Chapter7-Radiation Interactions with Matter


In [1]:
##Chapter 7, Example 7.1, Page 177
import math
## Thickness of shield
Wmu = 0.07066 ## meu of water
Lmu = 0.7721 ## meu of lead
Wx= math.log(10.)*(1./Wmu)
Lx= math.log(10.)*(1./Lmu)
print'%s %.2f %s'%("Thickness of water shield = ",Wx," cm\n")
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" Thickness of lead shield = ",Lx," cm")
##Answers may vary due to round off error
Thickness of water shield =  32.59  cm

 Thickness of lead shield =  2.98  cm


In [2]:
##Chapter 7, Example 7.2, Page 179
import math
## Total interaction coefficient
Femu = 0.05951 ## meu/p of iron 
Pbmu = 0.06803 ## meu/p of lead
w = 0.5
mew= (w*Femu)+(w*Pbmu)
Pmix = 2.*(1./((1./7.784)+(1./11.35)))
mmix = mew*Pmix
print'%s %.2f %s'%("(mew/p)^mix = ",mew," cm^2/g\n")
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" (mew)^mix = ",mmix," cm^-1")
##Answers may vary due to round off error
(mew/p)^mix =  0.06  cm^2/g

 (mew)^mix =  0.59  cm^-1


In [3]:
##Chapter 7, Example 7.3, Page 180
import math
## Absorption coefficient
AbsC = 0.03343*((2*0.99985*0.333)+(2*0.00015*0.000506)+(0.99756*0.000190)+(0.00039*0.239)+(0.000160*0.00205))
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" Absorption coefficient = ",AbsC," cm^-1")
##Answers may vary due to round off error
 Absorption coefficient =  0.02  cm^-1


In [4]:
##Chapter 7, Example 7.4, Page 186
import math
## Flux density
Sp = 1.295*10**13
r = 100.
mew = 0.3222
phimax = 2.*10**3
phi = Sp*10**-2/(4.*math.pi*r**2)
t = -(1./mew)*math.log(phimax/phi)
print'%s %.2e %s'%("phi = ",phi," cm^-2/s^-1\n")
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" t = ",t," cm^-1")
##Answers may vary due to round off error
phi =  1.03e+06  cm^-2/s^-1

 t =  19.38  cm^-1


In [5]:
##Chapter 7, Example 7.5, Page 199
import math
## Activity of the sample
lambd = 7.466*10**-5
m = 2.
Na = 0.6022*10**24
A = 55.
sigma  = 13.3*10**-24
delta = 10**13
t = 120.
Activity= lambd*(m*Na/A)*sigma*delta*t
print'%s %.2e %s'%("Activity = ",Activity," Bq\n")

##Answers may vary due to round off error
Activity =  2.61e+10  Bq


In [6]:
##Chapter 7, Example 7.6, Page 206
import math
## Energy required
Z = 79.
E = 700./Z
print'%s %.2f %s'%("E = ",E," MeV\n")

##Answers may vary due to round off error
E =  8.86  MeV


In [7]:
##Chapter 7, Example 7.7, Page 209
import math
## Range in water

pow = -2.150484
Rp = 10**pow
RT = 3*Rp
print'%s %.2f %s'%("Rp = ",Rp," cm\n")
print'%s %.2f %s'%("RT = ",RT," cm\n")
##Answers may vary due to round off error
Rp =  0.01  cm

RT =  0.02  cm