2*10**-3 #sec
t=1.0/f1 #sec
t1=t-t2 #sec
R=2.0 #ohm(additional resistance)
R2dash=(r2dash*t1+(r2dash+R)*t2)/t #ohm
V1=V/math.sqrt(3) #volt
T=3*V1**2*S/R2dash #N-m
print"Torque : ",round(T,1)," synch.watts"
import math
#Variable declaration
V1=400.0 #[Volatge] volt
P=4.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
Sm=10.0/100.0 #[slip]
S1=0.04 #[slip]
N2=900.0 #[Speed] rpm
#r2dash=0.01*x2 #ohm/phase
r2dash=0.01 #[Stator resistance]
r1dash=0.1 #[Stator resistance]
Ns=120.0*f/P #rpm
N1=Ns*(1-S1) #rpm
S2=(Ns-N2)/Ns #slip
V2=math.sqrt(T2ByT1*V1**2*S2/S1/((1+625*r1dash**2)/(1+6.25*r1dash**2))) #volt
print"Stator applied voltage: ",round(V2,2),"V"
import math
#Variable declaration
P=4.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
S=4/100.0 #[slip]
T=1000.0 #[Torque] synch.Watts
f1=25.0 #[New I/P frequency] Hz
Tnew=T*f/f1 #synch.watts
print"Torque : ",Tnew,"synch.Watts"
import math
#Variable declaration
P=4.0 #pole
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
r1=0.04 #[Resitance] ohm
r1dash=0.04 #[Rotor Resistance] ohm
r2dash=0.04 #[Rotor resistance] ohm
x1=0.2 #[Reactance] ohm
x2dash=0.2 #[Reactace] ohm
f1=20.0 #[New Frequency] Hz
k=f1/f #ratio of frequencies
#at 20 Hz :
x11=x1*f1/f #ohm
x22dash=x2dash*f1/f #ohm
print"(a) Ratio of max torque at 20 Hz to max Torque at 50 Hz : ",round(Tmax20BYTmax50,3)
print"(b) Ratio of starting torque at 20 Hz to starting Torque at 50 Hz : ",Tst20BYTst50
print"(c) Ratio of rotor current at 20 Hz to rotor current at 50 Hz : ",round(Ir20ByIr50,3)
print"\nNOTE:Answer of rotor current ratio is wrong in the book."
import math
#Variable declaration
P=4.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #Frequency] Hz
S=0.04 #[slip]
r1=0.04 #[Resistance] ohm
r1dash=0.04 #[Resistance] ohm
r2dash=0.04 #[Resistance] ohm
x1=0.2 #ohm
x2dash=0.2 #ohm
f1=30.0 #[Frequency new ] Hz
import numpy as np
k=f1/f #ratio of frequencies
S1=k*S #slip
#For 50 Hz
#For 30 Hz
p=[0.16445,-0.074,0.00445] #polynomial for S1
S1=S1[1] #as another value is for unstable region
Ns=2*f1/P*60 #rpm
N=Ns-S1*Ns #rpm
print"Motor speed at 30 Hz operation m : ",round(N),"rpm (approx)"
import math
#Variable declaration
P=6.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
S=0.04 #[slip]
Ton=40.0 #[Torque] N-m
Toff=30.0 #[Torque at off chopper] N-m
t_onBYt_off=1.0 #[ratio]
Ns=2*f/P*60 #rpm
N=Ns*(1.0-S) #rpm
Tavg1=(Ton+Toff)/2.0 #N-m
Navg=math.sqrt((N**2)*Tavg1/Ton) #rpm
N1=800.0 #rpm
T=Ton*(N1/N)**2 #N-m
Tavg2=32.0 #N-m
#Tavg=32=(Ton*t_on+T*t_off)/(t_on+t_off) #N-m
tonBYtoff=(T-Tavg2)/(Tavg2-Ton) #
print"Part(a) : "
print"Average torque : ",Tavg1,"N-m"
print"Average speed : ",round(Navg),"rpm"
print"Part(b) : "
print"Ratio ton/toff is : ",round(tonBYtoff,4)
import math
from scipy import integrate
#Variable declaration
Vrms=415.0 #[rms voltage] volt
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
def f(t):
print"Value of Vdc : ",round(Vdc,2),"V"
import math
#Variable declaration
V=400.0 #[Volatge] volt
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
P=4.0 #[poles]
N1=1350.0 #[Rotor speed] rpm
N2=900.0 #[Rotor speed] rpm
Rs=1.5 #[Resisatance] ohm
R=4.0 #[Resistance] ohm
X=4.0 #[Stator resistance] ohm
ns=2*f/P*60.0 #rpm
S=(ns-N1)/ns #slip
T2=T*(N2/N1)**2 #N-m
Snew=(ns-N2)/ns #slip
print"Torque at 900 rpm : ",round(T2,2),"N-m"
print"Voltage at speed of 900 rpm : ",round(V,1),"V"
import math
#Variable declaration
V=415.0 #[Voltage] volt
P=4.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
N=1370.0 #[Speed] rpm
r1=2.0 #[Resistance] ohm
r2dash=3.0 #[Resitance] ohm
x1=3.5 #[Resitance] ohm
x2dash=3.5 #ohm
X0=55.0 #ohm
Ns=120.0*f/P #rpm
S=(Ns-N)/Ns #slip
Nfl=Ns-N #rpm
Z=(r1+1j*x1)+1j*X0*(r2dash/S+1j*x2dash)/(r2dash/S+1j*(X0+x2dash)) #ohm
Istator=V/math.sqrt(3)/abs(Z) #A
I2dash=Istator*(1j*X0/(r2dash/S+1j*(X0+x2dash))) #A
Tfl=3*abs(I2dash)**2*r2dash/2/math.pi/S/(Ns/60) #N-m
#Torque is equal so stator current will be same.
N=1200 #rpm
Ns=N+Nfl #rpm
f_inv=4*Ns/120 #Hz
print"Part(a) : "
print"Slip speed : ",Nfl,"rpm"
print"Stator current: ",round(Istator,2),"A"
print"Motor torque : ",round(Tfl,2),"N-m"
print"Part(b) : "
print"Stator current: ",round(Istator,2),"A"
print"Inverter frequency : ",round(f_inv,2),"Hz"
import math
#Variable declaration
Is=6.0 #[Stator current] A
f=40.0 #[Frequency] Hz
SlipSpeed=100.0 #[Slip speed] rpm
V=415.0 #[Volage] volt
P=4.0 #[pole]
r1=2.0 #[Resistance] ohm
r2dash=3.0#[Resistance] ohm
x1=3.5 #[Resistance] ohm
x2dash=3.5 #[Resistance] ohm
X0=55.0 #[Resistance] ohm
N=1370.0 #[Motor speed] rpm
Ns=120.0*50.0/P #rpm
S=(Ns-N)/Ns #slip
I2dash=Is*X0/abs(r2dash/S+1j*(X0+x2dash)) #A
T=3.0*I2dash**2.0*r2dash/(2.0*math.pi*S*(Ns/60.0)) #N-m
Ns2=120*f/P #rpm
MotorSpeed=Ns2-SlipSpeed #rpm
print"Rotor current :",round(I2dash,3),"A"
print"Full load torque : ",round(T,2),"N-m"
print"Motor speed : ",MotorSpeed,"rpm"
import math
#Variable declaration
Pout=2500.0 #[Power out] hp
V=2300.0 #[Voltage] volt
P=20.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
Xs=1.77 #[ohm/phase]
Pout=Pout*735.5/1000.0 #KW
V=V/math.sqrt(3) #Volt/phase
I=Pout*10**3.0/3.0/V/cos_theta #A
Ixs=I*Xs #V
E=math.sqrt(V**2+Ixs**2) #V
Pout_max=3*V*E/Xs/1000.0 #KW
Tmax=Pout_max*1000.0 #synch. Watts
ns=2*f/P #rps
Tmax=Pout_max*1000.0/2.0/math.pi/ns #N-m
print"Maximum torque : %.3e"%Tmax,"N-m"
import math
#Variable declaration
Pout=2500.0 #[Power out] hp
V1=2300.0 #[Volatge] volt
P=20.0 #[pole]
f=50.0 #[Frequency] Hz
Xs=1.77 #[ohm/phase]
Pout=Pout*735.5/1000.0 #KW
print Pout
V=V1/math.sqrt(3) #Volt/phase
I=Pout*10**3.0/3.0/V/cos_theta #A
Ixs=I*Xs #V
E=math.sqrt(V**2.0+Ixs**2) #V
dell=math.acos(V/E) #degree
Pout=3*V*E/Xs*math.cos(dell) #W
print"Part(a) Power output : %.3e"%Pout,"W"
T=Pout #synch. Watts
N=300 #rpm
ns=N/60.0 #rps
T=T/2.0/math.pi/ns #N-m
print" Torque in N-m :%.2e"%T,"N-m"
f1=25 #Hz
N1=2*f1/P*60 #rpm
print"Part(b) Speed : ",N1,"rpm"
T=T*(N1/N)**2 #N-m
print" Torque : %.3e"%T,"N-m"
Vapplied=V1*f1/f #Volts
print"Part(b) Applied voltage : ",Vapplied,"VoltS"
Pout=T*2*math.pi*N1/60 #W
print"Part(b) Power output:",round(Pout/1000,2),"kW"